And of course you dont care about how many people were murdered and tortured by Saddam Husseins brutal regime, while you condemn a democratically president such as George Bush who supports freedom, democracy and human rights. No one ever wants war but George Bush knew that war was the only thing that would stop a brutal dictator like Saddam Hussein who if left alone would develop weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons and use those weapons to intimidate and threaten his neighbours.
The USA didn't care about how many people were murdered and tortured by Saddam Hussein's brutal regime while we were bankrolling him, and supplying him with chemical and bio weapons to be used against Iran.
We condemn the unelected Resident, George Bush, who was appointed by the Supreme Court on a minority vote, following massive electoral manipulation in Florida. If Bush really supported freedom, democracy and human rights, he would be taking action against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Colombia, China, Burma, etc.
George Bush and his Neocon pals knew before they were elected that war was the only thing that would secure the oil fields from Saddam Hussein, who if left alone would develop prices of mass disruption against the fat-arsed, SUV-loving USA. And he's still smiling and nodding at Israel, who have nuclear weapons, and use those weapons to intimidate and threaten their neighbours.
George Bush can be blamed for what previous American governments did. Since long before Bush Junior was in power, he, his father, and his current advisors Rumsfeld, Cheney, Libby, Perle, Wolfowitz, Kissinger etc have constantly supported brutal dictators such as Saddam Hussein, the al-Sabah family, General Musharraf, Hosni Mubarak, General Pinochet, etc. Also it must be remembered that America doesn't even criticise brutal dictators at all: that's why the US vetoed UN resolutions against Saddam when he nerve-gassed the Kurds at Halabja. In the 1980s Iraq attacked Iran, and the US backed Iraq, yet the US govt sold weapons to Iran during that war, to raise money in secret for other terrorists in Nicaragua.
You say that America deposed the Taliban which is true, however an interesting fact is that it was the CIA the funded, supplied and trained the Taliban knowing full well what they stood for and just how brutal they were. This goes back to July 3rd 1979 when good old Jimmy Carter paid various mujahedin groups $500,000,000 to do what they do best. As the date shows this was well before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which was possibly in response to this act of terrorism (funding extremist groups, ring any bells?)So rather than simply attempting to prevent Soviet control of Afganistan and everything that entails, the motivation was to destabilise the entire region using Islamic fundamentalists. As the American embassy in Kabul said at the time- "the United States larger interests... would be served by the demise of the PDPA (the progressive, liberal and secular government at the time)despite whatever setbacks this migh mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan. In other word the lives of these people are not important because they are Muslims, because they are not white because they are not us. I cannot believe that the Taliban or indeed Al Qaida would exist today if it were not for the training by the CIA and M15 that went on in the 70's and 80's. It is ironic that America directly created the Taliban and Al Qaida rather than simply by its continued abuse of the Middle east which has simply fuelled it. America is the largest and most powerful terrorist force on the planet and has been for decades- they cause of a huge amount of the suffering that goes on in this world and it must be remembered (Ps- they control the media dummy, don't listen to everything they tell you)Oh and if you don't believe the information check out the autobiography of Zbigniew Brezezinksi Carter's National security advisor or The New Rulers of the World by John Pilger which backs up what I have just said with quoted evidence after each fact and where you can find it.
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Try these big brother connections
01.01.2004 22:39
Icke's book 'Tales from the Time Loop' offers a serious run-down of the connections
Bush was right
02.01.2004 16:06
Proud American
Bush is a liar
02.01.2004 16:28
We condemn the unelected Resident, George Bush, who was appointed by the Supreme Court on a minority vote, following massive electoral manipulation in Florida. If Bush really supported freedom, democracy and human rights, he would be taking action against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Colombia, China, Burma, etc.
George Bush and his Neocon pals knew before they were elected that war was the only thing that would secure the oil fields from Saddam Hussein, who if left alone would develop prices of mass disruption against the fat-arsed, SUV-loving USA. And he's still smiling and nodding at Israel, who have nuclear weapons, and use those weapons to intimidate and threaten their neighbours.
Proud American
Bush can be blamed for what previous governments did!
02.01.2004 17:07
Britain supporter
Open your eyes
03.01.2004 20:14
Rhys Coster