Company Expansion. Jails and Shelters as Global Hubs for Slavery
V. Smith | 27.12.2003 22:01 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | World
An inside look at the governments public black market underground, melding with the mob, involvement in human slavery,forced "training" and trafficking of people, drugs, materials, informationto serve as slaves in their criminal networks.
Company Expansion. Jails and Shelters as Global Hubs
> For Human,Drug Trafficking (english)
> Ms. V.Smith 5:21pm Wed Nov 5 '03
> Hidden mechanisms of big and growing evils.
> Greetings;
> This had to be written in bits and pieces over
> several
> days, under pressure of time, competing urgent
> priories, and tenuous living circumstances, but it
> is
> adequate in form and valuable in substance. It is
> not
> meant for any other purpose than to inform you, and
> to
> invite your guardianship and intercession. And it is
> as truthful and accurate as possible, with truth and
> the need for justice, not "political correctness"as
> its presiding concern.
> Two months ago, I'd sent national and foreign
> press,certain legislators, human rights groups,
> attorneys, a similar article titled'Jails and
> Shelters
> as Hubs For Global Mobs-Human And Drug Trafficking,
> Material And Information Transfer. ( And yes, from
> my
> witness, I can firmly attest that these places have
> strongly indicated ties to paramiltary, mercenary
> groups seeking to recruit. And it would seem
> logical,
> that through their natural underground links,
> probably
> connect to "terrorist" or other subversive
> paramilitary groups.)And I described in detail,
> their
> methods and circuitry, having been forced to those
> stratas for survival the past several years, and
> having been the target of these people, for their
> forced recruitment, but ostensibly, and tenaciously,
> and aggressively deflected their efforts to
> "condition" me to their profane, animalistic, norms,
> and force me into their criminal ranks.And, for your
> education, here follows a similar letter, to you...
> "Plants" and "moles", regular or usual residents,
> network " employees",(gangs,"family", "fed"
> "company")
> among both staff and residents , and this also
> includes most nearby convenient stores,(who act as
> brokers for local prostitutes,"dealers" many of whom
> are owned by Middle-Easterners, Orientals
> -hmmm....)conspire to recruit and/or "condition"
> residents for "dates", deals, underground jobs,
> network service as prostitutes, drug or object
> "runners","guards", "role-players" to facilitate
> desires "programs", and if the subject is resistant,
> often with the assistance of police on- the -take,
> coalesce to choreograph actions together to
> manufacture the individuals
> arrest,"entrapment",where,
> once the subject is interred, using all means at
> their
> disposal,within the controlled and obscure chambers
> of
> the jail, jail staff and their inmate "plants",
> regular jail residents, or those on the "family"
> payroll, who arrive to direct the individual, broker
> deals, or simply to attack the subject.
> ( And as it has been for several years, these buyers
> have been indicated through "costuming" and verbal
> references, to be "Sheiks", Bin-Laden, South
> American,
> Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, East Indian, among the
> most prominent and consistent "characters"
> interested
> in purchasing me, forcing me into slavery,remote
> mercenary, "missions", merchant marine or
> construction
> crews in Alaska or foreign lands,bodyguard "mate"
> for
> wealthy moguls and/or "breeding", because of my
> unique, God-given "remote-viewing" abilities. ( A
> term
> used by the US government to describe those who can,
> through mental " transmission" alone, project images
> they view or sounds they hear to others elsewhere,
> and
> in my case, many, many other people, near and far,
> as
> I have discovered only these past several years)and
> also because of my yachting and travel experience,my
> familiarity with the manners and pressures of
> wealth,as I have also had to live in a pressure
> cooker, under a public microscope for years because
> of
> my "camera abilities",and the other human viewers (
> and possibly also due to my own "energy" output and
> the other human cameras), that identify my
> location,and I'm recognized everywhere I go, whether
> I've been there before or not, or had ever met any
> of
> the people that seems to cause response in people
> even
> if I only look at them, their backs turned, they
> often
> immediately look back at me, or act in a way meant
> to
> "talk" to me.( And believe it or not, I've gotten
> used
> to it, -although I'll really never get used to it!)
> and I pray for private refuge daily, although not of
> the institutional variety offerd to me by the mobs
> and
> authorities.)
> Anyway, if the subject has been incarcerated and is
> still resistant, the evil, abusive,team,then
> intensifies their efforts on all fronts, using food,
> clothing, any access to, or interaction with the
> individual. ( Towit of I can personally attest
> having
> survived a false and tortuous- ( and I mean torture,
> not irritation,not harassment-routine psychological
> and physical abuse, assault-TORTURE!)- as I was
> imprisoned in solitairy confinement, routinely (
> unsucessfully)sexualy solicited, propostioned for
> "matches", "breeding" for over half a year based on
> a
> a minor and false ( as was legally
> defined)trespassing
> charge! Also having near the end of my interrment,(
> a
> trial having been postponed for six months), with no
> criminal history or history of violence, ( nor am I
> accustomed to abuse or violence),dangerous behavior,
> substance abuse, or mental illness, having to defeat
> alone, two absolutely unfounded attempts to, when I
> wouldn't take any of their "deals", accept any of
> their filthy propostions for jail sex or "matches"
> to
> outsiders, have me stripped of all my rights as a
> free
> citizen and illegally committed to a mental
> hospital.
> However, as God and I defeated their evil and voided
> their designs, I exited in excellent fitness,
> physicallly, mentally, emotionally, with records
> attesting to my interest in maintaining my health,
> resting heartbeat after an hours run on a cement
> floor
> in a windowless gray cage in no cushion canvas
> tennis
> shoes? 90 BPM),my education, -a GED acquired while
> studying among cells of maniacal, screaming,
> inmates,
> and enduring the attacks of sadistic staff), stacks
> of
> of forms documenting staff abuse, journal, pages,
> legal correspondence, sketches, designs evidencing
> my
> dedication to preserving my safety and to remain
> human. Also having acquired while there, a 3000
> dollar
> donation of new books from a famous Maine author, to
> replace the yellowed and ragged, antiquities
> presented
> from our library.-Not exactly a candidate for
> suicide
> or homocide was I?)
