2004, its time to take stock and reflect....
Karl Marx | 07.01.2004 02:37
The division of time into segments is partially arbitrary. While
hours and minutes and seconds and milliseconds are strictly
conceptions in our mind, invented for our convenience in
scientific and practical endeavors -- and in measuring the rate
at which our lives are rushing past us -- there is a real
physical basis for other units of time. Days, seasons, and years
refer to the motion of our Earth as it traces its
circles-within-circles, a spinning mote of dust locked in a
momentary spiral in the infinite vastnesses of space and time.
As we are creatures of the Earth, it is natural and fitting that
we mark the Earth's natural rhythms -- the visible passages of
time -- with celebrations and reflections on our past and our
future. The need to do this is a deep and abiding part of the
European soul, as witness the astronomical observatory built on
Salisbury Plain over 4,000 years ago. The Solstice has passed,
the days are lengthening, and a new year, 2004, is born. Let us
take stock.
At the end of this new year, we will begin the fifth year of the
new century and the new millennium. In one of my American
Dissident Voices broadcasts in 1996, "Visions of the Future," I
looked forward to the 21st century in these terms:
"A new vision of the future is taking shape all across the lands
of the West. Even as the ugliness and decadence of the 20th
Century seem to be reaching their zenith, this new vision is
being born in the hearts and minds of men and women of European
descent. The New Century, the Great New Century is starting to
take shape, even as we speak...."
In that broadcast of 1996, I couldn't have predicted all the
changes and challenges that our people and the National Alliance
would have faced by 2004 -- but I think that the essence of the
vision is as valid as ever:
"America's future is bound tightly to her past. We Americans are
a unique blend of European genes, forged in hardship, in
conquest, in exploration, and in our world-historical battle for
freedom and independence for our people. We are restless and
unhappy as worker-drones living in a Third World province of the
Jewish elite's New World Order. It seems unlikely to me that our
genetic qualities and our cultural inheritance can be obliterated
by one or two generations of Jewish television.
"In the historic task of building a New America, it will fall to
us to be examples for our media-befuddled brothers. We who are
awakened to our great destiny must spread that awakening, that
consciousness of the future, to others. That is the task of the
National Alliance, of this web page, and of our radio program,
American Dissident Voices.
"Be a part of that future. Join with us, and through your support
we will reach out to more and more White Americans and make the
patriotic resistance so strong that none of the enemy's lies or
laws can stop us. Join us and together we will build a New
America and a New Age. Not the 'New Age' of the deluded 'liberal'
witch doctors now vending a new mixture of Communism and
superstition to an ignorant delusionariat; but a New Age of steel
and diamonds -- the steel of the White Man's will and the
diamonds of his genius. It will be a New Age in which the
productive and the great will be rewarded and not penalized for
their gifts; a New Age in which all that was good in the Old
America will be restored and in which the seeds of alien
subversion will never be allowed to take root again.
"Surround yourself with the sounds of Chopin and Liszt and Wagner
and Verdi and Schumann. Fill your family's ears with the sounds
of Mozart and Haydn and be imbued with the European race-soul.
Cover your walls with the greatest artworks of the West, with
Waterhouse and Rossetti and Bierstadt, with Breker and Raphael
and with the images of the Classical world where our people's
culture was born. Fill your bookshelves with the greatest works
of all time, by all those so-called "dead White European males"
and not with the Jewish pop-junk of the present. Immerse yourself
in the grandeur and greatness of the world that once was ours,
the world that men and women of our kind built from nothing and
will build again on the ruins of the plastic, ugly thing that
America has become.
"Revel in Nature, and in the too-few old-growth forests that
remain. Recapture the race-memories of the Titan northern woods
where our race evolved. When you visit our once-great cities,
ignore the concrete and glass blocks that our enemies openly call
the "international" style of architecture, and gaze with pride
upon the last century's still-standing magnificent creations of
the European mind -- and cast your eyes upward so that you do not
see the filthy undermen swarming on the street. Instead, imagine
the streets filled with the gentlemen and ladies of a new
American millennium.
