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Islamism and the left | 09.01.2004 17:26

Why should the labour, anti-war and student movements help to promote and entrench the position of a right-wing political current among Muslims?

The Muslim Brotherhood, with which the MAB is politically affiliated ... has played a thoroughly reactionary role, hostile to democracy, the labour movement, secularism and women’s rights.

The Muslim Association of Britain in its own words

In the Inspire newspaper produced for the September 28th 2002 demonstration, an article on the MAB’s “Historical Roots and Background” links it quite explicitly to the Islamist (Islamic fundamentalist) tradition of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the stated aim of “the widespread implementation of Islam as a way of life; no longer to be sidelined as merely a religion”. At the Stop the War Coalition conference on 11th January 2003, an MAB speaker stated that his organisation was proud to be affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

In short, the MAB is open about being part of a political current which aims to establish a state run under Islamic law, with decisions made by a religious elite and the population subjected to drastic rules based on the almost 1,300-year-old Qur’an and re-invented traditions from over a thousand years ago. What this means in practice is demonstrated by an article in Inspire on "Islam and Human Rights", which states that apostasy from Islam is either "a religious offence punishable by death" or, at least, "an act of mutiny or treason, that is punishable" as such.

The MAB’s other political slogans are also indicative of its politics. Take "Zionists out of Palestine". Given that the vast majority of Jewish citizens of Israel considers themselves Zionists, this can only indicate hostility to the very presence of Jews in Palestine (as distinct from opposition to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, or condemnation of the way Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens).

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Muslim Brotherhood, with which the MAB is politically affiliated, is the largest Islamist organisation in Egypt, Sudan and many other parts of the Muslim world. In countries where the Brotherhood has won mass support, it has played a thoroughly reactionary role, hostile to democracy, the labour movement, secularism and women’s rights.

Some national examples:

In Egypt, the Brotherhood declared the Muslim academic Nasr Abu Zaid an apostate after he put forward the theory that the Qur’an has been interpreted differently in different historical contexts, and tried to force his wife to divorce him through the courts. The couple eventually fled to Scandinavia.

In Sudan, a military coup backed by the Brotherhood took power in 1989, crushing the powerful workers’ strikes which had gripped the country in the late ’80s, and closing off the possibility of a peace deal with the mainly Christian South.

In Palestine, Hamas originated in the Gaza branch of the Brotherhood; the website of the Pakistani group Jamaat-e-Islami, which is linked to the Brotherhood, includes links to Hamas.

In Algeria, the Brotherhood is part of the Islamic Salvation Front, the alliance of Islamist groups which won the 1991 elections and, after being prevented from taking power by the army, used the resulting civil war as an excuse to massacre thousands of left-wingers, secular intellectuals, feminists, trade unionists and others.

In Pakistan, in March 2003, members of Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing Islami Jamiat Tulaba attacked and wounded student supporters of the Labour Party Pakistan who were giving out anti-war leaflets at Karachi University.

The MAB and the Muslim community

In September 2003, the MAB itself admitted that it had only twelve branches (see Inspire) and that its activists were mainly Arabs, i.e. drawn from a small minority of British Muslims (yet it had the money to produce extremely glossy publications and carry out an extensive range of activities – which rather begs the question of where its money comes from). As a result of being promoted by the Stop the War Coalition, it has undoubtedly grown significantly since then.

Nonetheless, the MAB does not and cannot represent the “Muslim community” as a totality, since this community is divided by class, wealth, political opinions etc like any other.

The question is: why should the labour, anti-war and student movements help to promote and entrench the position of a right-wing political current among Muslims? By allying with the MAB, the Stop the War Coalition effectively said that it is more interested in conservative and Islamist Muslims than left-wing and secular Muslims/ex-Muslims.

Criticising the MAB is not Islamophobic or anti-Muslim; many if not most Muslims are strongly opposed to Islamism, and Muslim workers, women and left-wingers are of course the first victims of the Islamists in power. It is no coincidence that socialist, feminist and labour movement groups in Muslim countries are among the most virulent opponents of Islamism, since they are fighting against it for their lives.

The Labour Party of Pakistan, for instance, has described Islamism as “the new fascism” and Jamaat-e-Islami as being one of the most serious threats the Pakistani labour movement faces; Dita Sari, chair of the Indonesian FNPBI trade union federation and herself a religious Muslim, has spoken in Britain about having to organise workers’ guards to defend her union’s meetings from armed Islamist thugs.

Is it not in fact "Islamophobic" to assume that all Muslims support the politics of Islamism?

The MAB and the anti-war movement

As well as alienating secular and left-wing Muslims from the anti-war movement, the Stop the War Coalition’s alliance with the MAB also serves to alienate Jewish people, feminists and many on the left. The MAB’s money means that it can mobilise substantial numbers of people; but even supposing that a clear anti-fundamentalist stance alienated more people than it attracted, numbers are clearly not everything.

Before, during and since the end of the war, the AWL has argued consistently for a movement in solidarity with the peoples – and in the first instance, the working-class – of Iraq, which raises democratic, secular and internationalist slogans against US-UK imperialism, the remnants of the Ba’athist regime and insurgent Islamic fundamentalism. It should be obvious, of course, that the alliance with the MAB is incompatible with this goal.

Conclusion: the politics of the MAB

It is sometimes pointed by the MAB’s apologists that it has condemned the September 11th atrocity and disassociated itself from the activities of more radical Islamist groups.