> And that campaign did and often does include
> physical
> assault,torturous, painful physical handling, (
> though
> in my case, I was frequently attacked and assulted,
> confined to "the hole" ( an unfurnished, toiletless,
> sinkless, cement box, with a drainage hole),although
> there never was just cause, and despite the fact
> that
> I never physically resisted staff, was never violent
> or abusive of property or people, never so much as
> cursed during any part of my imprisonment, as is
> typical of who I am naturally.) And the methods also
> include imbedding food, linens, with psychotropics,
> narcotics, depressants,stimulations,conmbianations
> of
> several, to impair or disable, the individuals
> ability
> to function, react, which is then followed by
> actions
> by staff to create extreme trauma, create incidents
> designed to create a false record of
> behavioral/mental
> problems for the victim,( to be used to try and
> force
> the involuntary "committment of the victim to a
> mental
> hospital) or simply to hospitalize them, kill them
> through induced heart-attack or non-traceable drug
> overdose, one that would go unnoticed, or be left
> univestigated. ( Again , I thank God I have an
> excellent sense of taste and am able to completely
> avoid consumption of any "altering", inebriating or
> dangerous foods. And as well have exellent
> observation
> and communication skills, ability to affect legal
> defense against rights violations, and hence I was
> able to keep them, and more blatant attacks,
> non-lethal and manageable.
> To more competely inform you, of the truly evil
> nature
> within many of our jails, allow mw to back-up a
> little.
> When I'd experienced this several years ago,in a
> little jail in Central Maine, brought in as a
> trespasser, I was placed and kept in a holding cell.
> (
> which are individual cells away from the main
> population, whose purpose is solely to keep am
> individual for no more than three days, to observe
> any
> reactions from drug withdrawals, or detect mental
> impairments, psychotic behavior, illness.
> I was kept in "holding" for nearly a month,and had
> PHOTOGRAPHED- though I constantly, requested and
> demanded that my image,and presence there be
> officially recorded, and though I was lucid,
> active,concerned about clean hygiene, and very aware
> and concened about my deprivations of normal access
> to
> daily time outside the six by ten cell, ( required
> by
> law, denial of access to telephone( which is normal
> for inmates beyond those three days), denial of
> provision of writing pencil, paper, and envelopes
> that
> I had ordered from the store, with sufficient funds
> in
> my account) but for over a month of trying, told the
> orders had been lost, or I hadn't the money to
> purchase them. Effectively, I was, for no honest
> explanation, kept in isolation, away from anyone but
> staff,most usually out-of-sight from anyone, and
> kept
> completely incommunicado from contacting anyone on
> the
> outside, for over half a year. In the meantime,
> although there were women staff members, I was only
> atytended to by males, who would make every effort
> to
> create a paramilitary atmosphere,talking in abnormal
> and exagerrated, regimented speech,and even, several
> of the male staff,two of whom were not by any means
> models of fitness,( obviously were not likely
> candidates for special police training, and these
> were
> jail personnel, not police, donning all black
> paramilitary attire,black jerseye turtle-necks,
> black
> fatigue trousers, black army boots and marching,
> "miltary-style", in synchronized step with one
> another, the three of them, in the narrow aisle in
> front of my cell to visit a never heard, never seen
> inmate in the cell next to mine.( Although I never
> heard them speak at all,to anyone, while they
> "visited".)And, every they would affect this
> military
> atmosphere, in every interaction, and every time I
> was
> taken past the staff desk area to the shower.At the
> same time, as I was being kept in this
> isolation,denied communication to outside, and
> hadn't
> been photographed, as the guards endeavored to
> constantly make make sexual gestures, indicate
> sexual
> trysts, try to "condition" me to improper "familiar"
> behaviors from staff, who would try to enter the
> shower area with me,on an unpopulated floor, and I
> was
> alone apart from them, ( where I'd found and plugged
> a
> peephole that opened a direct view of the shower to
> the staff locker room) ,outside of which, late at
> night, a group of boisterous and vulgar staff males
> would congregate, utter statement about "licking
> vanilla ice cream cones", and two of whom I knew to
> be
> particularly fond of violence,anger, physical
> assault,
> who loved to inflict pain, jangled handcuffs as they
> waited for me ; attended to by staff, always male
> while in that housing,who would continually salt
> their
> body language and use words, and speech emphasis,to
> indicate sex and "condition" me to that sort of
> dialogue,and who tried to
> make the sleepy little jail seem like a military
> compound, and an usual amount of traffick of young,
> pretty women, who behaved more like revelers than
> prisoners, were brought in, but, there-and-gone,
> there- and -gone; every, single, meal I was given
> contained very potent sedatives, ( and I was in no
> way
> "agitated" ) in my meals, one spoonful or
> later,little
> fingernail taste would make me sleepy- if I'd have
> consumed the entire serving I would have been
> rendered
> unconscious.And by all indications, it seemed likely
> the all were involved in the prostitution,
> trafficking
> and sales of women. And as I'd heard that through
> the
> jail network, women are often drafted,
> directed,and/or
> shipped overseas as "courtesy" whores for
> mercenaries,(sorry DynCorp!) and was aware that
> Maine
> is the closest jumping off point to Europe, and the
> war in Kosovo was going on, I became very
> justifiably
> concerned that the staff there were aiming to ship
> me
> off unconscious, (and untraceable) as some sort of
> military consort, whore. Also, during this period of
> my prison housing, it was also evident, that they
> were
> trying to sell me to interested "buyers", "players",
> who were brought in as inmates( money can but a lot
> of
> legal deviations in jails with corrupt personnel),
> who
> seeemed to be of Hispanic or Latin descent, who were
> allowed to wear their gold chains and watches to
> indicate their wealth to me, as I was inexplicably
> taken from my out-of-sight cell, and moved to a cell
> in a block where those buyers could view me. And as
> I
> sought privacy from them and remained in a cell on
> my
> bunk out of view, in a complete change of their
> normal
> attitude, the attending guards who had for weeks
> gone
> out of their way to deny me the most basic
> needs,suddenly beacame "valets", knocking on my door
> every ten or fifteen minutes to inquire of my needs,
> and addressing me as Ms. , rather than barking of my
> last name as they usually would. Thereby forcing me
> to
> answer them at the door, placing myself in full view
> of thw door window, and consequently, the view of
> the
> gold-bedecked "inmates" they'd left waiting in a
> prisoner waiting area directly across from this cell
> block,for several hours. And during any door
> openings
> of meals, etc., a older woman inmate, a jail
> regular,
> a "corp-ean" as they're called ( street person,
> police-mob servant,would make comments alluding to
> my
> status or acceptance of this deal, to the
> frequenting
> male staff person. Finally, after two days of hiding
> on my bunk, and only of avoidance of "deals" from
> me,
> I was replaced in my original and usual holding
> cell.
