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Protest to support cannabis coffeeshop entrepreneurs

Don Barnard, Legalise Cannabis Alliance | 07.01.2004 21:18


A Pro-Cannabis demonstration is expected outside Crown Court on Friday 9th
January 2004 when Worthing Cannabis Cafe entrepreneurs appear for sentence.

Chris Baldwin, Winston Matthews and Mark Benson will appear at Chichester
Crown Court to be sentenced for their "crimes".

These so called crimes are all related to providing a cannabis cafe for the
benefit of the community in Worthing.

Editors/researchers note: History of the UK Cannabis Cafes [See: ]

Sarah Chalk, Sussex Spokesperson for Legalise Cannabis Alliance said: "In
Worthing the whole community benefited, from charities to local business"
adding, "If there were cannabis cafes all over the UK, just think how the
whole country would benefit."

A message has already gone out via the internet calling for support from the
thousands who actually visited Quantum Leaf and Buddies in Worthing, to
travel a few miles and let people know what they think.

Sarah said: "These brave men should be recognised.

"We intend to have a peaceful demo outside the court On Friday 9th January

"I am expecting people as far away as Scotland to turn up to show support.

Any further information/request for interviews Contact
Sarah Chalk
07717 018471

Press Office
Legalise Cannabis Alliance
PO Box 198, Norwich,
Tel: 07984 255015

January 6 2004

Don Barnard, Legalise Cannabis Alliance


Hide the following 3 comments

Entrepreneurs? Just say no kids!

08.01.2004 10:47

Lets support these fine businessmen/women. If cannabis was legalised they could provide more minimum wage service industry jobs for the unemployed (after all, you'd have to keep overheads down to compete with the Borders/Starbucks cannabis coffee shop down the road).

Smoky Bear

Don't be stupid

10.01.2004 14:43

Yeah sure, if it was legalised there would be a business in it. But it would also stop the criminalisation of thousands of mostly working-class people every year. It would stop shite quality hash and adulterated weed from being smoked by kids and adults. It would give people the chance to enjoy a weed that has no lethal dose, virtually no addictive properties and many medicinal uses, from MS and nausea to glaucoma and migranes.


Legalise it !

10.01.2004 18:29

There is a house not far from me where a group of young adult men sell dope from.

Harmless you may think, but you would be very wrong. They have got young kids nicking all sorts of stuff for them in return for their weekly hash supply, which they in turn sell to other kids. None of these young men work, they don't need to. They are making a tidy living selling dope, and then ringing cars with the proceeds of their ill gotten gains. All in all they are cause of a mini crime wave in this area.

If cannabis was completely legalised it would put a stop to the criminal lifestyle associated with buying and selling dope. People are going to use dope anyway, all the 'just say no' campaigns wont stop it.

Cannabis cafes are a brilliant idea and should be encouraged, or else we fuel criminal behaviour !

Victim of drug related crime