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Electronic Civil Disobedience Against HLS

ECD Close HLS NOW! | 29.01.2004 18:31 | Animal Liberation | Ecology

Hey, in case you folks over in England don't know, visit the SHAC US website every first monday of every month, for an Electronic Civil Disobedience Against an HLS Customer! Flood their e-mail boxes, from an anoymous computer of course....

Join the ECD every first monday of the month!
Join the ECD every first monday of the month!

It’s that time of the month again!

Is your computer cramped up? Are you experiencing a heavy flow of email?

Then chances are you have just been hit by the ‘Huntingdon Sucks’ ECD (Electronic Civil Disobedience)! Every month, like biological clockwork, a customer of HLS can expect that gut wrenching pain that comes from doing business with such a bloody lab.

The ECD has been amazing tool in the international campaign to shut down HLS. Several websites have been shut down, and countless email inboxes have been filled with literally thousands of emails. In today’s technological age computer systems are the real front doors to companies. So instead of chaining ourselves together in the physical doorways of businesses we can achieve the same effect from the comfort our armchairs.

These are important actions and can only work if lots of people make the commitment to participate. The effect we can all have if we collectively pool together is amazing and we have demonstrated this before. So go on, show your compassion with every click of the mouse. Smashing HLS has never been so easy. Period!

Who's the target?

Well, we don't know. But we're sure its going to be good. The anonymous people who bring the ECD keep it a secret (and for good reason) until the last minute. This way the target will be unprepared, and we can be sucessful. In the past the ECD has targeted customers, shareholders, and even Huntingdon. Along with the rest of the campaign - if you're associated with Huntingdon, you're a target!

How do I join in?

Every first Monday of the month, you can check in here to find the online location of the ECD. SHAC USA does not manage, direct, control, or is given any foreknowledge of what the action will be, but simply reposts the information sent to us.

Be safe - keep changing it around!

As stated before, SHAC USA does not know who is responsible for setting up the ECD and reminds people that participating in an ECD can sometimes be deemed illegal (hence the terms civil disobedience) and there can be repercussions.

Just because HLS's monthly enemy is on the doorstep, doesn't mean you have lock yourself inside! Head out to your local internet cafe, pick up a soy hot chocolate and enjoy yourself. Go down to the local library, or other places with free (and anonymous) computer stations.

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do you believe in freedom of speech?

29.01.2004 21:29

I trust no-one will be duped by this moron - if you believe in freedom of speech you will have nothing to do with this - let them say stupid things then we can quote their stupidity basck at them - but not if their website is unobtainable

freedom of speech means freedom for views you find despicable.... i'm afraid

Biddy Baxter


29.01.2004 22:02

The post is regarding the ECD. This has nothing to do with Freedom of speech. It has to do with emailing companies that are doing attrocious things to animals through HLS in the name of profits.

Just have a look at for some information. They don't go after companies for no reason you know!?

That is unless you were commenting on a comment that has been removed.

mail e-mail:


30.01.2004 00:56

Let's hammer those puppy killing bastards!!


Freedom of speach or freedom of action.

14.05.2007 14:28

I am the first to support freedom of speach. - Something that has been eroded during the Blair-Bush alliance. I try to live in a non judgmental and open minded manner, respecting the fact that we all have different opinions and value structures. Im sorry if I offend but I do not see this as being relevant when someone or something is being frightened and abused at the time at which it is happening...... and it is happening NOW at this very moment. You have a choice. We have a choice. To do something or to do nothing. To do nothing is a choice in itsself, not just "not chosing". People can have any opinion they chose, they do not have the right to put them into action when it means torture, abuse, deprivation and suffering.

Susan Lock