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No to muslim controlled BBC

Joe | 11.01.2004 20:44 | Culture

We now know whose really pulling the strings at the Beeb after the Kilroy incident. Stand up against religious bullying of the BBC and fight for free speech.

In recent times the BBC's political correctness is beginning to border on madness. The Kilroy article has been completely overblown, and the muslim community hope to scare anyone else away from questioning and debating the many rotten and morally bankrupt Arab regimes. As shown on all phone-ins and polls the British people are completely against the BBC's action (over 90% on Sky news). This could be a last stand for freedom of speech before were Islamo-gagged, so speak up now.



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No to religious censorship

11.01.2004 21:26

Joe is right, the BBC policy shouldn't be dictated by right wing religious lobby groups, whether it's the typical hysterical, aggressive Islamists or anyone else.


zionist bullshit

11.01.2004 22:03

as far as i know this is the first time that any TV twat celebs one have been censored for rascist comments directed at Arabs, Kilroy- sick plays a leading in role in the War against freedom , he's a WMD himself a fucking Weapon of mass Deception. yeah to say the media is controlled by Arabs must cracks me up .
I can just the imagine the zionist agent who wrote this crap rolling about laughing his bollox off !
I s'pose if your going to tell porky pies you might as well go for the big one ...

no doubt the author will be able to publish a long list of Arab TV executives and Media magnates ..
but soome how I think not,

twin torrifagiani

Killroy has every right to air his racist views

11.01.2004 22:33

I have no problem with Killroy publicising his racist views, and he has every right to do so, but I do have a problem if he is supposed to an impartial/independant referee on a TV debating programme. I think his racist views may impact/influence his ability to impartially referee discussions, so his credibility as an impartial referee has be damaged.
I agree with Killroy's views to a certain extent, but not with his generalisation and sterotyping of all arabs. I dont' think he should be allowed to return to work on Killroy, as his impartiality has been compromised.


Erm, yeah... apart from the tantrum over 'Spooks'

11.01.2004 22:48

And this... from the same Islamic censorship group:

The media committee of the Muslim Council of Britain have been able to notch up some significant achievements over the past few months, reports its Secretary, Inayat Bunglawala.

At the end of May, the media committee wrote to the BBC to protest about their use of the phrase “Islamic terrorists” to describe Kashmiri freedom fighters in their news reports...

We contacted the BBC again in July to insist that the BBC describe the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gazah as “illegal”...

The media committee received a very large number of complaints from British Muslims about a story which appeared in an article entitled “Britain’s Boom Town” in the Sunday Times magazine on July 28. The author of the article said that there was an area of Birmingham which was described by the locals as “Allah’s arse”...

Several of our Muslim correspondents were unhappy with the Daily Mail and the Daily Express continued use of the antiquated spelling “Moslem” in their stories. We wrote to the editors of both newspapers in July and urged them not to unnecessarily antagonise their many thousands of Muslim readers in this way...


Do any readers know of any other religious lobby groups who are fussy enough to demand spelling corrections?



11.01.2004 23:32

The Indymedia crew will doubtless hide this garbage of a post before long. But just for the uninitiated newcomers, all the above posts are typical of the disinformation attempts of the thickos who work for the British state.

Technique: the Troll writes an offensive racist posting (for which the existence of folk like the BNP gives good cover); he then responds (maybe under a female name) to his own post with a "right on" PC response; then an offensive reply .

blah blah blah.

My advice is just to ignore this worm.


agree to disagree

11.01.2004 23:46

When people write in with differing views to your own, its called debate. Maybe its going out of fashion on Indymedia.


Everyone has a right to an opinion!

11.01.2004 23:51

Regardless of any racist remarks or otherwise everyone has a right to air an opinion.
I think this political correctness has gone too far and these God damn religious groups should get back down to reality and mind their own business. If you don't agree with the person's opinion racist or not then there is a simple solution don't bother watching or listen to it or him/her. Silencing a person's point of view can only make matters worse let alone violate human rights no matter if the person an asshole or not!

Just drop it and do yourselves a favour just get a life okay?!

Please for the sake of sanity let freedom of speech consist of two different sides or the world will be a boring place to live.

As for the Muslim Council of Britain go suck Allah's Cock and piss off back to where you come from and stop trying to dictate to us what to say in future!

Plus you treat women really badly in Arab countries too! Let women have equal rights!

PS I am not a Kilroy Fan either if you're wondering!


Kilroy woz 'ere

11.01.2004 23:56

Kilroy can't SAY shit about Arabs, but our government can imprison, maim, burn, kill, torture, cluster bomb, poison and starve them.


zionist lunatics still plague this website with their nonsense

12.01.2004 00:05

What utter crap about the media being controlled by Arabs. Try seeing things as they actually and stop wasting the time of intelligent people who think and take responsibility for their actions instead of you nutters. You ought to be all locked up for good.


conspiracy theorists... zionists under the bed... come on, be serious

12.01.2004 00:10

Who said the media was controlled by Arabs? Try reading!