"The first step to our rebirth begins with you. Remake your
lives. Remake yourselves into what you were meant to be. And
together we will make history."
Four years ago, when 1999 turned into 2000, Dr. William Pierce
spoke on this radio program about what we needed to do in the
21st century to save our race and culture from extinction. He
titled his broadcast 'Bringing Down the House.' By 'the house' he
meant the house of cards that the Jews have built in the West --
the fragile, highly unstable, and irrational framework of lies on
which their power is based. When a listener asked what we could
do to rid ourselves of the "Jewish stranglehold on our media and
the liberal hold on our institutions," Dr Pierce answered that we
needed to do repeatedly and deliberately what John Rocker did
once and casually. Dr. Pierce also told us that the fantastic
arrogance and hubris of the Jews -- their constant overreaching
and over-the-top demands that every other people obey and serve
them -- would eventually contribute to their undoing. He said,
referring to a then-current demand for money by Israel now
dwarfed by the costs of the Jews' war in the Middle East:
"Listen! Even the most jaded couch potato, even the most
thoughtless lemming, can be made to feel indignant about the
Jews' plan to steal $2 million of our hard-earned money and give
it to each Jewish family now settled illegally in Syria's Golan
Heights, if we rub his nose in it. We may not have John Rocker's
celebrity status, but we are gaining a louder and louder voice,
and you can be sure that we will not grovel and apologize the way
the celebrities customarily do when the Jews rap their knuckles
for Political Incorrectness. With the Jews themselves providing
us with issues such as their latest demand for $100 billion to
make peace with their neighbors and for us to pay for resettling
Jewish families in $2 million mansions in Israel, we eventually
will have even celebrities speaking out and refusing to
apologize. And the house of cards will come tumbling down. That's
the answer to [my listener's] question. The Jews are vulnerable.
The emperor is naked. We have to speak out, without fear or
hesitation or apology. We have to set an example. If we do that,
others will follow, and our people will be free."
Since that time, we have been setting an example. Four years ago,
we didn't have mainstream books citing our broadcasts as source
material, as Pat Buchanan did in his Death of the West. Four
years ago, we didn't have our articles cited and reprinted on
left-leaning alternative news sites -- but as awareness of Jewish
power grows -- and the capture of the political right by the Jews
becomes ever more obvious -- understanding of the correctness of
the National Alliance's analysis point of view is going to grow
exponentially, both among awakening leftists and
environmentalists and disillusioned conservatives. Four years
ago, we didn't have half the local unit activity we have now in
the National Alliance. Thanks to men like Shaun Walker and Roger
Williams and Rich Lindstrom and David Pringle and our local unit
leaders all over the country, we have been building real-world
White community -- the main purpose for which the Alliance exists
and without which our media outreach would become mere theatre.
National Alliance members are probably holding a real-world
gathering or public activity somewhere in this country even as I
speak, and many such activities are happening every week -- and,
as a news editor, I know it is even sometimes every day for many
days running. That's progress. Four years ago, we didn't have the
attention of the media as we do today -- and that coverage,
hostile as it is, lets our people know that there is an organized
alternative to lying down passively for the Jewish executioner.
That coverage -- now a mainstream article seems to appear several
times every week --is largely due to the fact that our members
and local units make it impossible for the papers and television
stations to ignore us. They're out on the streets, distributing
Alliance publications almost every day. And their efforts are
making a difference. When a good flyer meets a hot issue, there
can sometimes be over 100 articles about the Alliance on the news
wires at the same time. Four years ago, our Internet media were
still in their infancy and didn't have even one tenth the
audience they've gained this year. Four years ago, our magazine
publishing schedule was, except for Free Speech (associated with
this radio program), one issue every few years. This year, we've
published numerous issues of National Vanguard and Resistance --
and circulation is up, too, probably because more people have
read about us than ever before on their computer screens. Four
years ago, Dr. Pierce had just purchased a moribund pro-White
record company -- Resistance Records -- and, thanks to the
patriotic efforts of Erich Gliebe and Chris Evans, it is now the
leading producer and distributor of alternative music for White
youth worldwide. Four years ago we didn't have a daily-updated
news site so that we could counter the lies of the Jewish media
and the disinformation agents in our midst on a daily basis --
we've gained that capability in just the last few months.