> All of this was strange, weird, and indicated big
> dangerous threats to my life, as it seemed, my sales
> and disappearance, was on their list of intents.
> Every
> filament of my every awareness was charged and fully
> at the ready, every minute of every day,as proved
> necessary to save my life.
> Finally, through bold action, risking behaving as an
> idiot to scream at any passing civilian or
> administrator about " no photograph! drugs in the
> food! Disappearance!" I forced the completion of my
> ID, photgraphing, and movement to housing in a
> populated environ, where six months other evils
> schemes, assault and torture awaited,awaited,but at
> least there were witnesses.
> There is much more to this original article, but in
> deference to your eyes and my fingers. I'll finish
> now, having illuminated most of these occult ,
> underground systems within our justice system that
> threaten the freedom of us all, as the mobs are
> taking
> control and using to their criminal ends,public
> domains vital to our democracy and the sanctity of
> anyone who lives here. ( By the way, it is also
> commonly known among those inititiates of the
> system,
> that it is not uncommon for inmates, expert criminal
> specialists, "mental" patients,to be, willingly
> also,
> in return for money, favors, network status, to "do
> the "time" for a disappeared, solitairy, individual
> be
> snuck out the back-door of these institutions by
> corrupt personnel for clandestine "missions". ( Who
> would suspect a convicted prisoner, in the
> involvement
> of a crime? And also according to many statements,
> threats of and indications by insiders,police,
> gang-members, throughout he use of hormones,
> imbedded
> in prisoner or mental patient meals, or forced
> medications, try to stimulate ovum production in
> women
> to facillitate pregnancy- unconscience, unwilling,
> and
> artificially -on premises, or for arranged,
> manipulated encounters later. And they have
> repeatedly
> made these threats of me, in addition to the list
> described meant to contain me, and my knowledge of
> their methods and networks,silence my research,
> writing, ( bear in mind my "transmission" abilities)
> about Bush crime family, they and the CIAs
> connections
> to and apparent involvement in the execution of the
> 911 attacks, Afghan-Iraqi profireeting, The
> Rothschild's and ( Bush, SAudi CIA's- Carlyle Groups
> ownership of voting machines, election data
> software,
> their apparent rigging of elections, (ripping out
> Davis who insisted Enron repay the nine million they
> stole from Californians) and replacing him with in
> the
> Austrian idiot, Buffet's puppet),-The New World
> Mafia
> which is leading to 21st century slavery, and force
> me
> to reproduce a child for them, one they would take
> from me, because of my abilities, although they were
> spiritually developed, are not genetically
> transferable, and ignorant of the fact that I am 44
> years old, with aged, damaged ovum. And despite the
> fact that I'd beat them before in these prison
> manipulations,was completely alone other than God,in
> their own filthy backyard at their own dirty game,
> which included a crooked public defender whowas
> doing
> her utmost to railroad me), beat them before when I
> hadn't a clue about any of these evils, before, as I
> do now, had system experience and could more easily
> defeat them again and expose them. (Although, I'd
> much
> rather not have to.) And before I had sent
> resounding
> alarms to press, attorneys, hundreds of others,
> including now, you.
> However, to many of them, there is a lot on the
> line,
> and simply the prospect of getting me out of the
> way,
> winning me as a trophy, using me as a long-distance
> camera, or baby -breeder still holds their active
> interest as well as knocking a "no drugs, sex,
> violence", non "serving", non-consuming, pop-culture
> and media brainwashing defiant Christian, whose a
> bad
> for the vice business as an example of clean,
> independent,
> moral, ascent, a bad example for their system slaves
> and the vice/drug dependent, off her path to
> persoanl
> and economic independence, happiness, success,
> enabled
> through God's strength, wisdom,joy inspiration,
> protection.
> I am a clean, capable, creatively gifted, honest,
> responsible woman, ( who just happens to have been
> blessed with a good, honest heart,spirit, and
> uniquely
> strong abilities of projecting images I view, to
> many,
> in many places, and have concurrently through the
> leading of God's spirit,developed the ability to
> project distorted, false images, block
> "transmissions",audio and video, when necessary who
> has been put through years of hell, unjustly
> imprisoned, forced from jobs by gansters,
> mob-players,
> kept imprisoned, entombed in poverty,forced into
> living stratas where I'm an open target for
> gangsters,criminal "corp_ean" miscreants in their
> aim
> to enslave and destroy me.. But I have never
> embraced
> despair, and have time and time again, fought and
> climbed, and innovated, and discovered, and educated
> myself up, despite physical assults, theft of
> clothing, documents, resume, having been forced in
> past several years, (as I've only now repaired a
> tenuous relationship, with my only active family
> member, a Federal bureaucrat) to live in shelters
> among those who constantly sought to attack,
> "program", or whore me, and forced several times
> because of thees people, to live outside. (
> Something
> I was not and would never "get used" to! Nor would I
> ever join "the corp",as the street servants are
> called, or, as a result of what I've been through,
> ever develop any intimate links to anyone who's been
> trained to kill. ) All of this has been forced upon
> me, simply because I've abilities and knowledge
> they"
> wish to exploit, and control, NOT because of any
> actual deficiencey, disability- quite the contrary.