Some of the comments are out of line, but I think my previous comment demonstrated quite conclusively that the Muslim Council of Britain is a very demanding and pedantic influence over the British media.

The question still stands - does anyone know of any other religious pressure groups who write to the media demanding spelling corrections, to avoid 'antagonising' their members?


Why so much anger?

12.01.2004 00:47

MCoB isn't run by arabs? Secretary/ spokesman looks maybe indonesian in origin, probably born in Britain but he doesn't look very arabic to me. Bunglawala doesn't sound very arabic either, hmm? Why do people think arab and muslim is the same and everyone is a zionist? They must be very stupid!


killroy is a right wing tosser

12.01.2004 08:27

the press and the bbc come out wiv so much right wing crap every fucking day! it's not that often it gets taken up, but it seems middle england hav a neo champion in!

this country is a wash with right wing nuitters, and the difference between the right and the left is that the right is in power: big time!

indymedia has to hide articles every day sent by right wing agitators and employees of the state. if u wanna air your nationalistic and stupid opinions, why not go get a job in the press instead of bothering us here at indymedia?



ok, back to the point here ...

12.01.2004 09:48

...kilroy stated quite openly his opinions on Arabs ...

... these included his belief that;

they have contributed nothing to civilization (bit odd this one isn't it, coming as it does from a supposedly intelligent man who has been given the honour of representing the public in govenment - has he never read any history of the region, is he not aware of the advances in mathamatics, science, writing, medicine, agriculture, architecture etc etc that the Arab area of the world was exporting to the rest of the world at a time when europe was putting to death women for having spots on the face, or executing 'poor' people for the crime of learning to read Latin? Obviously not!);

they are good only for amputating limbs ( er .. see cluster bombs and little ali for a comparison between attitudes towards the santity of life);

they are intent on oppressing women ... well yes there certainly are some reactionary elements within Arab society, but perhaps if we take a closer look at the hideen attitudes of our own society (which likes nothing better than reading newspaper stories vilifying women for daring to be differnt or making the mistake that they can commit the same kind of offences as men do AND NOT be treated as if the minions of hell had been let loose - see also rape. pornograpghy and domestic abuse etc etc).


They are his beliefs (and he is welcome to them, I fear that they will not bring him anything of any value spiritualy or intellectually, but that is another debate).

The issue of wehether or not Arabs and their fellow muslims should react to such provocation is more complicated for us non muslims - yes we would like to see the societies of the muslim world reformed more in keeping with our own values - but at the moment we seem to be droping cluster bombs and stuff on them. Not a very good overture to good communication is it?

For Arabs themselves (muslim or not - and yes not all Arabs are Muslims!!!), well they are perfectly within their rights - both legally and morally - to complain that such ignorant reactionary and unhelpful comments be either retracted and apologised for, or highlighted and repudiated by those who Kilroy is associated with.

The whole notion that somehow we are being held hostage by a powerful conglomeration of Muslim/Arabs and sympathetic media owners, who make it their business to deny the free speach of honest white englishmen ... is ridiculous.

Be very cautious about the kind of people that postulate this notion (and other similar ones). These poeple either are the ignorant reactionaries that hold similar views to kilroy, or are working another agenda.

Obvious to all who have made even a cursery study of this area, is the hand of the famed (and not to be spoken of - at least not without the usual full on character assasination) 'zionist controled media'.

They really do exist!

They are really good at what they do.

They will pounce on any that dare to question the legitimacy of israeli acts, they will villify any who seek to uncover ideas, facts, notions about the israeli/zionist WORLD agenda, and have done, are doing and will in the future, place highly dubious and totally false stories in the media in order to drive public opinion.

... and unlike this mythical liberal/red/muslim control of the media (which singularly fails ever to produce even one name or organisation as evidence) - this zionist controlled media has names, organisations, writen objectives, powerful friends, seemingly unlimited resources and an unbroken presence in nearly all our living rooms/front/middle/back pages.

Yes, those who argue that kilroy was right, in his rights and that his detractors are wrong and bent on islamic takeover etc etc are entitled to their opinions, are free to speculate and postulate positions as debating points - its just that we DON'T have to believe, indulge or respond to them. Lets face it, there are more interesting things to do with our time that attempt to educate those that shut their eyes, ears and brains to truth love and justice.

And no I don't have to respect your postion, nor do I have to accept anything that I know to be wrong, untrue or innaccurate. I do not have to treat your ideas with the same reverence as those formulated through hard work, dilligence and respect for life, when the only effort put into holding them is a brief review of tabloid opinions, easy conclusions, hysterical over-reactions and a xenophobic bitterness directed at any and all that differentiate themselves from the banal meaningless observations of a largly uninterested selfish majority.

mail e-mail: jackslucid