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Civil contingencies bill

guidoke | 07.01.2004 21:38 | Repression | World

The Civil Contingencies Bill, with the accompanying non-legislative measures, will deliver a single framework for civil protection in the United Kingdom.

"Sweeping new powers to tackle major terror attacks and other emergencies, have been proposed by ministers.

The Civil Contingency Bill will update emergency laws dating back 80 years.

It could allow ministers to ban access to sensitive sites, evacuate affected areas and stop public gatherings without Parliament's approval."

Civil Contingencies Bill



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The Big Fear

08.01.2004 02:07

This is fascism made large. We are now catapulting into a severe totalitarian state where the authorities can now cause chaos under the guise of oft-threatened terrorism and act accordingly to do what they like with populations if they happen to pull one off


British Government to end Freedom of Brits

08.01.2004 12:23

The Civil Contingencies Bill creates the powers to:

* Send the armed forces into anywhere in Britain;

* Ban movement of people and vehicles in an area;

* Order evacuation of an area;

* Seize, confiscate or destroy property, with or without compensation;

* Destroy animal or plant life, with or without compensation;

* Ban "assemblies of specified kinds, at specified places or at specified times";

* Arrest people who fail to co-operate with the emergency powers;

* Set up special tribunals.

The legislation covers war, terrorism, contamination of land with "harmful biological, chemical or radioactive matter or oil", flooding and "disruption or destruction of plant life or animal life".

Freedom Lover

New World Order Agenda - Concurrent Bills

02.02.2005 18:16

With the Civil Contingency Bill being passed here in the UK and the Patriot Act being passed in the USA, we should all be concerned about the implications of such actions. Combined with the Anti-Terror Laws, National ID-Cards, Biometric Passports, RFID in our shops and arms, it won't be long before we are all slaves to a fascist one-world dictatorship which is the New World Order - One World, One Government, One Religion.

As these monsters strip us of our basic human rights and civil liberties, we are all in danger of becoming RFID micro-chipped slaves to the people who really run the world - the Illuminati - the small elite group of families who own and control most of our banks, power supplies, water supplies, military operations, defence contracts and media networks.

The Illuminati have taken it upon themselves to cleanse the planet. We are told that oil resources are being depleted so instead of working towards alternative power sources, they think that a global population reduction of roughly 80% is the answer. In their twisted minds, less people to supply = more power to go around. Just look at the UN's Agenda 21 and the Global Biodiversity Assessment Report from the Earth Summits. If you have heard the term "sustainable development" then don't be conned into thinking this a good thing. They want to develop a planet that is sustainable to their targets, one target being reducing the world population to less than 2 billion (they would prefer it to be closer to 1 billion though).

The government are just their puppets, the Illuminati are pulling their strings which make our politicians sing and dance to their tune. Yet most of the sheeple believe the illusion of democracy and think they have a say by ticking a box once every 4 years. They don't, whoever you vote for - the Illuminati win.

Imagine a child being instantly micro-chipped at birth, born into slavery. These kids will not know any different. They will think it is normal. As mainstream TV becomes more of a propaganda tool than an entertainment device, they will be conditioned from birth to accept this way of life. Their parents will also be micro-chipped and conditioned to accept this way of life and thus condition their child in the same way. It would only take 2 or 3 generations for this New World Order to be phased in totally.

Scientists have already isolated a gene in monkeys brains called D2. This is basically the work for reward gene. They have now conditioned monkeys to just sit there all day, matching colours on a computer screen to lever operations and work effectively and efficiently for no rewards at all. We humans have the same gene also. I kid you not!

Scientists find way to make us slaves,,2087-1313556,00.html

Imagine Brave New World by Huxley and 1984 by Orwell combined into one book. That is the sort of future we face.

People need to be woken up and we need to resist these tyrants while we still can. Otherwise we face a very grim future, maybe no future at all.

The Watchaman Watcheth.....8)

The Watchaman
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