The proof that what Dr. Pierce built from 1970 through 2002 was
solid is the fact that the National Alliance has continued to
grow even after his death and even after the system's vicious
attacks on us. We've weathered false charges being laid on some
of our best men by criminals posing as 'Justice Department'
officials. Chester Doles is standing tall, with the might of
truth behind him. Since the passage of the 'Patriot Act,' which
authorized our tax money to be spent on such things, we've
weathered an unbelievably nasty COINTELPRO-type lie and rumor
campaign launched by several false-flag operations; and our
membership is all the stronger for it.
When Dr. William Pierce was on his deathbed, he told me that the
National Alliance was more than just a group with a political
philosophy, more than just an educational organization. He said
that his goal for the Alliance was to make it, above all, a group
of men and women with a sacred mission, a group with a spiritual
basis which would be passed on to each generation in turn so that
its vision could never die. Though his ideas were always grounded
in fact and science and reality, this man who was in fact a
rocket scientist and all that that implies told me that his goal
was to make the Alliance have the staying power of a holy order,
whose goals remain fixed and whose purposes remain unalterable
for century upon century until the centuries pile up into
millennia. He worried that his time on Earth had been
insufficient for the accomplishment of that goal. One and a half
years after that great man's death, as we enter 2004, I think we
have more than an inkling that Dr. Pierce's dream is becoming a
When I first met Dr. Pierce in 1982, he was running the Alliance
from a cubbyhole office in a run-down section of Arlington,
Virginia. One of his outreach efforts at the time was a small
sticker with the Alliance's address and telephone number on it,
with a single imperative sentence printed above: Dream of a White
America. To make Dr. Pierce's dream come true -- and what a
beautiful world that will be! -- we must reach out to our people
every day. We can and will get hundreds of thousands and then
millions of our people dreaming the same dream. After dreaming
the dream comes living the life. After living the life comes
building the community. And after building the community -- after
fighting innumerable battles for its continuance, battles which
we cannot now even imagine -- comes remaking the world. Let 2004
be the beginning of your wholehearted acceptance of that joyous
The philosopher Savitri Devi called it 'enthralling.' Dr. William
Pierce called it "a survival manual for the White race." Revilo
Oliver of the University of Illinois, one of the leading
classicists of the last century, called it "unique... a veritable
encyclopaedia of everything that is directly pertinent to our
race's position in the world today."
The book is William Gayley Simpson's Which Way Western Man?,
which was unavailable for years and which has just been
republished in a new edition by National Vanguard Books.
William Simpson began his career as a graduate, summa cum laude,
of a major theological seminary, and became a Franciscan brother
working among the poor and disenfranchised in an attempt to make
a better world. Simpson saw the magnitude of the problems he and
his comrades were trying to solve, and realized that the
ameliorative work in which they were engaged would never solve
the problems they were tackling, and could at best only slow down
the steady decline of our civilization and of human quality
He read the great philosophers, particularly Nietzsche, and from
the 1920s to 1980 kept a written record of his quest for truth
and for the meaning of life, which he found in the never-ending
quest to increase human excellence and quality. Which Way Western
Man? is the result of that quest, and it is one of the most
important books of the last 100 years.
Published in 1980, the first edition sold out within a few years
and was not reprinted, as the author was working, throughout the
80s and until his death in the 1990s, on a series of revisions
and additions which reflected new knowledge and the mature final
insights of the author. At last, the monumental job of revision
has been completed and the second edition of Which Way Western
Man? is now available.
Which Way Western Man? is more than just a work of history,
philosophy, and science, although it is all of that -- it is also
the story of a life, the life of an unusually sensitive and
compassionate man, a man who could understand the mission of St.