> And I invite your recogniton and redress of thesee
> inhuman, evil, fascist,industries that pervade the
> lower quarters, but as you yourselves have probably
> detected from 911, to Enron, and the absent weapons
> of
> mass-destruction, the injury to our economy,
> hemorrhaging of US jobs overseas and simultaneous
> lobbying of, and establishment of those who are here
> illegally, promoting many industries connected to
> military, construction, and foreign
> enterproses,involved with drugs and prostitution,as
> they supplant honest, legitmate industry, with
> destructive,non-taxable income, and propigate a
> mob-governed,pyrimidal slave hirearchy. And they are
> gainingstrength in numbers and dollars, and
> legislative leverage, as you might have also
> detected
> in your communities, and in noting Halliburton's
> award
> of a seven billion dollar NO-BID contract, or the
> twenty other Bush, Cheney"CIA Saudi,( Halliburton,
> Bechtel, Carlyle, DynCorp, outfits that have been
> showerd with multi-million dollar contracts since
> 911,
> Afghan, Anthrax, Iraq.
> In any case here, I'm inviting your guardianship of
> my
> safety, and intercession for everyone's right to
> abide
> in an actual Constitutionally alive democracy, sans
> the threat of slavery,illegal imprisonment,
> drugging,
> "commitment",ID "switching", overseas "shipment",
> not
> to mention forced pregnancy or extraction of body
> parts.And also urge you to expand your understanding
> of the inter-relationships of all this, and take
> actions to "behead" them,expose them and install
> safeguards And, in regard to stemming the increasing
> "black tide" of economic reiance on illicit and
> destructive industries, I would point out that
> technically, it has erupted from the refusal of
> industry and legislative leaders to downsize,
> modernize outdated, oversized,no longer relevant
> industries in the industrial, iron, triangle of
> military, construction, manufacturing, who rather
> than
> modernize, and design, smaller,to-the-need, humane,
> environmentally friendly businesses, and
> subsequently
> relaease their grip on their ruling dynasties,they
> have reaorted to sustain themselves through the vice
> money generated by those industries in drugs,
> prostitution sales, counting on that usage by their
> employees, and have also resorted to robbing the US
> treasury, ( at the expense of schools already
> begging
> for supplies, education, and job training programs-
> effectively keeping the slaves mob-relaint, in a
> moated community ignorance, violence,power-poverty)
> and illegally using the US military, starting
> avoidable and unecessary wars,bombing the hell out
> of
> people and planet, to fill their own pockets, all of
> the expense of most Americans, who are facing
> lay-offs, and increased college tuitions, to fill
> their own pockets and then use that money to buy
> voting machines, election software,( as the
> Illuminati
> Rothshilds, and carlyle Group) and increase their
> dissoluiotn of our rights to self-governance.( "We
> bomb them. You get the rebuilding contracts. You get
> the oil fields. They'll get weapons contracts.You
> get
> the ( Afghan )opium and drug sales.", Says a big
> shrub, to it's fellow trunk
> members,Bechtel,Halliburton,Fluor, CIA to fill their
> own pockets.If you rely on a military-industrial
> economy, you get war! Even if it isn't necessary.
> -Time to design a new economy!!!! An honest one, a
> humane,sane,intelligent,and environmentally sound
> one!)
> Anyway, it's all tied to together,the travesty of
> our
> legitimate econoy created by them, and the
> subsequent
> increase in criminal and destructive economies,
> created in capturing those resulting
> impoverished,flung their waythrown. And they are
> infiltrating every crevice, and trying to commandeer
> every public "portal", business and gov't venue they
> might,and are tightening their New World Web, but
> they
> have to be stopped, if an actual representational,
> and
> vibrant democracy is to survive. And experience has
> taught me, it can be done,taking actions and using
> the
> laws to make them accoutable.
> Well, strayed a bit from, my original plea, but
> please
> don't forget it, or the lose sight of the how this
> all
> ties together.
> And I hope you find what I'd told you hard to
> believe,
> but believe it, it's true,And I hope most of you are
> still honest, democratic people who realize the
> horror
> of what I'd been through and its larger
> implications.
> And I hope, some of you, will help me preserve my
> life, from those who seek it to facilitate their
> evil
> schemes, or protect their hidden networks.
> I'm a spirit-led, capable, responsible, Christian
> lady, who's been put through hell, thrown into
> financial abyss,simply because I've got something
> they
> want and knowledge they wish to protect..But I'm quite intact, and I'm quite not "for sale" or
> open to "deals", "programs" in any way, .
> I'm a "non-player" who is in no way "altered",
> "programmed", or slave material.And I'm A "dove",
> who
> will never have any close associations with any
> trained in killing, who wants her life back! I'm an
> articulate, cultured, down-to-earth but quite
> keen,bright, well-spoken, smart,Christian, a writer,
> (
> with a growing collection of poems and designs,
> sketches With aspirations to live a clean,
> spirit-led,
> creative, contributive, Christian life, among those
> domains or in law,an activist, who has fought like
> hell
> for years to stay out of and break out of the urban
> jails, they have tried to keep me encased in,
> surrounded
> by their "army" members, with no access to money,
> chance for meeting with those with whom I could
> understand my dilemma, help me, or intelligently
> speak
> about current issues,social or product
> invention,ideas, or simply share any pleasure of
> human
> living, a meal, music, art, laughter.
> They've stolen years of my life, opportunities for
> career, family, even motherhood, as any child of
> mine
> would be subject to their attack or theft. And I
> don't
> want to see them do this to anyone else!And I will
> never submit to anyone elses designs for my life, no
> matter how lucrative, and believe me, I've turned
> down, a lot of money, a lot of money,over years,
> offers for "matches", procreation, and "stardom"
> dangled if I opted to volunteer for foreign,
> paramiltary, recon, "missions" as crew cook,join a
> celebrity's or business moguls guardian escort,
> "spy-camera" I'll have no part in it, or in any
> "parts". I don't play. I also do not speak in
> double-entendres, coded dialogue. I am really, an
> unusually sincere, honest,capable, independent
> person,still growing, who insists on having her
> life,
> her way, and it doesn't include "crews",group
> living,
> or living with men outside marriage, or my
> biological
> brothers , living with non-Christians in any
> capacity.
> I'm a "nosex, drugs, violence. profanity, blasphemy"
> Christian, and that is not subject to change through
> negotiation or force.
> So having told you what has been happening, and
> having
> pointed out the relationships and dangers, requested
> your help, personally, and communitavely, I leave
> you
> with this thought.
