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ISM Reports: Palestinian Children Honour Tom Hurndall

ISM Media Office | 18.01.2004 19:14 | Anti-racism | World

18th Jan 2004
News Of Memorials For Tom Hurndall

1) Palestinian children honour Tom Hurndall_ISM Rafah
2) Arafat gives "martyr" honour to British peace activist_AFP
3) Condolences
4) Associated Press photos of Tom's memorial in Rafah

Friday, January 16, 2004


[Rafah, GAZA] Today at 11am about 150 children from the Children's
Parliament along side Palestinians and Internationals working with the ISM
and a member of the Madison / Rafah Sister City Project joined together
today to commemorate the life and passing of Thomas Hurndall.

Thomas Hurndall at the age of 22 succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday,
January 13 in a London hospital, nine months after he was shot in the head
from an Israeli sniper tower on the border of Rafah, whilst attempting to
remove children from the line of Israeli fire.

Children and Internationals carried signs protesting the war crimes
committed by the Israeli military against unarmed Palestinian civilians and
children. Chants in Arabic celebrated "the life and heroic death of the
martyr Thomas Hurndall".
Mourners then placed flowers on the site where Tom had been shot, beside a
roadblock about 100 meters away from an Israeli military sniper tower on the
occupation wall that divides Rafah Palestine from Rafah Sinai.

Two days ago the Israeli Army invaded this area and demolished the Towhead
Mosque just 20 meters away from the site. This mosque had been rendered
impossible to congregate in for months, due to the sniper fire directed into
it and a tank that was regularly parked next to it, shooting down the

Associated Press photos attached


Arafat gives "martyr" honour to British peace activist

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (news - web
sites) said a British peace activist who died of wounds inflicted by Israeli
troops last April should be considered a "Palestinian martyr".

"President Arafat has decided that Tom Hurndall should be considered a
Palestinian shahid (martyr), who sacrificed his life in the name of
freedom," the official WAFA news agency said Thursday.

The Palestinian leader expressed his grief following the news of Hurndall's
death late Tuesday and said the 22-year-old activist "a true example for
those who fight for the freedom of our oppressed people."

Hurndall, a member of the International Solidarity Movement, was shot in the
head by an Israeli soldier on April 11, 2003, as he was trying to pull
Palestinian children to safety near the flashpoint border area in the
southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) city of Rafah, witnesses said.

He was subsequently pronounced clinically dead and airlifted to London,
where he remained in a vegetative state in hospital.

On March 16, a US activist from the same movement, Rachel Corrie, was
crushed to death by Israeli bulldozer in the same area as she tried to
prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home.

Arafat, who has a poster of Corrie in his office, also declared her a
"martyr" of the Palestinian cause and had awarded her the Bethlehem 2000
medal usually reserved to heads of state and high-ranking officials.

The Israeli military announced December 31 that one of its soldiers -- whom
it did not identify -- had been arrested in connection with the shooting of
the Manchester University photography student.

An Israeli army spokesman told AFP on Wednesday that the soldier was
indicted on six counts on Monday, and that following Hurndall's death it was
possible that the charge sheet would be modified.

3) Condolences

Thank you to all who have sent in condolences for Thomas Hurndall, our
friend and colleague, whose compassion and sacrifice will never be forgotten
and whose light inspires us in our continued efforts to fight and beat this
occupation that has already taken so many innocent lives. Please be sure
that we will forward all of your notes to the Hurndall family.

Below we include a small sample of the condolences. Since we did not obtain
permission to post these notes, we have deleted the names of the authors,
but at the end include the country of origin in parentheses.

I am really sorry I was not able to join you in this march but know that my
sentiments are with you and his family. What happened is unforgivable and I
as a Jewish Israeli feel ashamed of the behaviour of "our" soldiers..

