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No platform for fascists drive the anti-semites off the streets

Anti-Nazi League | 07.01.2004 10:39 | London

The Anti-Nazi League are calling for a mass mobilisation tommorrow to stop a fascist Jewish boycott picket by Palestinian terrorist supportters who are targetting the Marble Arch branch of Marks and Spencers and calling on people to boycoot it because it is a Jewish owned store. This is reminiscent of the German fascists campaign of boycotting Jewish shops in the 1930s. Meet at 5pm this Thursaday tommorrow, outside Marble Arch Marks and Spencers.

The organisers of the boycott picket are also supportters of the Intifada in Israel which aims to destroy Israel and drive out every Jew from the Middle East. The Initfada is a campaign of terrorism and violence including suicide bombings which indiscrimitly kill and maim innocent civilians. Lets stop their campaign of death!

Anti-Nazi League


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  1. Should read — Angry Manc