War Resisters' International taken to court for refusing to pay war tax
War Resisters' International | 20.01.2004 18:29
Come to court on 9 February @ 2pm
City of London Magistrates Court, 1 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 4XY
City of London Magistrates Court, 1 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 4XY
City of London Magistrates Court, 1 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4N 4XY
on 9 February 2004 at 2pm
War Resisters' International, the international pacifist network with affiliates in 40 countries, is taken to court by the Inland Revenue for refusing to pay war tax. In September 2001, the WRI Council, meeting in Turkey, called for conscientious objection to war and preparation for war, including refusal to pay war tax [1]. In December 2001, the War Resisters' International Executive decided to withhold the proportion of the staff's income tax used to fund war. Since then, every quarter WRI withholds 7% of the income tax, and puts it into a separate fund. WRI was first taken to court on 11 September 2002 [2], but then agreed to hand over the money to a tax collector of the Inland Revenue in cash, if they would send someone around.
The case now is for withheld income tax for the financial year 2002/03 - a total of £447.55 plus interest. War Resisters' International maintains that it is the right of their staff to refuse paying for war, if they have a conscientious objection to military taxation [3].
In a letter to the Inland Revenue, dated 12 April 2002, the Executive wrote: "In its declaration, which has been signed by all our employees, War Resisters' International states: 'War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.' In not paying the proportion of tax spent on the military, our employees follow their conscience not to support any kind of war."
"Both employers and employees feel that our consciences cannot allow us to contribute willingly to military expenditure. It is not our intention to avoid paying this proportion of due taxes, merely to ensure that our employees' human right to freedom of conscience, as inshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act, is upheld by receiving a guarantee that their taxes are not used to further the suffering and destruction brought about by war."
War Resisters' International staff and supporters will be present in front of and inside the court on 9 February. Supporters and banners are welcome.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
The hearing will take place at:
City of London Magistrates' Court
1 Queen Victoria Street
London EC4N 4XY
For further information, call Andreas Speck @ War Resisters' International
Phone: +44-20-7278 4040
[1] SAY NO! A Call For Conscientious Objection to War and War Preparations,
[2] Read WRI's press release at
[3] WRI's correspondence with the Inland Revenue can be read at
http://wri-irg.org/news/2002/officewtr.htm .
on 9 February 2004 at 2pm
War Resisters' International, the international pacifist network with affiliates in 40 countries, is taken to court by the Inland Revenue for refusing to pay war tax. In September 2001, the WRI Council, meeting in Turkey, called for conscientious objection to war and preparation for war, including refusal to pay war tax [1]. In December 2001, the War Resisters' International Executive decided to withhold the proportion of the staff's income tax used to fund war. Since then, every quarter WRI withholds 7% of the income tax, and puts it into a separate fund. WRI was first taken to court on 11 September 2002 [2], but then agreed to hand over the money to a tax collector of the Inland Revenue in cash, if they would send someone around.
The case now is for withheld income tax for the financial year 2002/03 - a total of £447.55 plus interest. War Resisters' International maintains that it is the right of their staff to refuse paying for war, if they have a conscientious objection to military taxation [3].
In a letter to the Inland Revenue, dated 12 April 2002, the Executive wrote: "In its declaration, which has been signed by all our employees, War Resisters' International states: 'War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.' In not paying the proportion of tax spent on the military, our employees follow their conscience not to support any kind of war."
"Both employers and employees feel that our consciences cannot allow us to contribute willingly to military expenditure. It is not our intention to avoid paying this proportion of due taxes, merely to ensure that our employees' human right to freedom of conscience, as inshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act, is upheld by receiving a guarantee that their taxes are not used to further the suffering and destruction brought about by war."
War Resisters' International staff and supporters will be present in front of and inside the court on 9 February. Supporters and banners are welcome.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
The hearing will take place at:
City of London Magistrates' Court
1 Queen Victoria Street
London EC4N 4XY
For further information, call Andreas Speck @ War Resisters' International
Phone: +44-20-7278 4040
[1] SAY NO! A Call For Conscientious Objection to War and War Preparations,

[2] Read WRI's press release at

[3] WRI's correspondence with the Inland Revenue can be read at

War Resisters' International