Francis as well as that of Nietzsche -- a man who could see our
position in the universe and relate it to the ordinary reader in
a way that no other writer has ever done. I recommend Which Way
Western Man? with my highest commendation. It is a life-changing
hours and minutes and seconds and milliseconds are strictly
conceptions in our mind, invented for our convenience in
scientific and practical endeavors -- and in measuring the rate
at which our lives are rushing past us -- there is a real
physical basis for other units of time. Days, seasons, and years
refer to the motion of our Earth as it traces its
circles-within-circles, a spinning mote of dust locked in a
momentary spiral in the infinite vastnesses of space and time.
As we are creatures of the Earth, it is natural and fitting that
we mark the Earth's natural rhythms -- the visible passages of
time -- with celebrations and reflections on our past and our
future. The need to do this is a deep and abiding part of the
European soul, as witness the astronomical observatory built on
Salisbury Plain over 4,000 years ago. The Solstice has passed,
the days are lengthening, and a new year, 2004, is born. Let us
take stock.
At the end of this new year, we will begin the fifth year of the
new century and the new millennium. In one of my American
Dissident Voices broadcasts in 1996, "Visions of the Future," I
looked forward to the 21st century in these terms:
"A new vision of the future is taking shape all across the lands
of the West. Even as the ugliness and decadence of the 20th
Century seem to be reaching their zenith, this new vision is
being born in the hearts and minds of men and women of European
descent. The New Century, the Great New Century is starting to
take shape, even as we speak...."
In that broadcast of 1996, I couldn't have predicted all the
changes and challenges that our people and the National Alliance
would have faced by 2004 -- but I think that the essence of the
vision is as valid as ever:
"America's future is bound tightly to her past. We Americans are
a unique blend of European genes, forged in hardship, in
conquest, in exploration, and in our world-historical battle for
freedom and independence for our people. We are restless and
unhappy as worker-drones living in a Third World province of the
Jewish elite's New World Order. It seems unlikely to me that our
genetic qualities and our cultural inheritance can be obliterated
by one or two generations of Jewish television.
"In the historic task of building a New America, it will fall to
us to be examples for our media-befuddled brothers. We who are
awakened to our great destiny must spread that awakening, that
consciousness of the future, to others. That is the task of the
National Alliance, of this web page, and of our radio program,
American Dissident Voices.
"Be a part of that future. Join with us, and through your support
we will reach out to more and more White Americans and make the
patriotic resistance so strong that none of the enemy's lies or
laws can stop us. Join us and together we will build a New
America and a New Age. Not the 'New Age' of the deluded 'liberal'
witch doctors now vending a new mixture of Communism and
superstition to an ignorant delusionariat; but a New Age of steel
and diamonds -- the steel of the White Man's will and the
diamonds of his genius. It will be a New Age in which the
productive and the great will be rewarded and not penalized for
their gifts; a New Age in which all that was good in the Old
America will be restored and in which the seeds of alien
subversion will never be allowed to take root again.
"Surround yourself with the sounds of Chopin and Liszt and Wagner
and Verdi and Schumann. Fill your family's ears with the sounds
of Mozart and Haydn and be imbued with the European race-soul.
Cover your walls with the greatest artworks of the West, with
Waterhouse and Rossetti and Bierstadt, with Breker and Raphael
and with the images of the Classical world where our people's
culture was born. Fill your bookshelves with the greatest works
of all time, by all those so-called "dead White European males"
and not with the Jewish pop-junk of the present. Immerse yourself
in the grandeur and greatness of the world that once was ours,
the world that men and women of our kind built from nothing and
will build again on the ruins of the plastic, ugly thing that
America has become.
"Revel in Nature, and in the too-few old-growth forests that
remain. Recapture the race-memories of the Titan northern woods
where our race evolved. When you visit our once-great cities,
ignore the concrete and glass blocks that our enemies openly call
the "international" style of architecture, and gaze with pride
upon the last century's still-standing magnificent creations of
the European mind -- and cast your eyes upward so that you do not
see the filthy undermen swarming on the street. Instead, imagine
the streets filled with the gentlemen and ladies of a new
American millennium.
"The first step to our rebirth begins with you. Remake your
lives. Remake yourselves into what you were meant to be. And
together we will make history."