> It is often said, that as California goes so goes
> the
> country, and as America goes, so goes the world....( re: NWMafia
> For Human,Drug Trafficking (english)
> Ms. V.Smith 5:21pm Wed Nov 5 '03
> Hidden mechanisms of big and growing evils.
> Greetings;
> This had to be written in bits and pieces over
> several
> days, under pressure of time, competing urgent
> priories, and tenuous living circumstances, but it
> is
> adequate in form and valuable in substance. It is
> not
> meant for any other purpose than to inform you, and
> to
> invite your guardianship and intercession. And it is
> as truthful and accurate as possible, with truth and
> the need for justice, not "political correctness"as
> its presiding concern.
> Two months ago, I'd sent national and foreign
> press,certain legislators, human rights groups,
> attorneys, a similar article titled'Jails and
> Shelters
> as Hubs For Global Mobs-Human And Drug Trafficking,
> Material And Information Transfer. ( And yes, from
> my
> witness, I can firmly attest that these places have
> strongly indicated ties to paramiltary, mercenary
> groups seeking to recruit. And it would seem
> logical,
> that through their natural underground links,
> probably
> connect to "terrorist" or other subversive
> paramilitary groups.)And I described in detail,
> their
> methods and circuitry, having been forced to those
> stratas for survival the past several years, and
> having been the target of these people, for their
> forced recruitment, but ostensibly, and tenaciously,
> and aggressively deflected their efforts to
> "condition" me to their profane, animalistic, norms,
> and force me into their criminal ranks.And, for your
> education, here follows a similar letter, to you...
> "Plants" and "moles", regular or usual residents,
> network " employees",(gangs,"family", "fed"
> "company")
> among both staff and residents , and this also
> includes most nearby convenient stores,(who act as
> brokers for local prostitutes,"dealers" many of whom
> are owned by Middle-Easterners, Orientals
> -hmmm....)conspire to recruit and/or "condition"
> residents for "dates", deals, underground jobs,
> network service as prostitutes, drug or object
> "runners","guards", "role-players" to facilitate
> desires "programs", and if the subject is resistant,
> often with the assistance of police on- the -take,
> coalesce to choreograph actions together to
> manufacture the individuals
> arrest,"entrapment",where,
> once the subject is interred, using all means at
> their
> disposal,within the controlled and obscure chambers
> of
> the jail, jail staff and their inmate "plants",
> regular jail residents, or those on the "family"
> payroll, who arrive to direct the individual, broker
> deals, or simply to attack the subject.
> ( And as it has been for several years, these buyers
> have been indicated through "costuming" and verbal
> references, to be "Sheiks", Bin-Laden, South
> American,
> Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, East Indian, among the
> most prominent and consistent "characters"
> interested
> in purchasing me, forcing me into slavery,remote
> mercenary, "missions", merchant marine or
> construction
> crews in Alaska or foreign lands,bodyguard "mate"
> for
> wealthy moguls and/or "breeding", because of my
> unique, God-given "remote-viewing" abilities. ( A
> term
> used by the US government to describe those who can,
> through mental " transmission" alone, project images
> they view or sounds they hear to others elsewhere,
> and
> in my case, many, many other people, near and far,
> as
> I have discovered only these past several years)and
> also because of my yachting and travel experience,my
> familiarity with the manners and pressures of
> wealth,as I have also had to live in a pressure
> cooker, under a public microscope for years because
> of
> my "camera abilities",and the other human viewers (
> and possibly also due to my own "energy" output and
> the other human cameras), that identify my
> location,and I'm recognized everywhere I go, whether
> I've been there before or not, or had ever met any
> of
> the people that seems to cause response in people
> even
> if I only look at them, their backs turned, they
> often
> immediately look back at me, or act in a way meant
> to
> "talk" to me.( And believe it or not, I've gotten
> used
> to it, -although I'll really never get used to it!)
> and I pray for private refuge daily, although not of
> the institutional variety offerd to me by the mobs
> and
> authorities.)
> Anyway, if the subject has been incarcerated and is
> still resistant, the evil, abusive,team,then
> intensifies their efforts on all fronts, using food,
> clothing, any access to, or interaction with the
> individual. ( Towit of I can personally attest
> having
> survived a false and tortuous- ( and I mean torture,
> not irritation,not harassment-routine psychological
> and physical abuse, assault-TORTURE!)- as I was
> imprisoned in solitairy confinement, routinely (
> unsucessfully)sexualy solicited, propostioned for
> "matches", "breeding" for over half a year based on
> a
> a minor and false ( as was legally
> defined)trespassing
> charge! Also having near the end of my interrment,(
> a
> trial having been postponed for six months), with no
> criminal history or history of violence, ( nor am I
> accustomed to abuse or violence),dangerous behavior,
> substance abuse, or mental illness, having to defeat
> alone, two absolutely unfounded attempts to, when I
> wouldn't take any of their "deals", accept any of
> their filthy propostions for jail sex or "matches"
> to
> outsiders, have me stripped of all my rights as a
> free
> citizen and illegally committed to a mental
> hospital.
> However, as God and I defeated their evil and voided
> their designs, I exited in excellent fitness,
> physicallly, mentally, emotionally, with records
> attesting to my interest in maintaining my health,
> resting heartbeat after an hours run on a cement
> floor
> in a windowless gray cage in no cushion canvas
> tennis
> shoes? 90 BPM),my education, -a GED acquired while
> studying among cells of maniacal, screaming,
> inmates,
> and enduring the attacks of sadistic staff), stacks
> of
> of forms documenting staff abuse, journal, pages,
> legal correspondence, sketches, designs evidencing
> my
> dedication to preserving my safety and to remain
> human. Also having acquired while there, a 3000
> dollar
> donation of new books from a famous Maine author, to
> replace the yellowed and ragged, antiquities
> presented
> from our library.-Not exactly a candidate for
> suicide
> or homocide was I?)
