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Vomit Bowl Sunday

atticus | 01.02.2004 11:34 | Social Struggles | London

The grand illusion in US sports and the hypocrisy that goes with it

Vomit Bowl Sunday

Today millions of yankee flag wavers will flock to their TV sets to immerse themselves - mind, body and soul - in something that has absolutely nothing to do with their lives - as if it were the most important event in the world.

Meanwhile there’s not enough money for schools, 45 million people have no health care, drastic cuts in social services, millions of workers are without jobs, millions without homes. Millions are in prison (the US has long maintained the highest incarceration rate in the world). Our Constitution is being systematically turned into a rag with so-called anti-terrorist legislation like the Patriot Act and Patriot Act II. Big Brother is everywhere, in our homes, our workplaces, our toilets, etc.

Laws to protect the environment are being repealed and/or ignored. Corporate polluters are being pardoned by the hundreds.

A war goes on - one that was initiated under the false pretense of WMDs. Now the president and his gang are backtracking, saying it doesn’t matter if Iraq has no WMDs. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people in that country have died over the past 13 years because of US military actions and US-imposed sanctions. And many more must die so a president can reelect himself and treat his friends to some of the booty.

But a football game is more important than this because after all, this is America and God Bless America, which is the equivalent of saying “To hell with the rest of the world”. So relax all you yankee flag wavers out there and enjoy your game, the so-called Super Bowl.

As you reach for the Super Bowl to save you from reality the rest of the world will reach for a vomit bowl. The world is sick of you.



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01.02.2004 17:33

Who needs Crack Cocaine to control the minds of 'The Masses' when you already have the heady and highly addictive combination of Television, Sport and Advertising, which you can beam directly into their living rooms (and therefore their Brains) as a visual wallpaper to their Alien-Nation..?

It's a much cheaper hit for the user of this narcotic too, with no risk of being imprisoned, as it's all above board and officially sanctioned.

As Hihoprisy said:
"Television, the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation"

God Bless AmeriKKKa!!

Cloned Broadcast Service

Touch dowwnnnnnn!!!!

02.02.2004 13:32


I wondered what all that silly, jingoistic racket was on Radio 5 as I was trying to get to sleep.

And there was me assuming there'd be some British Broadcasting when I set the alarm.

Whatever happened to pirate radio? I would happily ignore the Beeb for an independent news channel to lull me to kip.

Wee Willy