Four years ago, when 1999 turned into 2000, Dr. William Pierce
spoke on this radio program about what we needed to do in the
21st century to save our race and culture from extinction. He
titled his broadcast 'Bringing Down the House.' By 'the house' he
meant the house of cards that the Jews have built in the West --
the fragile, highly unstable, and irrational framework of lies on
which their power is based. When a listener asked what we could
do to rid ourselves of the "Jewish stranglehold on our media and
the liberal hold on our institutions," Dr Pierce answered that we
needed to do repeatedly and deliberately what John Rocker did
once and casually. Dr. Pierce also told us that the fantastic
arrogance and hubris of the Jews -- their constant overreaching
and over-the-top demands that every other people obey and serve
them -- would eventually contribute to their undoing. He said,
referring to a then-current demand for money by Israel now
dwarfed by the costs of the Jews' war in the Middle East:
"Listen! Even the most jaded couch potato, even the most
thoughtless lemming, can be made to feel indignant about the
Jews' plan to steal $2 million of our hard-earned money and give
it to each Jewish family now settled illegally in Syria's Golan
Heights, if we rub his nose in it. We may not have John Rocker's
celebrity status, but we are gaining a louder and louder voice,
and you can be sure that we will not grovel and apologize the way
the celebrities customarily do when the Jews rap their knuckles
for Political Incorrectness. With the Jews themselves providing
us with issues such as their latest demand for $100 billion to
make peace with their neighbors and for us to pay for resettling
Jewish families in $2 million mansions in Israel, we eventually
will have even celebrities speaking out and refusing to
apologize. And the house of cards will come tumbling down. That's
the answer to [my listener's] question. The Jews are vulnerable.
The emperor is naked. We have to speak out, without fear or
hesitation or apology. We have to set an example. If we do that,
others will follow, and our people will be free."
Since that time, we have been setting an example. Four years ago,
we didn't have mainstream books citing our broadcasts as source
material, as Pat Buchanan did in his Death of the West. Four
years ago, we didn't have our articles cited and reprinted on
left-leaning alternative news sites -- but as awareness of Jewish
power grows -- and the capture of the political right by the Jews
becomes ever more obvious -- understanding of the correctness of
the National Alliance's analysis point of view is going to grow
exponentially, both among awakening leftists and
environmentalists and disillusioned conservatives. Four years
ago, we didn't have half the local unit activity we have now in
the National Alliance. Thanks to men like Shaun Walker and Roger
Williams and Rich Lindstrom and David Pringle and our local unit
leaders all over the country, we have been building real-world
White community -- the main purpose for which the Alliance exists
and without which our media outreach would become mere theatre.
National Alliance members are probably holding a real-world
gathering or public activity somewhere in this country even as I
speak, and many such activities are happening every week -- and,
as a news editor, I know it is even sometimes every day for many
days running. That's progress. Four years ago, we didn't have the
attention of the media as we do today -- and that coverage,
hostile as it is, lets our people know that there is an organized
alternative to lying down passively for the Jewish executioner.
That coverage -- now a mainstream article seems to appear several
times every week --is largely due to the fact that our members
and local units make it impossible for the papers and television
stations to ignore us. They're out on the streets, distributing
Alliance publications almost every day. And their efforts are
making a difference. When a good flyer meets a hot issue, there
can sometimes be over 100 articles about the Alliance on the news
wires at the same time. Four years ago, our Internet media were
still in their infancy and didn't have even one tenth the
audience they've gained this year. Four years ago, our magazine
publishing schedule was, except for Free Speech (associated with
this radio program), one issue every few years. This year, we've
published numerous issues of National Vanguard and Resistance --
and circulation is up, too, probably because more people have
read about us than ever before on their computer screens. Four
years ago, Dr. Pierce had just purchased a moribund pro-White
record company -- Resistance Records -- and, thanks to the
patriotic efforts of Erich Gliebe and Chris Evans, it is now the
leading producer and distributor of alternative music for White
youth worldwide. Four years ago we didn't have a daily-updated
news site so that we could counter the lies of the Jewish media
and the disinformation agents in our midst on a daily basis --
we've gained that capability in just the last few months.
