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The communist legacy

History Student | 02.01.2004 14:36

A series of observations on the fall of the Soviet Union and the reasons for it.

In 1989 communism began to crumble in Eastern Europe and the USSR. By 1991 its demise was complete, but there is still debate about the reasons for the failure of this tragic social experiment which lasted about 70 years.

While a variety of political and economic theories have been offered to explain the fall of communism, I suggest that the real reason was spiritual: communism failed primarily because it fundamentally misunderstood human nature in that it failed to recognize that humanity is created in the image of God.

The Aim

The aim of communism was to create a new man. Marx and Lenin believed that the old model for understanding the human condition was based on economic exploitation and religion, and so a new economy had to be created and religious belief eradicated. Thus the most significant challenge for the Marxist was to rebuild society.

This rebuilding began as an economic movement, but their need to develop a new world soon ran up against religion as the chief obstacle, and communism was not an ideology that sought compromises, as it was a philosophy with a very strict and narrow interpretation of the human problem and its solution.

The Method

The method of changing society was direct and often brutal. The instrument for change was the modern 20th century dictatorship: coercion, violence, lies, disinformation, imaginary stories and skewed statistics disseminated via a controlled press and educational system.

This method of re-education was focused on the workers and common people, the so-called Proletariat, the largest class of society, defined as those who had nothing to lose but their chains. Marxism's quick early success was largely due to their skillful use of education to remake the minds of the Proletariat, which was easy to do since these people were largely uneducated and gullible, and were often dissatisfied with their lives.

What the Proletariat did not realize was that this "education" was not education at all, but a sophisticated form of propaganda that re-defined the prevailing world view in terms of Marxist philosophy. This new communist philosophy had prepared pre-fabricated answers to every question of life, and a social benefit for every physical problem.

However, it soon became obvious to Lenin and his comrades that the main obstacle to their re-invention of humanity was not the old economic order, but the problem of religious belief.

Capitalism could always be accommodated. One example of this is the communists' cultivation of a mutually beneficial relationship with the American industrialist Armand Hammer, who made much of his considerable fortune trading with the Soviet Union under the direct supervision of both Lenin and Stalin. After all, even communist economics were based upon the flow of goods and capital, so a special working relationship could be made for Hammer and a number of others.

However, there was no such common ground with religious belief. Marxism was predicated upon an atheistic adaptation of Darwin's evolutionary theory, and there could be no compromise with the fundamental tenets of belief in God, or theism, as it existed in both the Russian Orthodox Church or Islam, which was predominant in parts of southern Russia and Soviet Central Asia.

The instrument used to solve this problem was sheer terror, genocide and lies. The Russian Orthodox clergy and laity were systematically executed or exiled to prison camps. Every form of Christian expression, even such innocent acts as wearing a cross or painting Easter eggs, were enough to send a person to prison. All Bibles and Christian literature were destroyed; I personally never even saw a Bible until I first traveled outside Bulgaria as an adult and saw one in a hotel. Muslims in the Soviet Union also suffered similar persecution.

Countless churches were destroyed or turned into warehouses; monasteries and church properties were confiscated. Of course an official church was left in place as a smoke screen to cover these pernicious activities. Religious belief was viewed by the Party as the chief impediment to the evolution of the ideal Socialist Man.

A New Religion

Strangely - or perhaps not so strangely - religion was not really eliminated under the communist system. While traditional religions were systematically eliminated and atheism promoted through the science curricula of the educational system, the Party, State and Premier - a rather unholy trinity - actually replaced God as the source of all goodness, blessing, wisdom and knowledge. Lenin's remains were preserved in a holy shrine on Red Square in a glass case for the entire socialist world to come and worship. The message was clear: every Soviet citizen was also expected to give his or her life for the greater good of the communist religion.

Underlying all this was a constant and deliberate misrepresentation of truth. In order to destroy religion, it was important that those who were eliminated were not considered holy martyrs. Thus all of Russian and Christian history had to be re-written in order to demonize Christianity and portray it as a reactionary and evil institution that impeded the forward progress of humanity.

Marxism fell in the USSR and Eastern Europe not just because of economic or social collapse - the main reason was that it was a spiritual cancer that destroyed the organism of its collective humanity. Official government lies and disinformation became so blatant and obvious that they became the subject of jokes by the very populace they were designed to deceive. Thus the Marxist experiment was doomed from its inception by its intentional use of lies, terror and denial of God's existence, the foundation of all life and truth.


This is not meant to be only a harsh critique of the failures of communism. It is intended as a lesson for today. The former Soviet Union still suffers from the trauma of these years. Atheism and agnosticism are still predominant, taking away a basis for hope, as evidenced by very high rates of depression, alcoholism and suicide.

The totalitarian mindset still lingers over Eastern Europe and the old USSR. While the Orthodox church has been restored to its old status, minority faiths, such as Protestants, are still discriminated against in many countries. In this regard we have to say that the battle against communism continues and that we still have a long way to go in some areas.

