Analysis: GOP Losing Early Battles
marco | 07.01.2004 16:01 | Zapatista
Why did RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie attack 's
Bush in 30 Seconds campaign with all his might on "Fox News Sunday?"
Because it hurt like a killing blow.

Bush in 30 Seconds campaign with all his might on "Fox News Sunday?"
Because it hurt like a killing blow.
Why did RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie attack 's
Bush in 30 Seconds campaign with all his might on "Fox News Sunday?"
Because it hurt like a killing blow.
The entire campaign is devastating Bush in ways that the GOP has never
seen itself equipped to "handle."
"Wesley Clark? Oh, we can handle him," I imagine their secret meeting
deep inside the Pentagon playroom or the Bradley Foundation winecellar.
"Howard Dean? Yeah sure. We can handle him. Kucinich? Handlable."
"Leiberman? Oh, we'll just offer him Speaker of the House or head of
Homeland Security at the very last minute. He's already handled."
"How many ads all being written and watched in realtime by literally
millions of people doing what?? Voting on them over beer and brats?!?
In their underwear??? Whenever they feel like it nonstop from now on
through to election day!?!? Wait, this we cannot handle.
"Attack it, attack it. Must attack. Must att..."
If you watch the corporate media you will think that
went out and sought two filmmakers to come up with a couple of direct
comparisons between Bush and Hitler, and when they found them they
morphed them into the entire upcoming campaign.
Don't believe the hype.
This has little to do with two HitlerBush 30 second spots.
No, that's just the RNC's easiest first attack. Their perceived weakness
to exploit.
Here's Wes Boyd's explaination of that specific.
Personally I don't think he should have cowed even that much. But he's on
the defensive here, not me. His group has decided to filter spots they
don't think are appropriate. Those ordinarily won't get looked at for
voting and these two "slipped through." I don't think they needed to
filter them OR ANY upcoming ones. If they suck, people won't vote for
them. If they're really good, filtering will have been just plain wrong.
But I'm not one of their judges OR gatekeepers, so that's that. Fact of
the matter is, these two spots were having a humble low run along the
bottom or middle of the pack somewhere getting tiny buzz.
Suddenly Republican cyberstormtrooper Matt Drudge spies them while surfing
in one of his insomniacal mental-masturbatorial moments and flips the hell
out. Probably calls the RNC Chair himself.
"Houston we've got a problem." And the rest is history.
They've attacked these two ads, now they're attacking "move on dot org."
The fact of the matter is they're wasting a LOT of their campaign contributions
trying to counter not these two ads, not itself, but
something brand new.
And unhandlable.
The meme.
The very act of trying to make a 30 second spot, viewing a few hundred others
and voting, judging a bunch of finalists, and even being in the group that now
has to "filter" some of these ads from the rest of us. Their head is off and
they're running around like Christmas turkeys in November.
This may just be the largest, most lengthily sustained, stealthily started,
naturally disruptive, organically evolved ripple effect killing blow ever
launched against a Republican american president in the history of humankind.
And cheapest.

Bush in 30 Seconds campaign with all his might on "Fox News Sunday?"
Because it hurt like a killing blow.
The entire campaign is devastating Bush in ways that the GOP has never
seen itself equipped to "handle."
"Wesley Clark? Oh, we can handle him," I imagine their secret meeting
deep inside the Pentagon playroom or the Bradley Foundation winecellar.
"Howard Dean? Yeah sure. We can handle him. Kucinich? Handlable."
"Leiberman? Oh, we'll just offer him Speaker of the House or head of
Homeland Security at the very last minute. He's already handled."
"How many ads all being written and watched in realtime by literally
millions of people doing what?? Voting on them over beer and brats?!?
In their underwear??? Whenever they feel like it nonstop from now on
through to election day!?!? Wait, this we cannot handle.
"Attack it, attack it. Must attack. Must att..."
If you watch the corporate media you will think that
went out and sought two filmmakers to come up with a couple of direct
comparisons between Bush and Hitler, and when they found them they
morphed them into the entire upcoming campaign.
Don't believe the hype.
This has little to do with two HitlerBush 30 second spots.




No, that's just the RNC's easiest first attack. Their perceived weakness
to exploit.
Here's Wes Boyd's explaination of that specific.

Personally I don't think he should have cowed even that much. But he's on
the defensive here, not me. His group has decided to filter spots they
don't think are appropriate. Those ordinarily won't get looked at for
voting and these two "slipped through." I don't think they needed to
filter them OR ANY upcoming ones. If they suck, people won't vote for
them. If they're really good, filtering will have been just plain wrong.
But I'm not one of their judges OR gatekeepers, so that's that. Fact of
the matter is, these two spots were having a humble low run along the
bottom or middle of the pack somewhere getting tiny buzz.
Suddenly Republican cyberstormtrooper Matt Drudge spies them while surfing
in one of his insomniacal mental-masturbatorial moments and flips the hell
out. Probably calls the RNC Chair himself.
"Houston we've got a problem." And the rest is history.
They've attacked these two ads, now they're attacking "move on dot org."
The fact of the matter is they're wasting a LOT of their campaign contributions
trying to counter not these two ads, not

something brand new.
And unhandlable.
The meme.
The very act of trying to make a 30 second spot, viewing a few hundred others
and voting, judging a bunch of finalists, and even being in the group that now
has to "filter" some of these ads from the rest of us. Their head is off and
they're running around like Christmas turkeys in November.
This may just be the largest, most lengthily sustained, stealthily started,
naturally disruptive, organically evolved ripple effect killing blow ever
launched against a Republican american president in the history of humankind.
And cheapest.