> And that campaign did and often does include
> physical
> assault,torturous, painful physical handling, (
> though
> in my case, I was frequently attacked and assulted,
> confined to "the hole" ( an unfurnished, toiletless,
> sinkless, cement box, with a drainage hole),although
> there never was just cause, and despite the fact
> that
> I never physically resisted staff, was never violent
> or abusive of property or people, never so much as
> cursed during any part of my imprisonment, as is
> typical of who I am naturally.) And the methods also
> include imbedding food, linens, with psychotropics,
> narcotics, depressants,stimulations,conmbianations
> of
> several, to impair or disable, the individuals
> ability
> to function, react, which is then followed by
> actions
> by staff to create extreme trauma, create incidents
> designed to create a false record of
> behavioral/mental
> problems for the victim,( to be used to try and
> force
> the involuntary "committment of the victim to a
> mental
> hospital) or simply to hospitalize them, kill them
> through induced heart-attack or non-traceable drug
> overdose, one that would go unnoticed, or be left
> univestigated. ( Again , I thank God I have an
> excellent sense of taste and am able to completely
> avoid consumption of any "altering", inebriating or
> dangerous foods. And as well have exellent
> observation
> and communication skills, ability to affect legal
> defense against rights violations, and hence I was
> able to keep them, and more blatant attacks,
> non-lethal and manageable.
> To more competely inform you, of the truly evil
> nature
> within many of our jails, allow mw to back-up a
> little.
> When I'd experienced this several years ago,in a
> little jail in Central Maine, brought in as a
> trespasser, I was placed and kept in a holding cell.
> (
> which are individual cells away from the main
> population, whose purpose is solely to keep am
> individual for no more than three days, to observe
> any
> reactions from drug withdrawals, or detect mental
> impairments, psychotic behavior, illness.
> I was kept in "holding" for nearly a month,and had
> PHOTOGRAPHED- though I constantly, requested and
> demanded that my image,and presence there be
> officially recorded, and though I was lucid,
> active,concerned about clean hygiene, and very aware
> and concened about my deprivations of normal access
> to
> daily time outside the six by ten cell, ( required
> by
> law, denial of access to telephone( which is normal
> for inmates beyond those three days), denial of
> provision of writing pencil, paper, and envelopes
> that
> I had ordered from the store, with sufficient funds
> in
> my account) but for over a month of trying, told the
> orders had been lost, or I hadn't the money to
> purchase them. Effectively, I was, for no honest
> explanation, kept in isolation, away from anyone but
> staff,most usually out-of-sight from anyone, and
> kept
> completely incommunicado from contacting anyone on
> the
> outside, for over half a year. In the meantime,
> although there were women staff members, I was only
> atytended to by males, who would make every effort
> to
> create a paramilitary atmosphere,talking in abnormal
> and exagerrated, regimented speech,and even, several
> of the male staff,two of whom were not by any means
> models of fitness,( obviously were not likely
> candidates for special police training, and these
> were
> jail personnel, not police, donning all black
> paramilitary attire,black jerseye turtle-necks,
> black
> fatigue trousers, black army boots and marching,
> "miltary-style", in synchronized step with one
> another, the three of them, in the narrow aisle in
> front of my cell to visit a never heard, never seen
> inmate in the cell next to mine.( Although I never
> heard them speak at all,to anyone, while they
> "visited".)And, every they would affect this
> military
> atmosphere, in every interaction, and every time I
> was
> taken past the staff desk area to the shower.At the
> same time, as I was being kept in this
> isolation,denied communication to outside, and
> hadn't
> been photographed, as the guards endeavored to
> constantly make make sexual gestures, indicate
> sexual
> trysts, try to "condition" me to improper "familiar"
> behaviors from staff, who would try to enter the
> shower area with me,on an unpopulated floor, and I
> was
> alone apart from them, ( where I'd found and plugged
> a
> peephole that opened a direct view of the shower to
> the staff locker room) ,outside of which, late at
> night, a group of boisterous and vulgar staff males
> would congregate, utter statement about "licking
> vanilla ice cream cones", and two of whom I knew to
> be
> particularly fond of violence,anger, physical
> assault,
> who loved to inflict pain, jangled handcuffs as they
> waited for me ; attended to by staff, always male
> while in that housing,who would continually salt
> their
> body language and use words, and speech emphasis,to
> indicate sex and "condition" me to that sort of
> dialogue,and who tried to
> make the sleepy little jail seem like a military
> compound, and an usual amount of traffick of young,
> pretty women, who behaved more like revelers than
> prisoners, were brought in, but, there-and-gone,
> there- and -gone; every, single, meal I was given
> contained very potent sedatives, ( and I was in no
> way
> "agitated" ) in my meals, one spoonful or
> later,little
> fingernail taste would make me sleepy- if I'd have
> consumed the entire serving I would have been
> rendered
> unconscious.And by all indications, it seemed likely
> the all were involved in the prostitution,
> trafficking
> and sales of women. And as I'd heard that through
> the
> jail network, women are often drafted,
> directed,and/or
> shipped overseas as "courtesy" whores for
> mercenaries,(sorry DynCorp!) and was aware that
> Maine
> is the closest jumping off point to Europe, and the
> war in Kosovo was going on, I became very
> justifiably
> concerned that the staff there were aiming to ship
> me
> off unconscious, (and untraceable) as some sort of
> military consort, whore. Also, during this period of
> my prison housing, it was also evident, that they
> were
> trying to sell me to interested "buyers", "players",
> who were brought in as inmates( money can but a lot
> of
> legal deviations in jails with corrupt personnel),
> who
> seeemed to be of Hispanic or Latin descent, who were
> allowed to wear their gold chains and watches to
> indicate their wealth to me, as I was inexplicably
> taken from my out-of-sight cell, and moved to a cell
> in a block where those buyers could view me. And as
> I
> sought privacy from them and remained in a cell on
> my
> bunk out of view, in a complete change of their
> normal
> attitude, the attending guards who had for weeks
> gone
> out of their way to deny me the most basic
> needs,suddenly beacame "valets", knocking on my door
> every ten or fifteen minutes to inquire of my needs,
> and addressing me as Ms. , rather than barking of my
> last name as they usually would. Thereby forcing me
> to
> answer them at the door, placing myself in full view
> of thw door window, and consequently, the view of
> the
> gold-bedecked "inmates" they'd left waiting in a
> prisoner waiting area directly across from this cell
> block,for several hours. And during any door
> openings
> of meals, etc., a older woman inmate, a jail
> regular,
> a "corp-ean" as they're called ( street person,
> police-mob servant,would make comments alluding to
> my
> status or acceptance of this deal, to the
> frequenting
> male staff person. Finally, after two days of hiding
> on my bunk, and only of avoidance of "deals" from
> me,
> I was replaced in my original and usual holding
> cell.