The proof that what Dr. Pierce built from 1970 through 2002 was
solid is the fact that the National Alliance has continued to
grow even after his death and even after the system's vicious
attacks on us. We've weathered false charges being laid on some
of our best men by criminals posing as 'Justice Department'
officials. Chester Doles is standing tall, with the might of
truth behind him. Since the passage of the 'Patriot Act,' which
authorized our tax money to be spent on such things, we've
weathered an unbelievably nasty COINTELPRO-type lie and rumor
campaign launched by several false-flag operations; and our
membership is all the stronger for it.
When Dr. William Pierce was on his deathbed, he told me that the
National Alliance was more than just a group with a political
philosophy, more than just an educational organization. He said
that his goal for the Alliance was to make it, above all, a group
of men and women with a sacred mission, a group with a spiritual
basis which would be passed on to each generation in turn so that
its vision could never die. Though his ideas were always grounded
in fact and science and reality, this man who was in fact a
rocket scientist and all that that implies told me that his goal
was to make the Alliance have the staying power of a holy order,
whose goals remain fixed and whose purposes remain unalterable
for century upon century until the centuries pile up into
millennia. He worried that his time on Earth had been
insufficient for the accomplishment of that goal. One and a half
years after that great man's death, as we enter 2004, I think we
have more than an inkling that Dr. Pierce's dream is becoming a
When I first met Dr. Pierce in 1982, he was running the Alliance
from a cubbyhole office in a run-down section of Arlington,
Virginia. One of his outreach efforts at the time was a small
sticker with the Alliance's address and telephone number on it,
with a single imperative sentence printed above: Dream of a White
America. To make Dr. Pierce's dream come true -- and what a
beautiful world that will be! -- we must reach out to our people
every day. We can and will get hundreds of thousands and then
millions of our people dreaming the same dream. After dreaming
the dream comes living the life. After living the life comes
building the community. And after building the community -- after
fighting innumerable battles for its continuance, battles which
we cannot now even imagine -- comes remaking the world. Let 2004
be the beginning of your wholehearted acceptance of that joyous
The philosopher Savitri Devi called it 'enthralling.' Dr. William
Pierce called it "a survival manual for the White race." Revilo
Oliver of the University of Illinois, one of the leading
classicists of the last century, called it "unique... a veritable
encyclopaedia of everything that is directly pertinent to our
race's position in the world today."
The book is William Gayley Simpson's Which Way Western Man?,
which was unavailable for years and which has just been
republished in a new edition by National Vanguard Books.
William Simpson began his career as a graduate, summa cum laude,
of a major theological seminary, and became a Franciscan brother
working among the poor and disenfranchised in an attempt to make
a better world. Simpson saw the magnitude of the problems he and
his comrades were trying to solve, and realized that the
ameliorative work in which they were engaged would never solve
the problems they were tackling, and could at best only slow down
the steady decline of our civilization and of human quality
He read the great philosophers, particularly Nietzsche, and from
the 1920s to 1980 kept a written record of his quest for truth
and for the meaning of life, which he found in the never-ending
quest to increase human excellence and quality. Which Way Western
Man? is the result of that quest, and it is one of the most
important books of the last 100 years.
Published in 1980, the first edition sold out within a few years
and was not reprinted, as the author was working, throughout the
80s and until his death in the 1990s, on a series of revisions
and additions which reflected new knowledge and the mature final
insights of the author. At last, the monumental job of revision
has been completed and the second edition of Which Way Western
Man? is now available.
Which Way Western Man? is more than just a work of history,
philosophy, and science, although it is all of that -- it is also
the story of a life, the life of an unusually sensitive and
compassionate man, a man who could understand the mission of St.
Francis as well as that of Nietzsche -- a man who could see our
position in the universe and relate it to the ordinary reader in
a way that no other writer has ever done. I recommend Which Way
Western Man? with my highest commendation. It is a life-changing
Karl Marx