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london noborder event

transmitter | 11.01.2004 20:58 | Migration | London

The wombles are inviting for a noborder event on January 17th, in Kentish Town - 93 Fortess Road. And on Jan 31, there is a european day of noborder action.

More about the day of action here:
and background info here:


On January 17th, there will be an evening event on NO BORDERS, with films, a round table discussion with migrant groups and a discussion of the action(s) on January 31st as part of the Europe wide day of action against borders. Food will hopefully be provided by a somalian refugee family (all proceeds going to them), there will also be music and a late bar.

Cheers and hope to see you there



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WOMBLES (wanker anarchists)

12.01.2004 19:55

These people couldn't set up a piss up in a brewery, they come out with the same old bollocks every time, if your gonna set up a social centre for the community go ahead and do it, don't keep giving us a load of old bollocks, just do it. We don't think you have any idea about real working class people, people who've worked all their fucking lives with fuck all to show for it, why don't you actually listen to other peoples opinions and suggestions, who actually wants to watch violence all the bloody time, why are you not creating something, for all to use, is it maybe because it's not your own idea and you lot want to take all the credit for it, what you lot afraid of some other group being respected more than yourselves because they've actually achieved what they set out to do unlike you lot of has-beens. If you really were commited to something, then why not link with other groups for your no borders stuff, what you think you lot are elite to everyone else, the cream of the anarchist movement, we're better than everyone else and unless it's our thing we're not interested because in reality we're wankers (WOMBLES) full of shit and little else, no wonder so many get pissed off and fuck off elsewhere, because it's the same old story, the same old shit, grow up you pansies.

The Collective

Did we upset you?

13.01.2004 16:17

Loads of tough talking, how come you write such a statement like that but fail to put a contact. Why don't you say it to one of our faces, we are at 93 fortess road, kentish town. Your welcomed to come down and say it to our faces. And I liked to ask what are you doing for january 31st? What are you doing to further the social centres concept? It is easy to criticise via a machine and think sum how your immune from criticism your self.

It becomes all too easy to feed of negativity and not be bothered to find out what we really think. So for an offer, come down and say it to our faces.


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answer to 'the collective'

13.01.2004 18:44

yeah right THE COLLECTIVE. Petty narrow-minded bullshit from a spineless cretin too scared to reveal who you are.

Did you get pissed off & go elsewhere 'The Collective'? Is that the problem. You consider yourself a 'real working class person' do you The Collective?

If you know the wombles you'll know me. If you have the guts (& frankly you don't) to express you feelings, criticisms, to the group, then we're happy to listen.
