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EDM 300 - Parliamentary Direct Action

Geoffrey Holland | 01.01.2004 03:27 | World

In the interests of peace, a Motion has just been
tabled in the British Parliament, which calls the
United States Government to account for breaching the
Geneva Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Austin Mitchell, MP for Great Grimsby, has tabled
Early Day Motion number 300 in the House of Commons,
an in-House Resolution which invites the signatures of
MPs during the next twelve months. If enough MPs sign,
the subject will become a significant mainstream news
story. The key to the Resolution is in its last two
lines, which are a challenge to Tony Blair and,
ultimately, to the Bush Administration. During its
first three days in circulation, EDM 300 was signed by
14 MPs. Their names and its text may be seen by
clicking on:

Please consider writing to your MP and forwarding this
message to everyone who you think may also do so. (If
you live outside the UK, forward this to your friends
in Britain now, so that THEY may do so.) Given the speed
of e-mail and with the possibility of such help multiplying,
tens of thousands of people in Britain could be asking their
MPs the same question when our Parliament re-convenes on
5 January. Simply put, the question is: Please will you
sign Austin Mitchell’s Early Day Motion number 300,
entitled ‘Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Iraq’,
tabled on 16 December 2003?

If you can’t remember who your MP is, look here:

Posted letters addressed to MPs at The House of
Commons, London SW1A 0AA are most effective and should
elicit a written reply.

Alternatively, you may send a fax via:

Or most MPs may be e-mailed via:

If your MP signs EDM 300, you could also write and
thank them and ask that they canvass the support of
other MPs.

If you would like further background to EDM 300, an
article is on the Web site of Paul Flynn MP at:

Thank you. Peace on earth and goodwill to you and your

Geoffrey Holland
- e-mail: