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The 'Flu

dh | 27.12.2003 23:38

Experts at the Mayo Clinic are warning that a flu pandemic will strike the world at any time. They estimate that over one million people will die worldwide.

Flu Warning December 20, 2003
The last global flus were in 1918, 1957, and 1968. These difficult medication-resistant strains are developed by the US government at Plum Island, New York and Fort Detrick, Maryland. The purpose is to scare the population into taking vaccines that contain nanotechnology and mind-control atomic structures. To avoid catching any virus, take hyssop, garlic, Vitamin C, Echinacea –not for more than three weeks at a time, drink steam-distilled water, take sea salt baths, and use natural antibiotics like Immuplex and Congaplex, both Standard Process glandulars.

Should you take the flu shot?

By RFD Columnist, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
News reports have been flooding us with articles warning that the impending flu season may be the worst in years. Even though it is difficult to separate the facts from the hype, a close evaluation of the flu vaccine will reveal that serious questions must be raised about the recommendations that are routinely touted, namely high efficacy with little risk. Anyone considering a flu shot should become informed about the substances coming through that needle, and should be determined to investigate the safety and efficacy issues that are still unresolved.
The vaccine virus
Each year, a new vaccine is developed that contains three different viruses (one influenza B and two influenza A strains). CDC officials select the new viruses based on which viruses were prevalent during the flu season in China and Australia the previous year. The CDC admits that the viruses selected for the new vaccine are chosen on the basis of an “educated guess.” [i]
What’s in a flu shot?
The influenza virus is grown in “specific pathogen-free” (SPF) eggs. Eggs are tested for a variety of agents—usually between 23 and 31—to confirm the absence of those specific pathogens. Laboratories limit the number of agents that are screened due to the shear abundance of potential viruses and/or bacteria to choose from. In addition, screening for every potential agent would be cost prohibitive.[ii] If none of the tested agents are detected, the vaccine is reported as “pathogen free.”
However, it should be understood that there is a distinct difference between “pathogen free” and “specific pathogen-free.” In its July 1996 report, the Institute of Medicine acknowledged that “although it is not possible to produce a completely uncontaminated animal, it is possible to produce an animal [or egg] certified to be free of specific pathogens.”[iii] Viruses that are harmless to their animal host, however, may be potentially harmful to humans.
During the manufacturing process, antibiotics (neomycin, polymyxin B and gentamicin) are added to eliminate stray bacteria found in the mixture. The final solution can contain the following additives in any combination: Triton X-100 (a detergent); polysorbate 80 (a potential carcinogen); gelatin; formaldehyde; and residual egg proteins. In addition, many of the influenza vaccines still contain thimerosal as a preservative. Thimerosal (mercury) is being investigated for its link to brain injury and autoimmune disease.
Does the flu shot protect?
There are no guarantees that the influenza viruses selected for the vaccine will be the identical strains circulating during a given flu season. In fact, it has recently been announced that this year's flu vaccine does not include the strain that is being reported by doctors in the community called the “A Fujian” strain. Outbreaks have been reported in Texas, Colorado and elsewhere[iv] that involve strains that do not match the current flu vaccine. CDC tests have confirmed that more than 80 per cent of the 55 strains of influenza virus isolated thus far are the A Fujian strain. Even so, the CDC still maintains that the current vaccine could provide cross-protection against the new variant, but the fact is, no one knows for sure.
Moreover, the majority of illnesses characterized by fever, fatigue, cough and aching muscles are not caused by the influenza virus. Non-influenza viruses (e.g., rhinoviruses respiratory syncytial virus [RSV], adenoviruses, and parainfluenza viruses) can cause symptoms referred to influenza-like illnesses (ILI). Certain bacteria, such as Legionella spp., Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, have been documented as the causes of ILI.[v]
Notably, these microbes are not part of the flu vaccine. Unless an organism’s antigen is contained within the vaccine, there is no protection conferred by the vaccine. It is estimated that most adults will average 1-3 episodes of ILI, and most children will average 3-6 episodes. The CDC also admits that “many persons who have been vaccinated against influenza can still get the flu”[vi]
Targeting the elderly
The flu vaccine is generally recommended for persons aged 65 and older, and those with medical conditions who could experience serious complications from the flu. Medical journals report broad differences in effectiveness for the elderly, ranging from 0 to 85%.
The CDC states that 90% of deaths from influenza occur among the elderly. Considering that nearly 65% of all deaths (from any cause) occur in this age group, it is nearly impossible to prove that flu shots significantly increase life expectancy in this group. The truth is that most people—young and old—will weather a bout of the flu without hospitalization or complications.
A serious concern: Alzheimer’s Disesase
Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals, has reported that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots.[vii]
Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, Lexington has done extensive research in the area of mercury toxicity and the brain. Haley’s research has established a likely connection between mercury toxicity and Alzheimer’s disease. [viii] In a paper published in collaboration with researchers at University of Calgary, Haley stated that “seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury.”[ix]
Does this prove that the mercury contained in the influenza shot can be directly linked to Alzheimer’s? No, absolutely not. But further research in this area is critically needed because the absence of proof is not the “proof of absence.”[x]
Flu vaccine now for children
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) adopted a resolution effective March 1, 2003 that expanded the use of the influenza vaccine to include children aged 6-23 months. The recommendations also included vaccinating those aged 2 to 18 years who live in households containing children younger than 2 years of age.[xi]
