Ake Tyvi | 24.01.2004 03:54 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Oxford
January 24th 2004
FIN - What does 'a legal state' bring into your mind? For several years now Finland have been marketed as a socialist and legal/juridical state.
To make sure people would not get incorrect picture of Finland or its ways to take care of juridical issues, I give you some examples of our government procedures: few years ago I moved into an empty room in Helsinki Capital area. I had to leave Häme -province behind me, because local Police smoked me out of this labor province. Even today I do not know what has happened to my over one million heritage or my furniture the local police gave access to some passer by. Besides chasing people, they even closed my internet account at Valkeakoski, when I was seeking help into some mysterious decease no one could help in Finland - quite a jerk this Valkeaskoski's City Manager, and I can not praise the way how Cambrige/Oxford University acted. In these days these Universties to not impress me very much, and I boubt if they ever will -sorry to say, but honestly I feel like that after I say how they acted and reacted.
And like in any legal state you can not soon police or lawyers in Finland.
Not so long time ago the local Toijala District Court Lagman (senior judge) Paul Salmi came into my land and pushed, beat and insulted me. If I were to hit or assult anyone in Finland as a civilian, then I would either be jailed or put in parole - in Finland our Policemen and lawyers have their own laws. When I tried to soon lagman at Järvenpää District Court, did this Court's Lagman try to jail me based on faked report of an offence. That is why I believe more in western agencies, than to any of these people. In fact, I rather kill for foreigner in war, than to Finns after I saw how they treated me, while I was not in a shape. Honestly I think most of them are just punch of commies and nothing more.
There would be quite a few stories and evidence against Finland already, but there is no legal way to punish finnish cops or lawyers. One thing however is for sure - they are mostly criminals and not very talented ones (ISBN 951-98052-2-2). Finnish 'government elite' seem to be well off, because they have stolen property belonging to other people. And there is no one to punish them - funny!?
I must say I am happy for one thing in this communist state; I got a job from a person having taken USA civil official's oath. The nicest man I have met so far. Treats me like a human being. And I like to work for someone, who has clearly stated he is not a communist or a facist - it makes one happy to serve someone like him. I could not say the same from Finnish Civil Officials.
Finnish Government Officials need to be punished of the things they have done to their own citizen.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student
FIN - What does 'a legal state' bring into your mind? For several years now Finland have been marketed as a socialist and legal/juridical state.
To make sure people would not get incorrect picture of Finland or its ways to take care of juridical issues, I give you some examples of our government procedures: few years ago I moved into an empty room in Helsinki Capital area. I had to leave Häme -province behind me, because local Police smoked me out of this labor province. Even today I do not know what has happened to my over one million heritage or my furniture the local police gave access to some passer by. Besides chasing people, they even closed my internet account at Valkeakoski, when I was seeking help into some mysterious decease no one could help in Finland - quite a jerk this Valkeaskoski's City Manager, and I can not praise the way how Cambrige/Oxford University acted. In these days these Universties to not impress me very much, and I boubt if they ever will -sorry to say, but honestly I feel like that after I say how they acted and reacted.
And like in any legal state you can not soon police or lawyers in Finland.
Not so long time ago the local Toijala District Court Lagman (senior judge) Paul Salmi came into my land and pushed, beat and insulted me. If I were to hit or assult anyone in Finland as a civilian, then I would either be jailed or put in parole - in Finland our Policemen and lawyers have their own laws. When I tried to soon lagman at Järvenpää District Court, did this Court's Lagman try to jail me based on faked report of an offence. That is why I believe more in western agencies, than to any of these people. In fact, I rather kill for foreigner in war, than to Finns after I saw how they treated me, while I was not in a shape. Honestly I think most of them are just punch of commies and nothing more.
There would be quite a few stories and evidence against Finland already, but there is no legal way to punish finnish cops or lawyers. One thing however is for sure - they are mostly criminals and not very talented ones (ISBN 951-98052-2-2). Finnish 'government elite' seem to be well off, because they have stolen property belonging to other people. And there is no one to punish them - funny!?
I must say I am happy for one thing in this communist state; I got a job from a person having taken USA civil official's oath. The nicest man I have met so far. Treats me like a human being. And I like to work for someone, who has clearly stated he is not a communist or a facist - it makes one happy to serve someone like him. I could not say the same from Finnish Civil Officials.
Finnish Government Officials need to be punished of the things they have done to their own citizen.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student
Ake Tyvi