Social landlords are deviating from their intended purpose
Mike Lane | 16.01.2004 14:14 | Liverpool
Social landlords are deviating from their intended purpose. Which was to provide housing for the most vulnerable.
There are 640 out of the 4,000 houses in the Kensington New Deal area, which have been earmarked for demolition. Already about 100 RSL tenants have been moved out of this area and re-housed in other parts of Liverpool away from the New Deal area altogether. The New Deal initiative's philosophy was to make all residents of the New Deal area stakeholders or franchisers of the New Deal initiative. By encouraging tenants to leave the area altogether the new social landlord Community 7 is disenfranchising them from the initiative. This behaviour by C7, which is fully supported by Government's Office for Merseyside and the New Deal administrators, is an antithesis of what New Deal is supposed to stand for.
I have been recently informed by the clever speaking chief exec of C7 that three streets: Nutall, Milroy and Thorburn (about 200 houses) will be used to re-house homeowners who are under threat of demolition within the area. At present there are aprox 100 homeowners and 100 tenants living in these three streets. What C7 intend to do over a five year period and into the foreseeable future is: When tenants move out of these three streets (40 already have and their houses now lay empty) through natural migration is send builders into the properties and do them up at the cost of about £12,000 and then sell them to homeowners who's house in the immediate area will be demolished. Of course this will be done in phases so as to suit the agenda of C7. This means that C7 will kill two birds with one stone, i.e.: They will slowly replace the 100 C7 tenants who live in these streets with homeowners, thus socially cleansing the area of what they and the homeowners perceive to be scum tenants.
In effect C7 are stealing tenants houses and giving them to homeowners for the money that the homeowners have received from the council for their old houses. Were is the social justice in this? Again the housing associations are killing two birds with one stone in as much as they are getting tenants out of the area and increasing home ownership in that same area by selling their properties to homeowners either under threat of demolition or perspective homeowners. This would also indicate that housing associations are deviating from their original remit, which is providing housing for the most vulnerable people within our society and further progressing into property development for sale.
This is a very frightening issue and surely proves that housing associations, or Registered Social Landlords as they are now known, are becoming a powerful oppressive force within our communities. It also give authenticity to the fact that RSL's are progressively championing, all be it surreptitiously, the social cleansing of areas which they want to gentrify. This is a very disturbing and important issue, which must not be overlooked by people who campaign against social injustice. This is a direct result of the Housing Corporation inability to keep RSL's in check. In effect the Housing Corporation is powerless and is just in reality a government figurehead to make it look like central government is monitoring RSL’s.
I have been recently informed by the clever speaking chief exec of C7 that three streets: Nutall, Milroy and Thorburn (about 200 houses) will be used to re-house homeowners who are under threat of demolition within the area. At present there are aprox 100 homeowners and 100 tenants living in these three streets. What C7 intend to do over a five year period and into the foreseeable future is: When tenants move out of these three streets (40 already have and their houses now lay empty) through natural migration is send builders into the properties and do them up at the cost of about £12,000 and then sell them to homeowners who's house in the immediate area will be demolished. Of course this will be done in phases so as to suit the agenda of C7. This means that C7 will kill two birds with one stone, i.e.: They will slowly replace the 100 C7 tenants who live in these streets with homeowners, thus socially cleansing the area of what they and the homeowners perceive to be scum tenants.
In effect C7 are stealing tenants houses and giving them to homeowners for the money that the homeowners have received from the council for their old houses. Were is the social justice in this? Again the housing associations are killing two birds with one stone in as much as they are getting tenants out of the area and increasing home ownership in that same area by selling their properties to homeowners either under threat of demolition or perspective homeowners. This would also indicate that housing associations are deviating from their original remit, which is providing housing for the most vulnerable people within our society and further progressing into property development for sale.
This is a very frightening issue and surely proves that housing associations, or Registered Social Landlords as they are now known, are becoming a powerful oppressive force within our communities. It also give authenticity to the fact that RSL's are progressively championing, all be it surreptitiously, the social cleansing of areas which they want to gentrify. This is a very disturbing and important issue, which must not be overlooked by people who campaign against social injustice. This is a direct result of the Housing Corporation inability to keep RSL's in check. In effect the Housing Corporation is powerless and is just in reality a government figurehead to make it look like central government is monitoring RSL’s.
Mike Lane
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Learn From Kirkby
16.01.2004 18:44
Mikes 100% spot on - and the issue is - who is fighting for us working class? - Here in Kirkby an Orwellian camapign was used to sell off housing - in a few years there will be NO social housing - only Barrets and the ilk - parasites sucking us dry.
How the fuck can an area like Liverpool have all these regeneration experts meddling in oue lives?
