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action against Bayer PLC

John Vache | 16.01.2004 18:18 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Technology | Sheffield | World

Anti-GM protesters visit HC Starck's offices in Sheffiled as part of the 'bail out of GM' week of action.

Last night a number of masked bandits visited the offices of HC Starck (a wholly owned subsidiary of Bayer PLC) in Sheffield. Widows were bricked and anti-gm slogans were sprayed on a wall by the entrance. This action was part of the 'bail out of gm' week of action set to co-incide with the bail dates of a number of activists arrested recently in Cambridge.

The week of action is part of an ongoing campaign of direct action against biotechnology which is currently focussing its attentions on Bayer PLC, owner of three (after recently abandoning six) of the seeds proposed for commercialisation this spring.

John Vache
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16.01.2004 18:21

ha ha ha. that should have read 'windows were bricked' not 'widows were bricked'. the latter would have been a little unfair perhaps.

john vache

Silly Bayer

17.01.2004 13:22

What do they expect when they take away our right to peaceful protest? They should have learned from the example of the SHAC injunction - when people can get 5 yrs in prison for just holding a banner or giving out a leaflet in a certain place, then they feel that they might as well do a bit of criminal damage instead, as they are less likely to get caught for it! I feel that we'll be seeing a lot more attacks like this in the future.


couple of points

20.01.2004 13:08

1) i thought the campaign was not meant to include smashing windows and stuff

2) tactics like that are pointless re gm - pulling up crops yes, smashing windows no

3) the only use for tactics like that is to discredit the anti-gm campaign - which i consider myself to be part of - and to invite repression - ooh look, just like this court injunction - and no doubt a backlash at some point hence

well done NOT.

ps i hope u used a cyber cafe or masked you ip when u posted this, wouldn't want a knock at the door would we.


why pointless??

22.01.2004 01:34

Why are tactics like these pointless? They seem to work very well for animal rights activists (and beyond) so I think you need to explain.

Also since such actions are done covertly it's very hard to use any repression against them at all - only if you get caught.



23.01.2004 10:07

don't have this debate on line, please