The communist legacy has thus left us with a great challenge. The spiritual revival and vitality of the peoples in the former USSR and the East Bloc is still a great need. Communism ruled for many decades and affected several generations. Yet we have seen enormous progress in the last decade, which gives us hope for the years to come.

History Student


Hide the following 6 comments

Your Point Is..?

02.01.2004 20:57

So you think that the old pre-communist, pre-capitalist orthodoxy of a religious dictatorship (see feudalism for details) should fill the precieved 'vaccuum' then..?

This seems to be the inference of your article - that you're casting millions of people on this planet into the role of being somehow spiritually 'lost', and in need of some kind of 'salvation'?

Have you ever SPOKEN to anyone from the former Soviet Bloc countries, because it doesn't sound to me like you have!!

Get a grip!!

Athiest, Pragmatist and Happy

Reasons for Soviet failure

03.01.2004 21:16

First: They were not Communists, there were special Shops. Apparatchicks were not getting nagged by their wives to organise things so no one had to spend time in queues.

Second: When the civil war finished there were only seven working locomotives in the Soviet Union. From there they were able to build the industry that built the T34s that broke the back of Hitler. Which taught them that they had to always be adequately armed to defend themselves agains the Capitalists (Who funded Hitler to attack Communists).

With most of their country laid waste in the Hitlerite war, one seventh of the world was able to level peg their defences with all the rest, even going on to lead the way into Space. That was a tremendous achievement for a devastated economy outnumbered sevenfold.

Then when Gorbachov decided that there was enough security and a transition to Socialism was possible, the Hamiltonians took a hand. You know who the Hamiltonians are - those who thieved America from the American people when they wrote the Constitution and ensured that all the worst practices from Europe should be brought in to corrupt the American Dream. (In Wales we call them Sais) High among their corruptions is Religion which they use to blind people to the theft, and to persuade them to accept the slave owners lash. They have totally corrupted The Sermon on the Mount.

To stop Gorbachov they contacted Yeltsin - Thatcher spent hours on the phone hatching that conspiracy with Yeltsin, and the Hamiltonian thieves moved in to carpetbag all the products Soviet citizens had spent their lives creating. Now the Hamiltonian thieves wish to blind the people of the East and stop them rising to reclaim their property from the thieves.

We know from personal experience what sort of liars are the thieving hypocrites who spout about Spiritual values and religion. They are the agents of Satan.


jesus, the way, the light, the truth

04.01.2004 21:54

Communism and capitalism are both brutal and nasty systems of life. Any system that does not acknowledge God as the sole authority and Jesus as his son is bound to end in dictatorship. False religions such as Islam lead to dictatorships, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. When will people realise that there is but one way, and that is to confess your sins and acknowledge Jesus as your personal saviour and then we will see a change in the world. Otherwise, there will be anarchy.

a servant of the lord

Christian Dictatorships

04.01.2004 22:48

You're conveniently forgetting all the Christian dictatorships. From the time of Constantine, dictatorship and Christianity have gone hand in glove. The Inquisition, The Holy Roman Empire, the various feudal dictatorships in this country first under Rome and then the C of E, right on up to Catholic support for Mussolini, Hitler and the Ustashe in Croatia, and Orthodox Christian backing for the Stalinist regimes in Russia, Serbia and Romania.

"Otherwise there will be anarchy"? Yes please!


they sere not christian

05.01.2004 21:35

I did not forget the above regimes. But they were not Christian. They were Christian in name but not Christian in reality. Christianity is not a religion, which are men's ways of reaching God, but truth itself. Does it not say in the bible, "many shall come in my name.." I used to be an anarchist, but realised one day i was only trying to achieve the impossible., how can there be a perfect society given the truth of original sin? And how can we doubt original sin, just look around...

servant of the lord

The Bible

05.01.2004 23:05

Yeah well that's a coincidence matey, because I used to be a Christian, but realised one day I had been sold a con by our masters.

The Bible you quote was redacted by the same men you claim "weren't Christians". There are lots of texts like the Gospel of Thomas, Shepherd of Hermas, etc. that the Catholic and Orthodox churches suppressed. How do you know what Jesus' real message was? How do you know it's not really in the Koran, or the Book of Mormon, or the revelations of Baha'ullah?

Because you happen to know God really wrote the canonical text that you read every night that we call The Bible? How? Because you get an emotional rush when you read it, and that must be God speaking to you? That means that your RSV is divinely inspired? Do us a favour. You think Muslims don't get the exact same kind of rush when they read the Koran? What's the difference?

And where do you get off calling Islam a "false religion", when you base your own religious faith on a complete contradiction?

And anarchists don't demand a "perfect society", just a better one.

By the way, the author neglected to credit the article properly. It's a re-post of a piece written by Slavi Pachovski, former Bulgarian Ambassador to the UN, for a Protestant activist and charity group Global Voice, and reprinted elsewhere on the web by similar groups. And I'm not sure what business religious propaganda like this has on Indymedia.
