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Judge, Jury and Executioner

daniel gurney | 16.01.2004 12:33 | Analysis | Indymedia | London | World

video footage of 'shoot first ask questions...never' US engagement in Iraq

Interesting if not ghastly footage of an Apache chopper dishing out US 'justice'?
Call this a war?

daniel gurney


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no superpass

16.01.2004 12:48

this video requires an abc new pass or realone superpass... has anyone got a link to this footage that doesnt require buying a pass?


link to apache video

16.01.2004 13:27

direct link

"The one-minute file, filmed from a US Apache helicopter, shows three suspected Iraqi insurgents being shot with 30mm cannon fire."

The foreign jihadis are as bad as the Americans, if not worse - both are making the lives of the Iraqi people miserable - but how much information did the Apache crew have? Video doesn't say.


Yes it is War

05.05.2004 17:53

Yes it is war. What did you expect the Apache pilots to go hand to hand with the Iraqis.

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