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BNP turn out at pro asylum, anti-daily mail demo

reporter | 31.01.2004 14:36 | Anti-racism | Migration | London

A BNP counter demo shocked locals on Kensington High Stree, just round the corner from a pro refugee demo outside the Daily Mails offices.

Locals took exception to the BNP's presence on Kensington High Street. With shouts of "It's My Country - I don't won't Nazis here" and the more straightforward "Fuck Off", the BNP were disabused of the fact that they had any support there.

The Daily Mail has a long and undistinguished history of propogating xenophobia and hatred of foreigners, stretching back to it's support of Hitler during the the 1930's.
If anyone is any doubt of the papers link to current racism, then you only need of read one of the Nazis banners:"Vote BNP, Read the Daily Mail".

Unfortunatley, the people at the Daily Mail demo, weren't 'hand on' anti-fascists, so the nazis continued their demo until 19.00, relatively unmolested. There may have only 15-20 of them, but the fact is that they were able to hold a demo in central London.



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Old Tricks

31.01.2004 15:45

Sounds like the BNP are up to their usual counter tactics.



31.01.2004 16:40

is the Daily Mail more or less racist than the Daily Express?


truth is better

31.01.2004 23:32

This sounds like more misinformation from UAF, formerly ANL. In fact, the BNP was not at this rally. Evidence please... pics would be nice.


were you there, 'editor'?

01.02.2004 11:46

I guess you obviously wern't, otherwise you would have seen them. It's great when people who weren't at an event seem to know better than you. Maybe if you got off your arse it would help.


truth is still better

01.02.2004 16:22

It was NF not BNP at this rally. Information please, not misinformation. Next time, don't forget the camera.


check the BNP website

02.02.2004 10:25

BNP website has a report of their counter-demo at Daily Mail.

"The British National Party’s Instant Response Group sprang into action on Friday (30th January) after hearing that a madcap organisation supporting the rights of bogus asylum-seekers were going to hold a demonstration against the "Daily Mail", outside of their head office in Kensington, Central London, They are accusing the Mail of portraying refugees in a "very negative light". Their demo tied in with the European-wide day of action supporting refugees (Sat 31st January)."


michael c

BNP or NF?

02.02.2004 11:56

Was it the BNP or the NF?
Who gives a monkey's?

Both are organisations that cater for socially handicapped louts with a taste for bullying and victimising others. This is a manifestation of a deep-rooted racist, semi-literate attitude in part of the population, coupled with apathy and self-interestedness in another part.

That's like asking which is more racist, the Daily Mail or the Express.
The NF and the BNP are the same rubbish.
Diarrhoea or constipation?

Furat Al-Samaraie
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Daily Mail is not racist.

02.02.2004 13:21

The daily mail has many many faults and is a cr*p paper with right wing views but i would not consider it racist. Anti asylum is not racist. They clearly object to asylum seekers coming to this country but do not object to the colour of their skin.



02.02.2004 15:14

I've since heard from someone there that it was some NF AND BNP ragbag. Sorry reporter. My apologies.


Daily Mail not racist?

03.02.2004 10:15

Isn't it?

Here's my opinion of the Daily Wail and the Depress, I know it sounds familiar but niether deserve anything better:

Both are sorry excuses for a newspaper- that would have been better of and more beneficial if they had been turned into toilet paper- that cater for socially handicapped louts with a taste for bullying and victimising others. This is a manifestation of a deep-rooted racist, semi-literate attitude in part of the population, coupled with apathy and self-interestedness in another part.

Anyone who reads them is a semi-literate coward who is too self-lobotomised to think an argument through for themselves.

If you're retarded enough to defend the Daily Mail, what are you doing here?

Furat Al-Samaraie
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anti asylum is racist

03.02.2004 17:35

of course the daily mail is a racist paper, it attacks asylum seekers which breeds racism.ever time the is a scare story about asylum seekers racist attacks increase. when the media say asylum seekers/immigrants are a problem they dont mean white s.africans, austrialians, americans ect they mean people with black or dark faces.

the daily mail tells lies about asylum seekers just as TB tells lies about WMD. some people believe them some people can see through them.

asylum seekers do not cause unemployment, shitty houses, health care its capitalism thats to blame. over the century immigrants have enriched this country not plundered it like the daily mail likes to suggest. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE asylum seekers welcome here ALL anti-immigrant policy is racist whether u like it or not.


red letter

how many anti-fascist are there in london?

05.02.2004 02:36

hello.........are there any anti-fascists in london? surely there must be phone trees ready in case the facsists show themselves there. how many people live in london? i can't beleive they managed to show up , stand there and leave. no pasaran.

i'm lost for words.......



06.02.2004 14:09

It's nice to see that people are taking asylum seriously as an issue. I'm just deeply distressed that the BNP feels the need to rear it's head and talk about the honesty of the reporting, my arse. In Leicester, all the voluntary orgnaisations are having their funding cut by the council, so both the refugee and normal community is going to suffer hurrendously. Very sadly, the BNP is picking up on this too. It stinks.
Keep up the good work.

Robin Warnock
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Is the Daily Mail racist??!

06.02.2004 14:43


Lets see what they had to say about Jewish Holocaust refugees;

“The way stateless Jews from Germany are pouring in from every port of this country is becoming an outrage and the number of aliens entering the country through back door is­ a problem to which the Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed” Daily Mail,20 August 1938.

Or back even futher-

“They fought, they jostled to the foremost places at the gangways.. When the Relief Committee passed by they hid their gold and fawned and whined in broken English asked for money for their train fare.” Daily Mail, February 3rd 1900, writing about Jewish immigrants.

Some things never change.

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