Just a couple of minutes I've been reading your message on my mail, then
I turned on to see some news from the Israeli press sites, and to my great
sorrow and deep shock, I found the news about our Palestinian-British Victim
It's no use to shed even a tear, but it's my obligation and personal
feeling to say I feel as if I had lost one of my sons, so, please Huwaida,
would you be kind enough to send my feelings of loss, sorrow and pain for
Tom's family, friends and All Peace Activists in Occupied Palestine, the
feelings of a simple Palestinian citizen who suffered a lot from the Israeli
May God Bless Our Palestinian-British victim, the late Tom.
And, Palestinian people will never forget you Dear Tom, you have turned
out to be one of our Sons, May Peace Be with You and your memory will never
die.. (Palestine)

Our condolences to the Family and friends of Tom
Hurndal and all the innocent victims of this terrible

We extend our deepest sympathy and respect.
We wish you the courage and strength to persevere in
these hard days ahead.
Our hearts and our home are open to you all. . (Israel)


Thank you for the (sad) information. We all mourn Thomas Hurndall, a true
humanitarian and freedom fighter, and abhore his murderers. Please convey
our condolences to his bereaved family. . (Israeli in Jerusalem)

Dear friends,

I have just read the news of Tom's sad death. I wish to express to you my
deep sorrow for the final voyage of such courageous, generous young man, who
could have given so much to all of us in the path of life. He gave indeed
all - he arose and went, light and calm got up and went in search of what we
had lost. .(Brussels)
Dear friends

AFPS (Association France Palestine Solidarity) has heard with sorrow of the
passing of Tom after those long months of suffering.
We want to assure you of our deepest sympathy and solidarity in this ordeal
you¹ve been going through since Tom was shot by the Israeli army.
We respect and admire Tom¹s determination in the fight for justice that we
share with him, with Rachel and all the Internationals present in Occupied
We believe that this gallant fight helps the Palestinians in their
resistance to a cruel occupation by raising their moral. It also helps the
Israelis opposing the colonisation in their difficult struggle against their
own authorities.
It helps all people of conscience to keep fighting for justice and for
peace. .(France)

4) Photos of Tom's memorial in Rafah

Palestinian children chant slogans during a ceremony in honor of British peace activist Thomas Hurndall at the site where he suffered a gunshot wound to the head, in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip (news - web sites) Friday, Jan. 16, 2004. Hurndall, age 21, from Manchester, England, had been standing between Israeli troops and Palestinian children when Israeli soldiers opened fire, according to a fellow activist from the International Solidarity Movement who witnessed the scene. Hurndall's family announced Wednesday Jan. 14,2004 that had died, nine months after he was shot in the head by an Israeli Defence Force soldier, leaving him in a permanent vegetative state. One of the girls holds a picture of Hurndall. The black headband on one of the girls head reads in Arabic 'Palestinian miniparliament', the youth organiztion which organized the event.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

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More On Tom Hurndall

19.01.2004 16:22

1) Dowload flyers
2) Soldier 'tried to cover up killing of British activist' _ The Telegraph
3) The Case That Wouldn't Close_Dissident Voice
4) Chicago vigil report

1) Dowload Rachel / Tom flyers

At the following link you can download Rachel and Tom flyers that you can hand out at your events or anywhere! Help us wake the world up to what’s happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories by sharing the words, life and sacrifice of these two beautiful individuals.

Thank you to Abbas Hamideh for the files.

Also: To our friends in the US,

As the presidential primaries get under way, please consider attending these public events when they come to your area. Ask the presidential candidates if they plan on seeking justice for Rachel Corrie?

Note: Questions to presidential candidates about the Middle East and Palestine, while important, are inviting a prepared statement/ position on Israel / Palestine. Ask them, instead, if they ready to put the interests of US citizens above the interest of a foreign belligerent state? Ask them if they will stand by the Corrie family in their struggle to get justice for their daughter. Please see stories below.


2) The Telegraph: Soldier 'tried to cover up killing of British activist'

18/1/2004: The Israeli soldier accused of killing Tom Hurndall, the British peace activist who died last week, tried to cover up his crime by asking for his commander's permission to shoot an "armed man" moments after he had already fired the fatal shot.
Read full story at:

3) The Case That Wouldn't Close
by Sheila Samples
January 17, 2004
First Published in

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." -- Robert F. Kennedy (From the Tom Hurndall website)

Tom Hurndall is dead.

Nine months after being shot in the head by an Israeli soldier which left him in a coma, two months after his 22nd birthday, and one day after his mother knelt at his bedside and whispered the good news that his assailant had finally been arrested, Tom Hurndall's name was added to a growing, but mostly unmentioned, unheralded and unknown list of innocents slaughtered by Ariel Sharon's brutal IDF (Israel Defense Forces).

