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No ScabsPlease | 28.12.2003 03:50 | Social Struggles

The THOUGHT CONTROL plolice are on the rise..
check out
center columb. Piec on freedom of speech.. then note
the coments when you click on the link. They don't
just hide what they may not like - they delete the commenst in the hidden area as well.

Lot of people upset.

Join the Boycott.. don't be a SCAB

The THOUGHT CONTROL plolice are on the rise..
check out
center columb. Piec on freedom of speech.. then note
the coments when you click on the link. They don't
just hide what they may not like - they delete the commenst in the hidden area as well.

Lot of people upset.

Join the Boycott.. don't be a SCAB

No ScabsPlease


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Scab Here

28.12.2003 09:54

A Indy we do as we damn well please. Got a problem with that?



28.12.2003 18:16

It sounds as if Houston Indymedia are having troll problems - they have a clear statement regarding this matter on the frontpage :

"Over the last month, up to several hundred times a day times per day, Houston IMC editors have hidden comments, or article submissions because s/he feels they violate our website publishing protocols. Virtually all of these comments come from the same one or two people. Often the editors are hiding comments that have nothing to do with the article to which they are posted, or hiding the same story which has been posted hundreds of times. Many advocate violence against individuals, some even challenge others to come attack the publisher. When editors hide things they go here. In an attempt to stimulate community dialoge, the editors are creating an experimental thread here where people can discuss issues of free speech and censorship."

harry tuttle