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M&S picket report 8.1.04

Fiona Brown | 08.01.2004 22:05 | Anti-racism | London

Boycott M&S starts with strength and vitality in the new year and the Zionists continue their counter picket in Oxford Street.

Picket of M&S Oxford Street, London - 8 January 2004

This is the second Thursday picket outside M&S in Oxford Street, London in 2004. The picketers were full of new year’s resolve to keep active on the streets in defence of the Intifada. The Zionists were back attempting as usual to prevent us getting our message across. However, we will not be silenced and the picketers used the megaphone and their voices to let Oxford Street shoppers, especially those entering M&S, know that the struggle for peace and justice for the Palestinians must go on. The boycott of Israeli goods and the Boycott of M&S must grow throughout 2004. It must become second nature to those who believe a better world is possible to shop with a conscience and pledge to have nothing to do with British corporations who support the Israeli state.

This picket is the only regular event happening in London every week in support of the Palestinian’s struggle. It is therefore vital that anyone who believes in freedom and justice comes along and supports this picket. It can only be maintained by regular attendance. Victory to the Intifada thanks all those who consistently show their commitment. The picket is open to everyone who is anti-racist and opposes oppression. The megaphone is available for use by anyone on the picket. The atmosphere is lively, there are speeches, chanting, drumming and theatre. Come and give your voice to the struggle and help drown out the fascists on the counterpicket.

Picket of M&S, Oxford Street, London (Marble Arch end)
6-8pm every Thursday


Fiona Brown
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Israel is being unfairly condemned

09.01.2004 10:24

On the front pages of European newspapers Sharon munches Palestinian children and little Jesuses in cradles are threatened by Israeli soldiers. This new anti-Semitism has materialized in unprecedented physical violence towards Jewish persons and symbols, coming from organizations officially devoted to human rights. Its peak occurred at the United Nations summit in Durban, South Africa, when anti-Semitism officially became the banner of the new secular religion of human rights, and Israel and Jews became its official enemy.

[Jews]have been caught unawares, and have failed to denounce the new trend of anti-Semitism. Nobody is scandalized when Israel is accused daily, without explanation, of excessive violence, of atrocities, of cruelty. Everybody is tormented about the necessity of painful attacks against terrorist nests, often located among families and children. Still, every country has the right to defend itself. Only the Jews in history have been denied the right of self-defense, and so it is today… Is it not anti-Semitism, when you act as if Jews must die quietly? Why is Israel officially accused by the human rights commission in Geneva of violating human rights, while China, Libya, Sudan, have never ever been accused? Why has Israel been denied a fixed place in regional groups in the UN while Syria sits in the Security Council? Why can everybody join a war against Iraq except Israel, despite the fact that Saddam has always threatened Israel with complete destruction?… Israel is an "unterstate," denied the basic rights of every other state, to exist in honor and peace. The Jewish state is not equal…

The Jews that survived Nazi-fascist persecution, the persecution of the Right, created a socialist state inspired by the values of the Left, work and collectivism, and by doing so, again sanctified the Left as the shelter of the victims. In exchange for this, the Jews were granted legitimization… The people of Israel were a living accusation of the anti-Semitism that marked the Shoah, the Nazi-Fascist anti-Semitism; and now they were building collective farms and an omnipotent trade union! To some degree, this absolved Stalinist anti-Semitism, or gave it a much smaller importance than it really had. The Jews became indispensable for the left: look at the passionate and paternalistic tone of the Bologna professors, as they seem to plead: "Come back, our dear Jews. Be ours again. Let us curse Israel together and than take a trip together to the Shoah memorials". But [how] can you cry with the survivors for Jews killed by Nazis when the living Jews are accused to be Nazi themselves?

Fiamma Nirenstein (former communist)

Israeli officers condemn Sharon govt too

09.01.2004 10:43

You dare to invoke the name of the Shoah, and whine about Israel's critics "denying Israel the right of self-defense". Yet scores of IDF officers and brave IDF commandos agree that the Israeli govt has now gone way beyond any legitimate definition of "self-defense", and are refusing to obey illegal orders from the war criminal Sharon:,2763,1098456,00.html

You do the cause of legitimate defence of Israel a disservice, by claiming that opposing the bloody barbarism against the Palestinians amounts to anti-semitism, and by conflating the denunciation of morally indefensible acts with genuine anti-semitism. Those of use who are fighting against real anti-semitism here in Europe are undermined continually by your moral cowardice.

Yochanan Kushner

Today's Hitler-Stalin-pact

09.01.2004 15:24

As in the past with the Hitler-Stalin-Pact, today's leftists agree with the Nazi-fascists when the matter comes to Jews and Anti-Semitism.
The communist world movement abandoned the Jews, let the Shoa happen, even afterwards didn't reflect what had happen.
The Jews had to manage their survival and decided to build up a state, to never let the world try to kill all the Jews anymore.
But only some decades later, the Leftists main target to fight is Israel. Didn't the Leftists learn anything from the past? So it seams and, sadly, so it is.
When Leftists today march or picket against the "Zionists" - indead what they consider Zionists -, they do this in full knowlegde of the Nazi-Fascists and the Shoa. If you do not judge these Leftists by the historical meaning of what communism and marxism once was, but by what they are and what they do today, it is very clear, that these leftists not only are anti-Semitists. They act like Nazis. They fight for Europe, with Germany as the ruler, and they fight against Israel and the Jews. They add a dash of anticapitalism to it, the same was the idiological mélange the SA preached.
All Leftists, that do not agree to this shift towards national-socialism, should eventually start thinking about this. These non-nazified Leftists have to criticise that new development by means of ideological criticism as well as - if there is no other way - by means of physical resistence.

Yves Fouret

Parading your ignorance

09.01.2004 17:48

Ah yes, I forgot, I must be a "self-hating Jew" since I march against Sharon's policies. By this logic, I must also be a "self-hating Brit" for marching against Tony Blair. And my Dad was American, and I marched against Bush when he visited, so I'm obviously a "self-hating American" too, or half of one anyway.

Lucky for me I'm not Iranian or Uzbek or Colombian, or that would make me "self-hating" for marching against those brutal governments too.

Best of all is this ludicrous assertion:

> They fight for Europe, with Germany as the ruler, and they fight against Israel
> and the Jews.

Are you out of your mind? We have always opposed the EU, in fact the radical left are doing this in opposition to all the mainstream parties that you leave off of your list of anti-semites. Maybe if you actually read a little about us and what we fight for, you would realise what a load of nonsense you're talking.

Yochanan Kushner

Dear Yochanan

11.02.2004 18:37

you describe the fact, that lots of British Leftists fight for an Europe that is dominated by Germany, using words to make this perspective look like a ridiculous one. But haven't you determined yet, that there are quiet many leftists wearing parkas with the German Flag on it. Maybe it's only fashion, but for me this seems likely to be an expression of their political attitude.
There are, even outside of Britain -a good deal in Germany of course-, some antiimperialist relicts, that hold up Germany as the counterpart to the US in the future struggles.
Like it or not, if in Europe someone fights against the US, it is an implicit fight for Germany. If you don't want to be Germanized, then what?

Eberhardt Müller