Should criticising Arab countries be banned
Adam | 12.01.2004 11:48
Noticing some of the selective editing by Indymedia in the last few days, it seems to make the BBC's censorship pale into insignificance. Is criticism of certain Arab regimes crossing over the red line. Obviously the sensitivities in the middle-east with Palestine and the Iraq war raise heated passions, but should that stop debate about the corrupt and rotten state of many of the Arab worlds leaders. This seems to be a crossroads for Indymedia as to weatther people can raise genuine concerns to the detriment of the wider Arab cause.
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12.01.2004 12:04
hardly a cross roads fop indymedia which has been dealing with politics (and hate speech) for over 3 years.
kilroy has no space here!
We all know what this post is about - and who from ...
12.01.2004 13:24
The lying zionist scum from the BOD came on Channel 4 news and tried to make it sound as if all Jews had been insulted by that reporters comments that these illegal "settlers" should be shot in the head - I agree - that is the least they deserve for their crimes. But whatever your fellings about illegal "settlers", the fact remains that not all Jews were called Nazis by the BBC reporter - only the ones that are behaving like Nazis on a daily basis - these so called "settlers". He tried the old trick of trying to claim that all Jews are zionists (when the MAJORITY of Jews are NOT zionists - see or or one of the many other sites such as "Jews Against The Occupation" etc.). Many "israelis" even oppose the illegal settlements and see the Likudian's refusal to remove them from the stolen Palestinian land as one of the key obstacles to peace. His claim that all Jews were offended by a vaild comparison between "settlers" and Nazis was absurd. But then what do we expect - the only type of "hate" they want people to believe exists is anti-semitism (even when it is anti-zionism or anti-'"israeli" apartheid policies', neither of which are "anti-semitism" but they don't care about that - it helps silence criticism of "israel").
What is even more shocking is that most of the Islamophobia and Arab-hate that has become a required part of being a "patroitic" American has been created by the zionist controlled media. People like the raving zionist fraudster Conrad Black (Telegraph) and zionist slave and friend of Ariel Sharon, Rupert Murdoch (Sky, The Times, The Sun) have been trying the same in the UK, but thankfully (apart from the usual racist morons like the BNP, Combat 18 council house/benefit=beer scum, etc.) the British public are a lot brighter their our brianwashed American cousins.
Yes, highlight the problems in Arab states (a long with the fact that the "West" supplies arms and helps maintains evil dictators, giving the Arabs little hope of defeating them - as was the case with Saddam) but don't forget that they are not occupying land desite more UN resolutions against them than any other nation as "israel" does. Yes Arab leaders are mainly scum - but zionism is a racist ideology that is opposed to Judaism and the zionist occupiers of Palestine are mudering men, women and children in their lust to hold onto stolen Palestine. The crimes of "israel", including their continuing ethnic cleansing and collective punishments, go unreported on the zionist controlled mass media - and when people like Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall, James Miller (camera man) try to peacefully alert the world to the crimes of "israel" they are mudered by the IDF. If the Palestinian freedom fighters are to be called "terrorists" (as they are in the zionist media) then 101-Sharon must be Hitler or the devil himself .
Angry Manc
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12.01.2004 13:43
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