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"Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty republicans!"

Larry S. Rolirad | 25.01.2004 21:49 | Anti-militarism

I find the similarities between the pro-war republicans, who never seem to
see a war they didn't like, to the gorillas in the movie "Planet of the Apes".
Perhaps because the movie was made during the Vietnam war is the reason for
the striking similiarities. Then as in now, republicans were the pro-war party,
while the democrats were anti-war.

I find the gorillas in the original movie "Planet of the Apes" and the behavior of today's republicans stunningly similiar, and even frightening.

After a long journey, astronaut Taylor landed back on Earth after four thousand years of space travel, but instead of going forward in time, he went backward. Taylor and his two fellow space travelers crash landed on an unknown planet. Soon after, Taylor was hunted down with his fellow crewmembers Dodge and Gunner by gorillas and captured. Taylor was the lucky one. His friends were butchered by the gorillas. Their brains were cut out of them and left like human vegetables. The gorillas did this out of lust for death and irrational fear. And irrational fear leads the less-than-bright members of any society into acting in devious and dangerous ways.

In the movie there were three classes of apes, the chimpanzees, who were the liberals of their day; the gorillas who were conservative; and the Orangutans. The 'liberal' chimpanzees filled important positions such as researchers, doctors, and archaeologists but just as Rush Limbaugh, and his fans from the republican party do, they constantly berated and condemned anyone from academia. The Orangutans made up the governing body led by Doctor Zaius. The gorillas were on the lowest tier in their civilization. They were led by a ruthless and bloodthirsty General Ursus. The gorillas were the enforcers of the ape-law. They possessed a built-in aggressiveness and had a disdain for the ‘lower’, or fragile, creatures of their world.

Chimpanzees Zira and Cornelius were among the intellectual elite in their Simian society. Because of their compassion and their desire to look for peaceful resolutions to problems they were considered 'liberals'. Zira and Cornelius saw things globally and understood the ramifications of irrational acts. They used their minds to ponder the implications of war and enslavement of others. They were sympathetic to others. As chimpanzees, they always choose peace over war. Along with other chimpanzees, they demonstrated against the warmongering, bloodthirsty gorillas. Chimpanzees always thought that war should be used only as a last resort, and only to defend themselves from a foreign aggressor. Compare that to republicans who still believe that Saddam Hussein had the capability to strike the United States with weapons of mass destruction because Bush lied to them.

But the Gorillas, led by the Orangutans Zaius and ruthless gorilla General Ursus and his mindless followers, were hell-bent on going to war and oppressing others. The gorillas constantly chanted for war. They were easily whipped into a frenzy by their leaders who used buzz words to incite them into irrational actions. The gorillas were always for war. They were also for enslaving humans and treating them like animals. They took great delight in torturing and humiliating humans. The gorillas loved hunting humans for sport. They shot them, caged them, and treated them like animals. GW Bush's can be compared to an illiterate Doctor Zaius and Donald Rumsfeld can be compared to General Ursus. Gorillas, or republicans, merely react to stimuli. They are not capable of seeing the big picture or the future consequences of their actions. They are only capable of reacting to short term events.

Doctor Zaius used his power to keep the gorillas ignorant. He convinced the Gorillas into believing that humans were a threat and must be stopped. Doctor Zaius and General Ursus wanted nothing to do with enlightenment, research, or a quest for the truth or knowledge. When presented with the truth they used any means to hide it. Compare them with the Bush regime which is the most secretive one in our country's history. And Bush and all of his cabinet have used lie after lie designed to instill fear into the masses so that they would be stirred into clamoring for war.

When Zera and Cornelius found a discovery of prior human life in a cave by the ocean, well beyond the 'Forbidden Zone', they found that humans were once a very intelligent life on earth. But Doctor Zaius and the apes did everything they could to destroy the evidence.