The left wing in Liverpool ought to examine carefully its tactics - if its left to the likes to Mike Lane to deliver leaflets and raise this issue - its a disgrace. Mikes not flavour of the month in his community amongst the 'experts' and middle class pen pushers and the working class sell outs. I know the feeling.
As editor of Kirkby Times, just as a fellow scouser - I'm prepared to give Mike an hand delivering these leaflets he plans to give out - I personally think he should stand for Council and that we need a group like the IWCA to unite those of us who see the issues that matter regarding the Working Class in Liverpool. Even if this means clearing out some pensioners garden - its a start - we have to be there on the estates - in Huyton, Fazackerly, Walton, Kirkby etc. I have NEVER seen apolitical group outside of the mainstream leaflet my area. The people who leafletted against the BNP last year helped one of Kirkbys worse Councillors, a man who earns over 20K a year (plus his pension) BNP lost - but they will be back this year. If anyone thinks supporting Labour over the BNP is a valid tactic i think your barking mad.
On that note i will post up an advert for an IWCA meeting in Liverpool soon, i'll be involved and i hope people can forget all the bullshit which has formerly passed for politics on Merseyside. Handing out leaflets in the City centre or petitions never changed nothing. We need to control the Council chambers, never mind standing outside shouting at them.
I'd be happy if Mike Lane was to join the IWCA, i feel his obvious skills have been wasted and that a lack of unity in Liverpool has led to a political scene which is all Central in 'Town' - fuck all happens in Kirkby etc - unless you count Kirkby Unemployed Centres alleged socialism at work. So socialist they are that they 'critically support' the New deal for unemployed. Corruption in Kirkby is something the left wing know all about - few of them alert Kirkby Times, indeed, some have threatened me because i expose blatent corruption.
Will the real left wing, please stand up?
Mick Dempsey
e-mail: spammed@porn/selling me
Nothing New
16.01.2004 18:51
Charity fraudsters are everywhere as well as lying councilloir scum
19.01.2004 16:16
"After much deliberation, I've decided to join the Independent Working Class Association, who seem much more realistically placed to further the interests of my class. They won't satisfy the needs of the Marxist intellectuals and armchair ideologues, but they'll certainly please those who want to make a difference to the lives and consciousness of people in working class communities."
When's the meeting?
Farnborough and Aldershot
20.01.2004 16:54
In 1974, Pavilion took over what was Rushmoor council housing stock, estates in Farnborough and Aldershot. Since then Pavilion has gone on an empire building spending spree, acquiring housing stock across the country, building student accommodation on campus at Surrey University, although its core estates still remain Aldershot and Farnborough. The tenants have seen deteriorating property, repairs going undone and rising rents........
Keith Parkins
Working Class - we must lead ourselves!
21.01.2004 23:48
We the working class can only fight for ourselves! The reality is that the Labour Party was never a party for the working class or socialism. In its hundred years it has always been a faithful servant of capitalism. Labour MPs cheered when James Connolly was hanged after the Easter rising in Ireland. In 1926 when the working class led by the Miners had the country out on general strike, the TUC and Labour Party lost it's bottle with the TUC ordering the workers back to work, that's how long ago we could have had a socialist society in Britain. Take 1984/85 Kinnock 'old' Labour turned its back on the Miners and the Liverpool City Council in 1985. The Labour Party failed to lead the opposition to the Poll Tax, former 'Labour Party' National Union of Students President Steven Twigg, Lorna Fitzsimmons and Jim Murphy will have voted as new Labor MPs to bring in tuition fees and abolish grants, sealing the door on working class access finally after ten years of excluding us step by step. It seems that the working class collectively have finally realised that the Labour Party doesn't have our interest uppermost, that's why in 1998 the working class of Liverpool stayed at home and didn't vote Labour because the right wing labour throughout the 1990's told us it was the Tories in government who were to blame for things going wrong here in Liverpool so when Labour became the government just a year earlier nothing changed but in fact got worse and Labour in the council had no one to blame but themselves. The middle class didn't stop voting and the Lib-Dems got in because the demoralised Labour voters stayed at home.
I don't know when Knowsley Housing Trust got the Kirkby/Huyton council housing. But I'm a housing/community based activist in the SLP here in Liverpool, currently living in Croxteth. I actually find a great deal of what the IWCA does to be worthwhile, I'm also impressed with what Stuart Craft has been doing as the first IWCA councillor elected in 2002. What the IWCA is doing is the direction I've been going in since I joined the SLP back in 1997 politically based community activism and I'm in close contact with others of a similar perspective. I was also involved in student activism (at FE college *not a Uni*) community, housing and anti-poverty activism between 88-95, basically I'm one of the few people in the SLP here on Merseyside who came from a community activist background rather than a party or trade union background.
