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Lords of Misrule

Nick Griffin | 28.01.2004 06:37

Growing despair by the lords of misrule.

January 24th 2004

The lords of misrule are worried. The political elite that is overseeing the destruction of Britain and is responsible for the replacement of the British people by waves of newcomers to create the "perfect multi-cultural" society are worried that the wheels of their vehicle are going to come off. They are worried that not only might their plans to create a multi-culti paradise come to nothing, they are worried about their jobs and their vast expense accounts.

So much are they worried by the rising voice of common sense and concern amongst the hardworking taxpayers who will vote for the BNP in June's elections that this elite is prepared to do anything to stop the BNP getting elected. They fear that electoral successes in June's council and Euro elections will be a pivotal moment in the history of the country and will lead to a very British revolution. A revolution where every parent, pensioner and taxpayer will be able to throw off the yoke of politically correct Marxism and stand up to the never ending burden of tax which is used to support the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants and the vast army of meddling bureaucrats in our own Government departments and in Europe.

High stakes

The stakes are high and members of the political elite knows that their positions are soon to be challenged and they don't like it, one little bit.

One of the many front groups that has been created to see off the threat of the BNP is the strangely named "Campaign Against Fascism". Members of The Old Gang parties together with many trade union bosses have signed up to the statement of the CAF. The statement is absurb, full of lies and distortions. For example it says

"'The BNP is now trying to present itself as a ‘respectable’ political party. In fact they are a fascist party. Currently they seek to attract votes on the basis of racism, Islamophobia, anti-semitism and the vilification of refugees and asylum seekers. But fascists also stand for the expulsion of Black and Asian people from this country, the destruction of the trade unions and the elimination of basic democratic rights."

Real fascism does exist

This campaign group is less about challenging "fascism" and more about the worthies of the media and Westminster making themselves feel good. Fascism certainly exists in Britain but it exists not in the branch meetings of the BNP but in almost every council chamber, the Houses of Parliament and in politically correct institutions such as the BBC. It exists in the trade unions themselves who deny positions within Branch and region to members who are not members of the Labour Party. It exists in publicly funded bodies such as the Commission for Racial Equality who would deny a fair trial to anyone accused of "racism".
There is always cause for concern when a campaign group uses the word "against" in its name. It suggests a very negative attitude and a last act of desparation to keep down any challenge.

BNP replies to CAF's statement

FACT: The BNP stands for employee rights and believes trade unions are a necessary feature of economic activity especially when so much of today's economy is controlled by vast corporate multi-nationals whose only concern is the bottom line and not the welfare of its employees. We believe that the current crop of trade inion bosses have betrayed their members. Instead of tilting at the windmills of the BNP these "heroes of the workers" should be campaigning against globalisation and the loss of British jobs to sweatshops and call centres in Asia.

FACT: The BNP has no policy of forced repatriation of legal migrants and settlers because of colour, race or religion. We want an end to the madness of uncontrolled immigration onto our shores and when elected we will deport the hoardes of illegal migrants, bogus aslyum seekers and bogus refugees.

FACT: The BNP believes that the right of free speech is an ancient and inalienable right of all Britons. It is this band of miscreants who are misruling us who have attempted to stifle debate on important issues of the day, who are working hard to criminalise more of the British people by the imposition of politically correct regulations and directives into every aspect of our daily lives. It is the Thought Police of Blair's regime that wish to shut down any opposition or challenge to the regime's plan to turn Great Britain into a multi-cultural mess.

A list of those MPs, trade unions and others who have signed up to this very anti-democratic campaign can be found here. NB: Bottom of this article....

Is your MP listed there? If so don't hesitate, let him or her know your views and suggest he/she works for ALL his constituents and not just the Labour voting minorities.

Are you a member of a trade union? Is your General Secretary listed? If so let the good "brother" know that he should be fighting for British jobs, not wasting time chasing shadows of fascism where none exist.

The list of signatories to the Campaign against Fascism

MPs Trade Union Bosses
Diane Abbott MP Adrian Askew
Janet Anderson MP Sir Bill Connor
Adrian Bailey MP Bob Crow
RMT Gen Sec
Vera Baird MP Kevin Curran
GMB Gen Sec
Roger Berry MP Jeremy Dear
NUJ Gen Sec
Clive Betts MP Rosie Eagleson
AMO Gen Sec
Peter Bottomley MP Andy Gilchrist
FBU Gen Sec
Peter Bradley MP Janice Godrich
PCS President
David Cameron MP Billy Hayes
CWU Gen Sec
Alistair Carmichael MP Sally Hunt
AUT Gen Sec
Martin Caton MP Steve Kemp
NUM Gen sec
Colin Challen MP Roger Lyons
TUC President and
AMICUS Joint Gen Sec
Helen Clark MP Paul Mackney
Harry Cohen MP Judy McKnight
NAPO Gen Sec
John Cryer MP Doug Nichols
CYWU Gen Sec

Terry Davis MP Peter Pendle
ACM Gen Sec
Janet Dean MP Dave Prentis
Brian Donohue MP Mark Serwotka
PCS Gen Sec
Louise Ellman MP Ed Sweeney
Bill Etherington MP Gordon Taylor
Chief Exec PFA
Barbara Follett MP Tony Woodley
TGWU Gen Sec
Barry Gardiner MP
Edward Garnier MP MEPS
Neil Gerrard MP Chris Davies MEP
Ian Gibson MP Glyn Ford MEP
Jane Griffiths MP Chris Heaton-Harris MEP
Peter Hain MP Stephen Hughes MEP
Mike Hancock MP Glenys Kinnock MEP
David Hanson MP Linda McAvan MEP
Doug Henderson MP Claude Moraes MEP
Kelvin Hopkins MP
Gary Titley MEP
Brian Iddon MP Phillip Whitehead MEP
Eric Illsley MP

Martin Jones MP Others
Alice Mahon MP Mohammed Azam
Coalition Against Racism – Unite to Stop the BNP
Rob Marris MP Tony Benn
Alan Meale MP Luciana Burger
Laura Moffatt MP Henry Guterman "Holocaust Survivor"
Julie Morgan MP John Haylett
Editor, Morning Star
Diana Organ MP Afzal Khan
North West rep Muslim Council of Britain
Colin Pickthall MP Ken Livingstone
Adam Price MP Leroy Logan
Metrpolitan Black Police Association Chair
Ken Purchase MP David Seymour
Political Editor, Daily Mirror
Ernie Ross MP Dr. Siddiqui
Muslim Parliament
Jim Sheridan MP Kashmir Singh
General Sec British Sikh Federation
Angela Smith MP
Rev W Martin Smyth MP
Anthony Steen MP
Sir Teddy Taylor MP

John Trickett MP
Paul Tyler MP
Keith Vaz MP
Rudi Vis MP

Derek Watts MP
Betty Williams MP
Tony Worthington MP
David Wright MP

Nick Griffin