Of course, all of the above is from the original movie, "Planet of the Apes". I find the comparisons between gorillas in the movie and republicans of today stunningly, and terrifyingly similar. There are so many parallels between the gorillas and the republicans that it is startling. Like the gorillas, republicans always embrace war to resolve any conflicts. Both the gorillas and republicans are aggressive. And like gorillas, republicans are easily manipulated by fear and words of war.

The gorillas in "Planet of the Apes" also didn't believe in evolution, just as Christian republicans do not believe in evolution. And both groups did everything in their power to try to discredit evolution.

And both labeled those who they wanted to oppress with words designed to make them seem less than human. This is a common tool used by our world's totalitarian leaders. It is easy to manipulate the masses into killing others if you first find a way to dehumanize them. Adolph Hitler did it, Pol Pot did it, Benito Mussolini did it, Joseph Stalin did it, Andrew Jackson did it, Saddam Hussein did it, and George W. Bush has done it. One common thread that runs through all of these despots is a self-binding arrogance, fanaticism, and prejudice. One way to judge Bush's effectiveness in this regard is it observe how many republicans chant traditional republican phrases "Nuke them back to the stone age" or "Turn their desert into glass!". Republicans apparently lack any empathy at all for the tens of millions of innocent people and the carnage those people would face with attacks from our modern military.

BTW: Unlike Bush's Iraq war, no human was harmed during the production of the movie, "Planet of the Apes". If you need additional proof that the republicans are led by a person with simian tendencies check out the following website: You will see that Bush's appearance is strikingly similar to that of a monkey. If you have problems determining which is which just remember, the intelligent-looking one is the monkey.

Lastly, while our troops are dying in daily battles in Iraq I am sure that their simian leader Bush has bananas in both hands as he hops up and down in an ape-like frenzy blurting out mindless, junglish jingles like "Bring em on!".

Larry S. Rolirad
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Talk about distortions

26.01.2004 06:51

"Then as in now, republicans were the pro-war party,
while the democrats were anti-war."

HUH ?????????? What are you talking about ? The Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which is recognised as the formal starting point of the Vietnam War, was fabricated under the Democrat Administration of LBJ.

Check out your history Bud !


A one-party system disguised as two parties

26.01.2004 12:01

Yes, the item overstates the difference between Republicans and Democrats in the USA, assuming the Democrats really are a left-wing, anti-war party.
A British comedian once said that America had a two-party system just like Britain does. "In America, they have the Republican Party which is like our Conservative Party, and they have the Democratic Party, which is also just like our Conservative Party."
As for cinema, the film "The Opposite of Sex" has a gay character who in response to a blackmail attempt, says, "I have survived (homophobic pressure from) every Republican and every other Democrat."

A Historian

How can you possibly say the Democrats are anti-war??

29.01.2004 09:27

This is a genuine question, I would like to know what possible evidence the author of this piece can suggest for the democrats being anti-war. Is it just because the author is a Democrat and assumes that all other Democrats agree with him?

Didn't Clinton bomb Afghanistan?
Didn't Clinton launch a 70 day terror bombing campaign against Serbia? (using the usual lies about humanitarian motives)
Didn't Clinton bomb a phamraceutical factory in the Sudan, that the German ambasador to that country said was directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths due to disruption of drug supplies?
Didn't most democrats in Congress support the war on Iraq?

If we refer back to the sixties like the author does, then weren't the Democrats the party in power in those Southern states enforcing racial segregation?
Didn't Kennedy bring the world to the brink of Nuclear war over Cuba?
Didn't the major escalation of Vietnam happen under LBJ?

It is a tragedy that so many otherwise sensible people in the States continue to have illusions in the Democrats, who are just as thoroughly in favour of capitalism and imperialism as the Republicans.

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An anti-war Democrat

29.01.2004 09:35

There is only one anti-war Democrat running for President in the USA this year, and that's Dennis Kucinich. He hasn't got a prayer.

The current front-runner is John Kerry, and damned if I can work out which of his policies would make him out of place in the Republican party.