> All of this was strange, weird, and indicated big
> dangerous threats to my life, as it seemed, my sales
> and disappearance, was on their list of intents.
> Every
> filament of my every awareness was charged and fully
> at the ready, every minute of every day,as proved
> necessary to save my life.
> Finally, through bold action, risking behaving as an
> idiot to scream at any passing civilian or
> administrator about " no photograph! drugs in the
> food! Disappearance!" I forced the completion of my
> ID, photgraphing, and movement to housing in a
> populated environ, where six months other evils
> schemes, assault and torture awaited,awaited,but at
> least there were witnesses.
> There is much more to this original article, but in
> deference to your eyes and my fingers. I'll finish
> now, having illuminated most of these occult ,
> underground systems within our justice system that
> threaten the freedom of us all, as the mobs are
> taking
> control and using to their criminal ends,public
> domains vital to our democracy and the sanctity of
> anyone who lives here. ( By the way, it is also
> commonly known among those inititiates of the
> system,
> that it is not uncommon for inmates, expert criminal
> specialists, "mental" patients,to be, willingly
> also,
> in return for money, favors, network status, to "do
> the "time" for a disappeared, solitairy, individual
> be
> snuck out the back-door of these institutions by
> corrupt personnel for clandestine "missions". ( Who
> would suspect a convicted prisoner, in the
> involvement
> of a crime? And also according to many statements,
> threats of and indications by insiders,police,
> gang-members, throughout he use of hormones,
> imbedded
> in prisoner or mental patient meals, or forced
> medications, try to stimulate ovum production in
> women
> to facillitate pregnancy- unconscience, unwilling,
> and
> artificially -on premises, or for arranged,
> manipulated encounters later. And they have
> repeatedly
> made these threats of me, in addition to the list
> described meant to contain me, and my knowledge of
> their methods and networks,silence my research,
> writing, ( bear in mind my "transmission" abilities)
> about Bush crime family, they and the CIAs
> connections
> to and apparent involvement in the execution of the
> 911 attacks, Afghan-Iraqi profireeting, The
> Rothschild's and ( Bush, SAudi CIA's- Carlyle Groups
> ownership of voting machines, election data
> software,
> their apparent rigging of elections, (ripping out
> Davis who insisted Enron repay the nine million they
> stole from Californians) and replacing him with in
> the
> Austrian idiot, Buffet's puppet),-The New World
> Mafia
> which is leading to 21st century slavery, and force
> me
> to reproduce a child for them, one they would take
> from me, because of my abilities, although they were
> spiritually developed, are not genetically
> transferable, and ignorant of the fact that I am 44
> years old, with aged, damaged ovum. And despite the
> fact that I'd beat them before in these prison
> manipulations,was completely alone other than God,in
> their own filthy backyard at their own dirty game,
> which included a crooked public defender whowas
> doing
> her utmost to railroad me), beat them before when I
> hadn't a clue about any of these evils, before, as I
> do now, had system experience and could more easily
> defeat them again and expose them. (Although, I'd
> much
> rather not have to.) And before I had sent
> resounding
> alarms to press, attorneys, hundreds of others,
> including now, you.
> However, to many of them, there is a lot on the
> line,
> and simply the prospect of getting me out of the
> way,
> winning me as a trophy, using me as a long-distance
> camera, or baby -breeder still holds their active
> interest as well as knocking a "no drugs, sex,
> violence", non "serving", non-consuming, pop-culture
> and media brainwashing defiant Christian, whose a
> bad
> for the vice business as an example of clean,
> independent,
> moral, ascent, a bad example for their system slaves
> and the vice/drug dependent, off her path to
> persoanl
> and economic independence, happiness, success,
> enabled
> through God's strength, wisdom,joy inspiration,
> protection.
> I am a clean, capable, creatively gifted, honest,
> responsible woman, ( who just happens to have been
> blessed with a good, honest heart,spirit, and
> uniquely
> strong abilities of projecting images I view, to
> many,
> in many places, and have concurrently through the
> leading of God's spirit,developed the ability to
> project distorted, false images, block
> "transmissions",audio and video, when necessary who
> has been put through years of hell, unjustly
> imprisoned, forced from jobs by gansters,
> mob-players,
> kept imprisoned, entombed in poverty,forced into
> living stratas where I'm an open target for
> gangsters,criminal "corp_ean" miscreants in their
> aim
> to enslave and destroy me.. But I have never
> embraced
> despair, and have time and time again, fought and
> climbed, and innovated, and discovered, and educated
> myself up, despite physical assults, theft of
> clothing, documents, resume, having been forced in
> past several years, (as I've only now repaired a
> tenuous relationship, with my only active family
> member, a Federal bureaucrat) to live in shelters
> among those who constantly sought to attack,
> "program", or whore me, and forced several times
> because of thees people, to live outside. (
> Something
> I was not and would never "get used" to! Nor would I
> ever join "the corp",as the street servants are
> called, or, as a result of what I've been through,
> ever develop any intimate links to anyone who's been
> trained to kill. ) All of this has been forced upon
> me, simply because I've abilities and knowledge
> they"
> wish to exploit, and control, NOT because of any
> actual deficiencey, disability- quite the contrary.