As Mike knows it was i who first raised the issue of council housing within the SLP on Merseyside back in 1998. I put a lot of personal time and effort into supporting the tenants opposing Stock Transfer in Pinehurst, Anfield and elsewhere, I was blocked and undermined by the traitorous egos in the SLP here in Liverpool, constantly harrassed and undermined, but I stood my ground and those who undermined me later ended up undermining the party, chasing out good people and blocking other people from joining the party, they've faded into the background and many of their ilk have moved on. It's those people who put off good working class people like myself and others from being involved in politics, they do for the capitalist system in socialist and left parties what the police do on the streets, ie keep us divided, oppressed and disempowered.
I was told by someone in P'n'P that they didn't think anyone in the 'left' was active in the communities. Well it seems that on housing I've been one of the most active in opposing stock transfer, which is essentially a working class issue, I had a couple of SWP people help me leaflet but also attempt to demoralise and tell me I'm doing it wrong. But where were the trade unions in 2002? We the SLP in Liverpool West Derby, spent just £70 on our campaign and we got a 34% of the people to vote NO, we delivered close to 10,000 leaflets over many months right across the North East of Liverpool, had A3 B&W posters fly postered, many of which are still up. Unison spent I was told £10,000 on over wordy posters on the back of buses, on DCH leaflets and posters, but they didn't commit to 'real' campaigning, in the two other areas (Dovecot/Deysbrook taken over by Berrybrige Housing Co.Ltd ie Riverside and Netherly/Lee Park some housing trust set up) the NO vote wasn't anywhere near the 34% we achieved which was what we achieved in Pinehurst in 1998, those two areas were open to the unions, Liverpool Tenant Fed' and the left to campaign in, but they did ZERO work in those areas... So the accusation by the Tenants' Fed' that SLP loses Stock Transfer votes has been proven a lie, we gain a great vote NO percentage in real terms.
In a recent informal chat with a fellow and trusted SLPer, I was talking about what we do to make a breakthrough, the SLP doesn't have a councillor elected. We came to the opinion that the working class of Liverpool are defeated, after nearly two decades of grinding down. But I believe we've got to commit to solid working class communities, we have to build a base in them support them all year round not just at election time, we've got to build trust between our activists and local people.
Here in Liverpool over 80% of the people ain't voting for any party. After the 2002 stock transfer ballot we stood two candidates in local wards and we got a low vote, I had also stood twice in 1998 and 1999 on the issue of housing in Clubmoor which is the ward covering the Boot estate, I put out a leaflet called "Stock Transfer is Housing Privatisation". What do you have to do gain people's trust? I don't know, because I've had a long record of work in Norris Green benefitting my community, better than the councillors elected in the wards there.
Kirkby has a history of working class fight back, I think of the AC Delco plant that was stopped from leaving the community a few years ago. I recently heard about the 'Sonae' plant and got involved in the play that was based at the Unemployment Centre to find out more, though in the end I didn't see the play because I wasn't told about the dates. But I know that a local priest is involved in the Kirkby Against Toxic Sonae, which I pointed out to a member will end up with him blocking any radical action to get the place closed, with which she agreed. Certainly places like Kirkby and St.Helens should be natural ground for a true working class socialist party like the SLP. I know the organisational reasons why we've not got an active base of support in Kirkby and in St.Helens, I've recently been passed contacts for a people interested in the SLP in both those towns and hope we start building a base in those towns.
I've kinda decided that our Constituency SLPs should adopt a local neighbourhood/ community and along with fellow SLP activists, commit to, aid and support, outside of elections. You can't work in a community divided against itself, which is what I tried to do in Norris Green (my childhood community) the Boot Estate demolition is the result of a community divided against itself.
I'm volunteering as a CAB worker in either Bootle or Kirkby to aid working class people like myself. I learnt a tremendous amount from my involvement in anti-Stock Transfer, I got a load of support for setting up a campaign alongside threatened Pinehurst tenants who were facing demolition, one mother of a tenant rang me up to tell me she used to work for a local housing association and the unwritten agenda throughout the 1990's was on of 'depoliticisation of housing', for that read loss of public ownership, control and accountability, which is the unspoken outcome of stock transfer. It is the loss of that long held and cherished aim of organised working class of ownership of the "means of production", etc ie "public ownership". We're losing any kind of control over any aspect of our lives right across the board from the craddle to the grave.
I won't be joining the IWCA. I believe in commitment and loyality to my organisation and too many socialists and the 'left' jump in and out of this or that party or bandwagon, the Respect Unity Coalition is the latest example of a bandwagon that won't benefit the working class. There's potential in the SLP to be a mass party of and for the working class, most of the party wreckers, dead weight, free loaders, career councillors have left or have been seen as time wasters now. I sincerely hope they don't jump into the IWCA and sink your boat, they've got the RUC bandwagon to jump aboard for a year or two.
Kai Andersen -
Kai Andersen
SLP dead
02.02.2004 17:02