Certainly MAB stewards on the anti-war demonstrations have attempted to restrain groups such al-Muhajiroun; certainly its politics are not as extreme as those of eg al-Qaeda. However, this is not saying very much.

An analogy: groups such as the French Front National and the Austrian Freedom Party are not fascist in quite the same sense that the German Nazis were; there can be little doubt, however, that they are part of the same political milieu. The MAB is at the moderate, reformist end of the Islamic fundamentalist spectrum, but it is part of that spectrum nonetheless.

To taint the British left with these reactionary politics is to cripple and marginalise it.


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Who is your "anti-war movement"?

09.01.2004 18:03

This rant was posted by Workers Liberty, a tiny Trot sect who, like all the other Trot sects spend all their time and energy slagging off all the other Trot sects. They would like readers to think that "the anti-war movement" in Britain consists entirely of the Stop The War Coalition, which is a useless front group owned and operated by the largest Trot sect, the Socialist Workers Party.

It does not.

Nearly all of the British left has rejected all of these ridiculous "mass movement" groups, despite all their continual earnest attempts to recruit us.

The Stop The War Coalition exists solely for two purposes:

a) to harness the anger against the war and the policies of Bush & Blair as a recruiting tool for the SWP,
b) to head off any real action against the war, and work hand-in-glove with the police to herd all protest into neat lines behind police cordons, where we are forced to listen to boring speeches by useless politicians.

When the people finally realise how all these groups work against real change and real action, then a real anti-war movement can begin.


I totally agree with the first post

10.01.2004 10:05

Well, I have to disagree with the last post. My antiwar stance is certainly not of the same line that the interpretation that Muslims have of it. I, for example, do not sympathise with palestinians that fight for "God and country", or to buy meca Cola instead of Coca Cola... And that doesn't make me a Troc! Awake, Muslim society is staggered with our history and the present world currents concerning economy, rights, politics and filosophies not only of the west but of the rest of non Muslim east. And I have no wish as a modern, secular, European citizen in helpin them with any issue of their concern unless they state a profound anticapitalism. From my view it can only be a regression to the many social advances that European societies have attained since the French revolution; For the rest, if they dislike it, they can always go to the new formed Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, or Pakistan, I mean, everywhere they are not alloewd to speak of anything but fucking god. Retrograds... Gosh!


The article poster is an idiot

10.01.2004 10:47

And the poster of the comment above seems to have the intelligence of a slightly dim 10 year old with his simple world view and xenophobic attitude.

Angry Manc
mail e-mail:


10.01.2004 13:01

And you can tell whatever the heck you fancy, but I say that you and all god worshippers can get stuffed up your arses (including non god worshippers of "multicultural" allegiance playing the role of useful idiots).



10.01.2004 14:06

K misunderstands me. Workers Liberty are correct to say that MAB are closly linked with the Muslim Brotherhood and other right-wing groups, and I don't support MAB any more than they do.

The SWP has a long history of supporting right-wing groups, since their purpose is not to build a socialist mass movement, but simply to build their party. They marched with right-wing Serb nationalists against the Kosovo bombing. They first supported, then opposed the Ayatollahs in Iran.

But that's all beside the point. My point is that Workers Liberty and all the other Trot sects do is slag each other off. In this instance, they're on about the biggest sect, the SWP. In their paper they prefer to concentrate fire on a group even tinier than themselves, the CPGB. Who gives a fuck which sect is the most correct? Who wants to buy one of their pathetic little papers, reading all their long accusations against the other tiny little parties?

"To taint the British left with these reactionary politics is to cripple and marginalise it." they inform us. Who's done more to cripple and marginalise the left than joke "parties" like them and the SWP? What have they done lately to build real change on this godforsaken little island? Fuck all is what.

Allying yourself either with the Stop The War Coalition, its owners the SWP, or Workers Liberty, or the CPB, the CPGB, the CPB-ML, the RCPB-ML, the ISG, the RCG, the SLP, the SEP, the SPGB, the Peoples Judean Front or the Judean People's Front, achieves the same thing in the end. It just keeps you right where the state wants you: tiny, tired and useless.



12.01.2004 00:17

You hate all Muslims but wont admit it. You don't comnsider there lives important. I will always stand up to Nazi's like you. LONG LIVE THE INTAFADA until Israel stops treating the Palestinians as sub humans.


balance and truth

12.01.2004 20:35

The article is, i think, both right and wrong. It is right about the role of Islamicist movements around the world, (and remember Islamicism is not the same as Islam but a particular fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, and historically is quite new), but wrong in the sense that it does not offer a solution. Why do so many Moslems look to islamicism? One because there does not seem to be a credible left alternative. I mean, in a lot of the third world there is the impression that the communists had their chance and blew it, and they can never recover. So, there is a vacuum for another force which is anti -imperialist. yet, this force has reactionary views and if it takes power would not do anything progressive. Would an Iraq run by anti american islamicists be a truly free Iraq?? hardly, it would be as bad as Iran or Saudi arabia to live in. And so, there is the problem of how a progressive left group in this country can reach to a mass of disatisfied anti imperialists. The solution, make a deal with the islamicists. This is politics. Yet it is not satisfactory for anyone involved. what is the solution? No solution!


balance and truth ?

13.01.2004 00:15

You have written utter nonsense. The "left" are split into many factions and CERATINLY NOT behind Islamic Fundamentalism - that is rubbish and there is NO TRUTH in that WHATSOEVER, but "the left" ARE against Isreal inhuman policy against Palestine. There are also AGAINST Islamic Fundamentalist Governments.