The flu vaccine most commonly given to children is Fluzone>, a trivalent vaccine grown in chicken eggs. Harvested with formaldehyde and containing the recommended ratio of 15 ug of each of the three prototype viral strains, each dose of Fluzone> also contains 25 ug of mercury.[xii] The new CDC recommendations include giving the influenza vaccine to children beginning at six months of age and then annually, for the rest of their lives. Children less than age 9 receiving their first flu shot, two doses of vaccine are recommended, with a minimum interval of one month between the two doses. However, the CDC does not provide a direct reference to substantiate this recommendation.[xiii]
On June 17, 2003, the FDA approved an intranasal influenza vaccine for use in healthy persons aged 5–49 years. Flumist> is a live-virus vaccine that can cause a litany of problems. (for further information on FluMist)
If you choose not to receive the flu shot, have a discussion with your doctor regarding other options. However, some simple and possibly quite effective things you can do for yourself to prevent the flu include: 1) avoid white sugar;[xiv] 2) exercise regularly; 3) get adequate sleep; 4) eat a healthy diet, omitting trans-fats; 5) drink plenty of purified water daily and 6) wash your hands. A common way people contract viral illnesses is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus. The CDC states, “the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands.”[xv]
We are so used to taking medications—for prevention and treatment—that it is difficult to comprehend that these modest recommendations are really the most powerful ways to minimize the likelihood of getting the flu
Scientists Warn of Coming Flu PandemicAP December 14, 2003NEW YORK - As bad as this year´s flu season is, it hasn´t brought the worldwide outbreak known as a pandemic. But experts warn that a pandemic is coming, it´s just a question of when. "It´s going to happen," said Dr. Greg Poland of the Mayo Clinic. "For the American public in particular, I think it will be horrific." Many Americans haven´t experienced the overwhelming crush of patients at hospitals and doctors´ offices and the widespread fear a flu pandemic could bring. And by historical pattern, Poland said it´s about time for the next one. There have been three in the past 100 years, igniting in 1918, 1957 and 1968. There´s no way to predict when the next one will appear, but the pattern does give experts pause. It´s all up to a virus that is variable and fickle, constantly changing its genetic makeup, and the time when it hits upon a combination that lets it take off worldwide is a "roll of the genetic dice," said Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University. So the lack of a pandemic in the past 35 years basically means "the genetic dice haven´t been rolled that way," Schaffner said. "While we´re grateful for that, it makes us nervous." There´s plenty to be nervous about. It´s estimated that in the industrialized nations alone, the next pandemic is likely to send 1 million to 2.3 million people to the hospital and kill 280,000 to 650,000, according to the World Health Organization (news - web sites). Its impact will probably be greatest in developing countries. As a practical matter, flu shots probably could not be counted on to prevent a pandemic. For one thing, pandemic virus strains emerge unexpectedly, and there would probably not be enough time to recognize the threat and then provide vaccines that target them, Schaffner said. What´s more, many countries outside the United States wouldn´t have the means to give enough flu shots to stop the spread, Poland said. Dr. Robert Couch of the Baylor College of Medicine noted that health authorities are making major efforts to prepare for controlling a pandemic, including putting an emphasis on developing and manufacturing vaccines faster and in greater quantities. The pandemic of 1918-19, known as the Spanish flu, sickened an estimated 20 percent to 40 percent of the worldwide population, with a death toll believed to exceed 20 million. In the United States alone, some 500,000 people died. An ordinary flu epidemic kills an average of 36,000 Americans. The next pandemic, the Asian flu of 1957-58, killed about 70,000 in the United States. The 1968-69 Hong Kong flu led to about 34,000 deaths in the United States. Scientists suggest several reasons why this rate was lower than in previous pandemics, including that the illness did not gain momentum until near the school holidays in December, when children were home rather than infecting each other at school. New strains of the flu virus, and so potential pandemics, get their start in rural Asia, where the various strains that infect chickens and other birds, pigs and humans can mingle. That gives them a chance to swap genetic information as well as mutate on their own. The potential spark for a pandemic occurs when that environment produces a new virus that infects people and bears surface proteins that people´s bodies have never seen before. That means people have no natural defense against it. In contrast, ordinary outbreaks like this year´s come from a virus that has changed only slightly from previous ones, so that the population it enters still has some natural immunity from encounters with the previous germs. But the genetic shift alone is not enough to launch a pandemic. In addition, the new virus must acquire the ability to pass easily from person to person, either by random genetic change or by picking up genetic material from a previous human flu virus. The world has had some close calls in the past few years, says Richard Webby of St. Jude´s Children´s Research Hospital in Memphis. In 1997, a bird flu in Hong Kong jumped to people, killing six. But the virus never developed the ability to pass easily from person to person, Webby said. Hong Kong authorities slaughtered 1.4 million chickens to end the threat. Just this year, authorities became alarmed when a father and son in Hong Kong were hospitalized because of a bird flu virus, and when flu virus infected some workers in the Netherlands who had slaughtered infected chickens. The Netherlands outbreak was contained by anti-flu drugs and fast vaccination, and slaughter of the poultry, Webby said. Scientists have been noticing a lot of flu virus in chickens and pigs globally, and a lot of variety in the strains, which is worrisome, Webby said. It´s impractical to develop vaccines against all the animal strains in case they jump to humans, and there´s no reliable way to identify the most hazardous ones, he said. When the next pandemic shows up, experts say, it will find a population with many more vulnerable people like the elderly, infirm and those with weakened natural defenses than were living 35 years ago. It will also find a trimmed-down hospital system with fewer beds to handle a surge of patients. And while today´s anti-flu drugs will probably attack the new strain, that´s not yet clear. Supplies of the drugs and vaccines would be strained. But still, with the improvements in health care since the last pandemic, might the next one be less serious? "I want to believe that," Poland said, "but we won´t know until it happens." __ On the Net: Pandemic information:



