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Show some Respect!!!!

sarah | 31.01.2004 17:47

What happened today??

Given that today was supposed to be an international day of action for asylum seekers does anyone know why the demo in Albert Square basically did n0t take place because almost no-one turned up? I have heard that Manchester against Racism pulled out of supporting the event and also that Refugee action also refused to support it. Given that Manchester against Racism/Respect is the new SWP bandwagon, has a decision been taken to pour energy into this and to pull out elsewhere? Is the 'no borders' slogan becoming a bit fudgy now Respect contains many old and new labourites?



Display the following 18 comments

  1. Steer clear .. — 2WardsThaAnarchistSociety
  2. hummm... — heather
  3. What about the Socialist Alliance — avoter
  4. poor turnout at Campsfield + Oxford also — me
  5. Who is behind Respect — sarah
  6. Reply please — sil
  8. Comment #2 — LEILA MANTOURA
  9. hhhmmmm — noncomposmentis2003
  10. George Galloway's wrong turn — R1chard
  11. Why did no-one turn up in Manchester? — A Manc
  12. new tactics? — translator
  13. SWP turn off — sqoo
  14. Respect Coalition and Unite Against Fascism are different things — kurious
  15. oh stop complaining — chris W
  16. in defense of the 'anarchists' — zxc
  17. On Respect — bolshevik
  18. Respect — Mr Andy C