dissent!edinburgh - a new edinburgh based alter-globalisation collective
dissent!edinburgh | 14.01.2004 09:40 | Globalisation
The g8 monolith might be coming to Scotland in 2005 (so the rumour is whispered). Already, plans are forming to confront this sinister instrument of imperialist hegemony! In Edinburgh, a group by the name of dissent!edinburgh is forming for just this purpose.
This collective of alter-globalisation ˜activists™ plans to operate around the hallmarks of People's Global Action. These place emphasis upon regionalisation, autonomy and a focus on direct activism as opposed to merely lobbying undemocratic ˜representatives™.
dissent!edinburgh will operate as a means through which people can meet, plan and organise forthcoming actions. It will also work with other groups in the UK which will make up the UK-wide dissent!network.
If you are interested in becoming involved, we invite you to join the dissent!edinburgh working group list at http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/dissentedinburgh
If you just want to keep in touch with our activities we will be operating an announcements list, more info at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dissentedinburgh-announcements/ or just drop us a line at dissentedinburgh (at) riseup.net
For those outwith Edinburgh interested in forming their own local collective please get in touch with us, or just go straight to the national dissent! group mailing list which can be found at: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/resistg82005
People'™s Global Action:
People's Global Action (PGA) is a network for spreading information and coordinating actions between grassroots movements around the world. These diverse groups share the same opposition to capitalism, and commitment to direct action and civil disobedience as the most effective form of struggle.
PGA grew out of the international Zapatista gatherings in 1996 and 1997, and was formed as a space for direct and unmediated contact between autonomous groups.
In 1998 movements from all continents met in Geneva and launched a worldwide coordination of resistance against the global market economy and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Those represented included the Zapatistas, Movimento Sem Terra (the Brazilian Landless Peasants Movement who occupy and live on large tracts of unproductive land) and the Karnataka State Farmers Union (KRRS), renowned for their œ"cremate Monsanto" campaign which involved burning fields of Genetically Modified crops in India.
Later that year, hundreds of coordinated demonstrations, actions and street parties took place on all five continents, against the meeting of the G8 and the WTO ministerial meeting. From Seattle to Genoa (to Gleneagles?) many of the groups and movements involved with PGA have been a driving force behind the prominent alter-globalisation mobilisations and the mounting resistance to destructive global capitalism.
dissentedinburgh@ riseup.net