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Lula in India

RealworldRadio | 27.01.2004 19:08 | Globalisation | Liverpool | London

Lula in India: “we can change the world commercial geography”

At the same time that in Havana is been carrying out the 3rd Hemispheric Encounter against the FTAA, Brazilian president is in India with the purpose of establishing new politics and commercial pacts, to define a new world scenario in forums such as the WTO.

Brazilian president, Luis Inàcio “Lula” Da Silva is in New Delhi on a visit with the purpose of strength the countries action in the present conjuncture of the international relationships in politics and economy.

Lula took part in the sign of six agreements, among them one about the relationships between India and MERCOSUR (Common Market of the South, block integrated by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay).

Lula remembered that the creation of the G-·3 (Brazil, India and South-Africa) called attention because it wanted to design new paradigms of development.

At the same time, Lula said that the group of developing countries (the so-called G-20) would have to establish a new system of commercial preferences in June of this year. The date is the same of the UNCTAD meeting, the UN section for Commerce and Development that will have place in San Pablo, Brazil.

Referring to these encounters, Lula said, “this will probably be the first sep for the creation of a free trade area between the countries of the group, an area open to other developing countries”.

This is considered of high importance for the Brazilian government, because it is a way to solve problems such as the agriculture subsidies of the rich countries. For these countries negotiators this has been the origin of many “headaches”.

The opening of the commerce between India and Brazil and an alliance between both facing the WTO negotiations will be in the schedule of the agreement.

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