Here's what Kerry said about the war before the US went in:


The Democratic Party WAS anti-war in the 60s and Today

05.02.2004 02:47

A couple of people have responded to my original article with erroneous information. The democrats in the 1960s were against the Vietnam war. Yes, President Johnson was in on a contrived 'Bay of Pigs' invasion. And President Johnson escalated the war. But he didn't represent the majority of democrats on the war.

Does anyone remember the 1968 and 1972 elections? Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, and Bobby Kennedy were all anti-war. Even Hubert Humphrey eventually sided with the anti-war movement. Bobby Kennedy would have received the democratic nomination in 1968 because of his anti-war position. But Bobby was murdered opening the door for Nixon to win. Nixon would never have beaten Bobby Kennedy in the general election. That is sad because we would have saved almost thirty thousand American troops. That is the number of troops who died under a Nixon presidency.

Nixon was very pro-war. So were most of the republicans at the time. Remember the great 'silent majority' that republican leaders constantly referred to? They were all pro-war and against any demonstrations against the war. President Nixon even compiled an enemy's list of any celebrity who was against the war. He labeled them as subversives and a danger to the country. Nixon used all of our governmental institutions to target almost a thousand United States citizens. He even used the IRS to harass certain people that the paranoid Nixon thought were "subversives." On the Nixon enemies list were such notorious "terrorists" as Paul Newman, John Lennon, Bill Cosby, Joe Namath, Gregory Peck, and Edward Kennedy.

There were no 'distortions' in my article and I certainly know my history. There are no doubts that the majority of republicans have never seen war they didn't like. They are the only party who's members say things like 'Nuke them (Iraqis) back to the stone age" or other sociopathic, un-thinking statements. I have never heard such a stone aged remark from any democrat.

One thing that is perplexing however is the fact that so many of the people in the Bush cabinet have always been pro-war hawks who never served their country in the military, and especially in battle. That includes notorious chickenhawks such as GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Ascroft, and everyone else in the executive branch of the US government, They all cowardly avoided service in the military while other, less connected and less wealthy, went to Vietnam to die. Colin Powell is the only person in a high position in Bush's cabinet who ever served in the military. But Powell has been relegated to a yes-man who just espouses the Bush party line. That is proven with Powell's lying performance to the UN, where he lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capability.

Republicans are not only pro-war, but they are also the biggest hypocrites. They like to be pro-war as long as other people serve and die.

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Democrats, Legacy of Crimes Against Humanity

22.08.2005 07:40

it was the democrats who fired at fort sumter to ignite the civil war, it was the democrat wilson who sent our men to die in world war one, it was democrat roosevelt who provoked and had advance knowledge of pearl harbor before he sent our men to die in world war two (and he also had our nation engage in genocidal bombing of population centers, and he sent american citizens to concentration camps), it was democrat truman who cruelly murdered tens of thousands of people with nuclear bombs and then sent our men to die in korea, it was johnson who sent our men to die in vietnam, and clinton needlessly murdered 2000 serbs. the democrats were the slavers, the segregationists, the lynchers, the genocidal bombers, the nukers, and the ones who put their fellow citizens into 'internment camps'. if anyone has a nazi-like legacy, it is the democrats.

but i would agree, nowadays the democrats couldnt care less for a million blacks slaughtered in rwanda or hundreds of thousands of muslims murdered by saddam, not to mention the hundred million people that died under their fellow-traveller communists such as stalin, mao, uncle ho and pol pot.

the conclusions of the article dont square at all with the entire history of the democratic party, a long legacy of crimes against humanity which were not much better than the fascists and communists which they fought at one time. lets face it, all they really care about now is punishing the achievers, then living high ont the hog and tossing their supporters a bone now and then. republicans are far from perfect, but they are by far the lesser of two evils, and the evil legacy of the democrats is known to anyone with even a modest knowledge of history, and enough honesty to admit it.