Sadly, neither the young British photographer's meaningful life nor his meaningless death created a discernable blip on the world media screen. April 11, 2003 -- the day an IDF sniper atop a tower in Rafah took careful aim with a telescopic lens and put a bullet into Herndall's forehead -- was just another day in Gaza wherein the streets and alleys of its towns are strewn with the dead, most of whom are guilty of the heinous crime of daring to breathe while Palestinian.

According to Israeli officials, outsiders such as Hurndall, spurred to action by a love of humanity and by outrage at continuous, brutal, unchallenged attacks upon that humanity, put themselves in the crossfire. They are to blame for their own demise.

Stuff happens. Case Closed.

Hurndall joined the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) peace organization just a week prior to the attack. According to his mother, Jocelyn, entries in his journal indicate that it was obvious from his arrival that it was open season on international peace activists.

"Within his first two hours in Rafah he was shot at repeatedly," she said. " He said they had huge bulldozers coming at them, sand bombs thrown at them and gas..."

It must be true. Just a week before, on April 5, 2003, Brian Avery, 24, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, was critically injured in a hail of machine-gun fire in Jenin from an advancing Israeli armored personnel carrier, although he stood in his orange ISM jacket with arms raised above his head. Eyewitnesses say after shooting Avery in the face, the driver of the APC rolled on by, unconcerned that an unarmed civilian lay in the road behind him in a pool of blood. An IDF investigation revealed it was a regrettable "accident." Case closed.

And earlier, on March 16, 23-year-old peace activist Rachel Corrie, a university student from Olympia, Washington, was crushed to death in Rafah by an Army bulldozer as she attempted to stop the demolition of a Palestinian home. A mere three months later, after a military police investigation, Israel's Military Advocate General, Major General Menahem Finkelstein, found there was no misconduct on the part of the bulldozer driver -- in fact they had been so certain of his innocence, he was back at work the next day, mindlessly destroying the homes and lives of Palestinians. Finkelstein found that Corrie and other ISM victims were guilty of "illegal, irresponsible and dangerous" behavior. Case closed.
What is going on here? Why is there a blanket of silence from countries whose citizens are slain in broad daylight in defiance of international law, backed up with crime-scene photographs and legions of eye-witnesses? Since when does the United States government refuse to investigate the obvious cold-blooded murder of its citizens -- refuse to respond to parents who seek their help? Why are there no bellows of outrage from the British government, not only for Tom Hurndall, but for 54-year-old Iain Hook, who headed the UN program to rebuild Jenin and was shot in the back and killed in November 2002?

Edward Said, Palestinian-born Columbia professor and intellectual conscience of the Middle East, has answered that question many times over. In a penetrating piece in the May 6, 2002 issue of The Nation, Said pointed out, "the monstrous transformation of an entire people by a formidable and feared propaganda machine into little more than militants and terrorists has allowed not just Israel's military, but its fleet of writers and defenders to efface a terrible history of injustice, suffering and abuse in order to destroy the civil existence of the Palestinian people with impunity."
The diabolically astute "let's kill the Palestinians and torture everybody else" Alan Dershowitz seems to back up Said's premise. Dershowitz has come up with a road map to peace he says is guaranteed to curb terrorism. He says -- now, stay with me here -- there's no reason for Palestinians to die one at a time by blowing themselves up. Israel should publish a list of all the villages inhabited by Palestinians -- sort of a "to do" destruction-derby list. Then, any time there's an "act of terrorism," Israel would just destroy an entire village. The inhabitants would be given a couple of hours to vacate their property.

Speaking of property, Dershowitz has an even better idea if the first one doesn't fly. He says Israel could announce in advance that "every act of terrorism will result in an automatic and permanent decrease of a specific portion of the land mass that eventually would constitute the Palestinian state." In the event of a terrorist act, Dershowitz says, that land would be immediately annexed to Israel and become a permanent part of the Jewish state. Neat, huh? Sounds like a plan to me...

With plans like that floating around, is it any wonder that investigations into the deaths of peace activists are open and closed in such a cavalier fashion? Do we not at least sense why the world remains shamefully silent? Palestinians -- and those who would protect them -- are, in Said's words, "nothing but rats and cockroaches that can be attacked and killed...without so much as a word of compassion or in their defense..."

