Freedom From Nauru - Electronic Sit-In
bruce | 05.01.2004 20:45 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression
At 9am Monday morning (Australian East Coast time), Cyber activists from
across the world started their solidarity sit-in on the websites for Australian
Department of Imigration and Multi-cultural Affiars (DIMIA) and the Liberal Party.
They vow to keeping jamming these websites whilst people are starving to death on
Nauru at the hands of Liberal party policy.
across the world started their solidarity sit-in on the websites for Australian
Department of Imigration and Multi-cultural Affiars (DIMIA) and the Liberal Party.
They vow to keeping jamming these websites whilst people are starving to death on
Nauru at the hands of Liberal party policy.
Nauru Hunger Striker Solidarity Hunger Strike Press Release 3
by Freedom From Nauru Monday January 05, 2004 at 02:23 PM
At 9am Monday morning (Australian East Coast time), Cyber activists from
across the world started their solidarity sit-in on the websites for Australian
Department of Imigration and Multi-cultural Affiars (DIMIA) and the Liberal Party.
They vow to keeping jamming these websites whilst people are starving to death on
Nauru at the hands of Liberal party policy.
Shortly after 9am the original website promoting the electronic civil
disobedience was taken offline, but it wasn't very long before a number of
mirror sites sprung up over the internet. One of the great advantages of the
internet are decentralised information flows. If one node is attacked or
threatened, other nodes can instantly become active. As it is with this
cyber sit-in in which all participants are acting completely autonomously.
Some of the websites now hosting the cyber sit-in include:
Many cyber activists are also encouraging people to create their own web
pages and host the sit-in themselves.
Will the government pay attention? How many people will have to die at the
hands of the Australian government's policies before Australians demand
accountability? Will government officials meet with the asylum seekers or
will they die slowly and painfully? All Australians are urged to phone DIMIA
urging freedom for the hunger striking asylum seekers.
It is now taking close to 30 seconds to load a DIMIA web page and this time
period will increase dramatically in the coming days.
Freedom From Nauru
Note: If the online sit-in page has been taken offline you should all create a HTML page that contains the following code. save it to a file called frameset.html then open that file in a browser... that's all you have to do to participate in the sit-in.
by Freedom From Nauru Monday January 05, 2004 at 02:23 PM
At 9am Monday morning (Australian East Coast time), Cyber activists from
across the world started their solidarity sit-in on the websites for Australian
Department of Imigration and Multi-cultural Affiars (DIMIA) and the Liberal Party.
They vow to keeping jamming these websites whilst people are starving to death on
Nauru at the hands of Liberal party policy.
Shortly after 9am the original website promoting the electronic civil
disobedience was taken offline, but it wasn't very long before a number of
mirror sites sprung up over the internet. One of the great advantages of the
internet are decentralised information flows. If one node is attacked or
threatened, other nodes can instantly become active. As it is with this
cyber sit-in in which all participants are acting completely autonomously.
Some of the websites now hosting the cyber sit-in include:

Many cyber activists are also encouraging people to create their own web
pages and host the sit-in themselves.
Will the government pay attention? How many people will have to die at the
hands of the Australian government's policies before Australians demand
accountability? Will government officials meet with the asylum seekers or
will they die slowly and painfully? All Australians are urged to phone DIMIA
urging freedom for the hunger striking asylum seekers.
It is now taking close to 30 seconds to load a DIMIA web page and this time
period will increase dramatically in the coming days.
Freedom From Nauru
Note: If the online sit-in page has been taken offline you should all create a HTML page that contains the following code. save it to a file called frameset.html then open that file in a browser... that's all you have to do to participate in the sit-in.
Display the following comment