Hide the following 4 comments

Fuck Jabs!

29.12.2003 19:35

Ta for the health tips dh, I've had my sea-salt bath and overdosed on Vitamin C to ward off this recurring chemtrail-flu, if I could find distilled water I would be gulping down colloidal silver too... I feel like my oesophagus has been sand-papered.

Many, many people I know are sick.


Boots the Chemist

29.12.2003 23:21

Supply distilled water by the gallon



30.12.2003 01:19
distribute a great little Colloidal Silver genrator
Holland and and Barrett sell at £12.99 a 120ml bottle using Evian water which is far inferior to Boots' purified water

Colloidal Silver is a Natural Remedy designed to
replenish trace silver that is missing in our bodies due to the depletion of soil minerals as a result of modern farming
techniques. The silver helps to boost our immune system and gives us natural protection against bacteria and viruses."

"I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory
experiments in six minutes." Dr. Henry Crook

The SARS outbreak has shown how a potentially lethal virus can spread so quickly to all corners of the globe. Many believe that the anti-viral properties of Colloidal Silver may be the only current defence against these types of viruses.

This mineral supplement is composed of minute particles of silver that are electromagnetically charged and suspended in purified

The Hunzas

The best researched evidence of extremely long term use of colloidal silver is via studies conducted with the people of the Hunza valley, in the northern part of Pakistan. Studies conducted by Dr. Henri Coanda ( an engineer, not an MD ), among others, document a high level of colloidal silver, clay particles, and other trace minerals in Hunza water supply. The Hunza valley has attracted much attention due to the incredible state of health of the people and their above average life spans. While the colloidal silver content is not the only unique property of their water supply, it is certainly suspected to be a contributing factor. Increased levels of naturally occurring silver are also present in the surrounding soils as well.

The Three Medicinal Properties of Silver
The three properties that colloidal silver users are attempting to harness by its use are:
1. The infection fighting, biocidal properties demonstrated by silver.
2. The tissue healing properties of silver, as demonstrated by altered cell morphology resulting in increased ( and healthy ) cell reproduction.
3. The electrical stimulation properties of colloidal silver ( it is theorized that colloidal solutions with an increased zeta potential assist the body to regain health through various means which are not yet fully understood ). Included in this classification would be catalyst reactions in the body with substances like minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide.

The New disease threats

We are presented with disease threats from a number of different sources

1. The mutations caused by antibiotic use, vaccination and other drug usage, and whiich is increased even further in the diet, if it includes non-organically reared animal products from the extensive use of drugs in intensively produced meats and dairy products. Antibiotic resistant diseases such as MRSA and VRSA are becoming prevalent. Old diseases
reappear in drug resistant strains. Potentially lethal bacteria lie dormant in the gut waiting for the immune system to go down for reasons of other illness, old age etc.
2. The possible appearance of genetically engineered and ethnically targeted disease organisms being released into populations.
3. The various mineral and biological components in
the chemtrail ‘soup’ that is appearing in the
atmosphere, causing long-lasting flu-like
symptoms in some people.
4. The eventual occurrence of a biological contamination that the various intelligence agencies are constantly
warning of.