> And I invite your recogniton and redress of thesee
> inhuman, evil, fascist,industries that pervade the
> lower quarters, but as you yourselves have probably
> detected from 911, to Enron, and the absent weapons
> of
> mass-destruction, the injury to our economy,
> hemorrhaging of US jobs overseas and simultaneous
> lobbying of, and establishment of those who are here
> illegally, promoting many industries connected to
> military, construction, and foreign
> enterproses,involved with drugs and prostitution,as
> they supplant honest, legitmate industry, with
> destructive,non-taxable income, and propigate a
> mob-governed,pyrimidal slave hirearchy. And they are
> gainingstrength in numbers and dollars, and
> legislative leverage, as you might have also
> detected
> in your communities, and in noting Halliburton's
> award
> of a seven billion dollar NO-BID contract, or the
> twenty other Bush, Cheney"CIA Saudi,( Halliburton,
> Bechtel, Carlyle, DynCorp, outfits that have been
> showerd with multi-million dollar contracts since
> 911,
> Afghan, Anthrax, Iraq.
> In any case here, I'm inviting your guardianship of
> my
> safety, and intercession for everyone's right to
> abide
> in an actual Constitutionally alive democracy, sans
> the threat of slavery,illegal imprisonment,
> drugging,
> "commitment",ID "switching", overseas "shipment",
> not
> to mention forced pregnancy or extraction of body
> parts.And also urge you to expand your understanding
> of the inter-relationships of all this, and take
> actions to "behead" them,expose them and install
> safeguards And, in regard to stemming the increasing
> "black tide" of economic reiance on illicit and
> destructive industries, I would point out that
> technically, it has erupted from the refusal of
> industry and legislative leaders to downsize,
> modernize outdated, oversized,no longer relevant
> industries in the industrial, iron, triangle of
> military, construction, manufacturing, who rather
> than
> modernize, and design, smaller,to-the-need, humane,
> environmentally friendly businesses, and
> subsequently
> relaease their grip on their ruling dynasties,they
> have reaorted to sustain themselves through the vice
> money generated by those industries in drugs,
> prostitution sales, counting on that usage by their
> employees, and have also resorted to robbing the US
> treasury, ( at the expense of schools already
> begging
> for supplies, education, and job training programs-
> effectively keeping the slaves mob-relaint, in a
> moated community ignorance, violence,power-poverty)
> and illegally using the US military, starting
> avoidable and unecessary wars,bombing the hell out
> of
> people and planet, to fill their own pockets, all of
> the expense of most Americans, who are facing
> lay-offs, and increased college tuitions, to fill
> their own pockets and then use that money to buy
> voting machines, election software,( as the
> Illuminati
> Rothshilds, and carlyle Group) and increase their
> dissoluiotn of our rights to self-governance.( "We
> bomb them. You get the rebuilding contracts. You get
> the oil fields. They'll get weapons contracts.You
> get
> the ( Afghan )opium and drug sales.", Says a big
> shrub, to it's fellow trunk
> members,Bechtel,Halliburton,Fluor, CIA to fill their
> own pockets.If you rely on a military-industrial
> economy, you get war! Even if it isn't necessary.
> -Time to design a new economy!!!! An honest one, a
> humane,sane,intelligent,and environmentally sound
> one!)
> Anyway, it's all tied to together,the travesty of
> our
> legitimate econoy created by them, and the
> subsequent
> increase in criminal and destructive economies,
> created in capturing those resulting
> impoverished,flung their waythrown. And they are
> infiltrating every crevice, and trying to commandeer
> every public "portal", business and gov't venue they
> might,and are tightening their New World Web, but
> they
> have to be stopped, if an actual representational,
> and
> vibrant democracy is to survive. And experience has
> taught me, it can be done,taking actions and using
> the
> laws to make them accoutable.
> Well, strayed a bit from, my original plea, but
> please
> don't forget it, or the lose sight of the how this
> all
> ties together.
> And I hope you find what I'd told you hard to
> believe,
> but believe it, it's true,And I hope most of you are
> still honest, democratic people who realize the
> horror
> of what I'd been through and its larger
> implications.
> And I hope, some of you, will help me preserve my
> life, from those who seek it to facilitate their
> evil
> schemes, or protect their hidden networks.
> I'm a spirit-led, capable, responsible, Christian
> lady, who's been put through hell, thrown into
> financial abyss,simply because I've got something
> they
> want and knowledge they wish to protect..But I'm quite intact, and I'm quite not "for sale" or
> open to "deals", "programs" in any way, .
> I'm a "non-player" who is in no way "altered",
> "programmed", or slave material.And I'm A "dove",
> who
> will never have any close associations with any
> trained in killing, who wants her life back! I'm an
> articulate, cultured, down-to-earth but quite
> keen,bright, well-spoken, smart,Christian, a writer,
> (
> with a growing collection of poems and designs,
> sketches With aspirations to live a clean,
> spirit-led,
> creative, contributive, Christian life, among those
> domains or in law,an activist, who has fought like
> hell
> for years to stay out of and break out of the urban
> jails, they have tried to keep me encased in,
> surrounded
> by their "army" members, with no access to money,
> chance for meeting with those with whom I could
> understand my dilemma, help me, or intelligently
> speak
> about current issues,social or product
> invention,ideas, or simply share any pleasure of
> human
> living, a meal, music, art, laughter.
> They've stolen years of my life, opportunities for
> career, family, even motherhood, as any child of
> mine
> would be subject to their attack or theft. And I
> don't
> want to see them do this to anyone else!And I will
> never submit to anyone elses designs for my life, no
> matter how lucrative, and believe me, I've turned
> down, a lot of money, a lot of money,over years,
> offers for "matches", procreation, and "stardom"
> dangled if I opted to volunteer for foreign,
> paramiltary, recon, "missions" as crew cook,join a
> celebrity's or business moguls guardian escort,
> "spy-camera" I'll have no part in it, or in any
> "parts". I don't play. I also do not speak in
> double-entendres, coded dialogue. I am really, an
> unusually sincere, honest,capable, independent
> person,still growing, who insists on having her
> life,
> her way, and it doesn't include "crews",group
> living,
> or living with men outside marriage, or my
> biological
> brothers , living with non-Christians in any
> capacity.
> I'm a "nosex, drugs, violence. profanity, blasphemy"
> Christian, and that is not subject to change through
> negotiation or force.
> So having told you what has been happening, and
> having
> pointed out the relationships and dangers, requested
> your help, personally, and communitavely, I leave
> you
> with this thought.
> It is often said, that as California goes so goes
> the
> country, and as America goes, so goes the world....( re: NWMafia
V. Smith