In May 2003, just four months before he succumbed to lukemia, Said met with Rachel Corrie's parents during one of his cross-country lecture jaunts. They told him that, upon returning to the US with their daughter's body, they immediately sought out their US senators, Democrats Patty Murray and Mary Cantwell, and told them their story. After receiving expressions of shock, outrage, and anger as well as promises of investigations, the two legislators returned to Washington. The Corries never heard from them again. The promised investigation simply didn't materialize.
"As expected," Said explained, "the Israeli lobby had explained the realities to them, and both women simply begged off. An American citizen willfully murdered by the soldiers of a client state of the US without so much as an official peep or even the de rigeur investigation that had been promised her family."

Yet, the Hurndalls refuse to remain silent. They refused to accept an initial IDF report exonerating Israeli soldiers from blame. The case of Tom Hurndall became the case that wouldn't close. After relentless campaigning and exerting pressure upon both Britain and Israel, and after launching a months-long investigation on their own, which yielded 14 eye-witnesses, photographs and ballistic evidence, Israel arrested a soldier just one day before Turndall died, charged him with aggravated assault, and promised a "vigorous" investigation.

Even with Israel's dismal track record on investigating its own atrocities, one can always hope that Tom did not die in vain; that he will receive the justice and honor he so richly deserves. And -- by extension -- so will the valiant Rachel, Iain and Brian.

Only then will the case be closed.

Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma based freelance writer, a former US Army Public Information Officer and a contributing editor of Axis of Logic, where this article first appeared. Contact her at
4) Chicago vigil report

The Chicago chapter of ISM held an Emergency Response Action on January 15 for Tom Hurndall. Approximately 25 people conducted a solemn procession from Tribune Plaza to the Israeli Consulate. A vigil was conducted outside the consulate and Brian Avery delivered the following letter to a representative of the Israeli Consulate.

January 15, 2004

To Whom It May Concern,

We come to you today with a message that we ask you to forward to Ariel Sharon and other Israeli government officials.

Today we mourn the death of our beloved British comrade Tom Hurndall. He, as you well know, was shot in the head by an Israeli Defense Forces sniper in Rafha (Gaza) on April 12 of 2003. While we applaud the arrest of the soldier that pulled the trigger that fateful day, we know and you know, that the decision to murder Tom was not taken without orders from the Israeli military command. We call for the prosecution of the soldier and a full independent investigation to determine who gave the order to murder Tom Hurndall.

We also call for a full independent investigation into the attempted murder of Brian Avery in the city of Jenin on April 5, 2003. Numerous witnesses have testified that Avery, who was wearing a bright reflective vest and had his hands in the air, was gunned down by an Israeli armored patrol as he and a colleague stood in an empty street, and was offered no medical assistance whatsoever by the Israeli soldiers. The report issued by the IDF was of a clearly biased nature and found to contain numerous inconsistencies which when corrected would clearly indict the Israeli soldiers for this crime. We demand a new inquiry into this case and the full prosecution of those involved.

In addition to that unfortunate loss of our gentle brother Tom, we know that since that fateful day last April 12 over 407 Palestinians have died at the hands of Israeli Defense Forces, nearly all of which civilian casualties. Indeed, the Palestine Red Crescent Society states that since September 29, 2000, there have been in the West Bank and Gaza 2,648 Palestinian deaths and 24,407 injured at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Forces.

We call upon Israeli military personnel to refuse to serve in the occupied territories of Palestine and offer our utmost support of the increasing numbers of those who have already done so. We will call upon our fellow U.S. citizens to demand that their elected officials stop all U.S. tax-funded aid to Israel until the illegal occupation of Palestine ends. We call upon the Israel government to immediately cease construction of and tear down the Apartheid Wall and to stop the land theft that has taken place during its construction. We will call on our elected officials to refuse campaign contributions from Israeli lobby groups who support these policies and urge them to condemn the illegal occupation of Palestine, now in its 36th year.

Finally, we have a message that we wish to make clear to the Israeli government and Israeli Occupation Forces: while you may attempt to intimidate international citizens performing human rights work inside occupied Palestine, while you may injure us, while you may even kill, us, we will continue our nonviolent support of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and freedom, and we will not stop until this violent and blood-soaked occupation comes to an end. We will continue to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, regardless of your tactics against us.


Brian Avery & Kevin Clark


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