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Big Surprise In Store For US/UK In Iraq For 2004

Stuey | 27.12.2003 21:17 | Liverpool

Look out occupation forces, coz guess who's coming to get ya!

Just got this important information, if it's true then it's gonna be a bumpy ride for US/UK forces in Iraq in the early part of the new year and hopefully some more substantial British deaths to help bring about Blair's downfall:-

Apprently nine days before Saddam reached US custody, Washington received a disturbing piece of intelligence.

The notorious Lebanese terrorist and hostage-taker Imad Mughniyeh, who figures on the most wanted list of 22 men published by the FBI after 9/11 and the source of inspiration for Osama bin Laden, has arrived in southern Iraq and is organising a new anti-US terror campaign to be launched in March/April 2004, marking the first year of the American led invasion.

For the past 21 years, Mughniyeh has waged a war of terror against Americans, whether on behalf of the Hizballah, the Iranian Shiite fundamentalists, al Qaeda or for himself. The Lebanese arch-terrorist represents for the anti-American forces in Iraq an ultimate weapon.

Saddam's capture will not turn this offensive aside; it may even bring it forward.

So Hoon get plenty of body bags out to Iraq, the resistance so far has only been a rehearsal!

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Calling Patriots

28.12.2003 15:31

Stuey's article does not read well in UKIndymedia. Is it a cover to mislead the Coalition into a fuitless hunt for a non existent terrorist, distracting them from the capture of the old tyrant allowing every Iraqi patriot to act against the invaders without risking the return of the tyrant.

The growing activity might indicate that the dead hand of central planning has been lifted, and free enterprise patriotism is now expressing itself. It might also indicate that the anti-Trade Union actions of the Fascists in the Coalition are being recognised by people in Iraq as only allowing one possible answer.

Do not be pleased that Hoon must send more bodybags. The thing to do is to stop the need for bodybags by removing Blair and Hoon and all those who support a war, which with the capture of Hussein, becomes a war against the Iraqi people to ensure that a corrupt Government satisfactory to the Capitalists is installed.

That is what British and American Soldiers die for now. Take a look how many points the Stock Market has risen for every soldiers death. Support the Troops, get rid of Blair!


Press delete

28.12.2003 17:29

Stuey said: "...hopefully some more substantial British deaths..."

We should be in solidarity with our british troops, even if we are vehemently opposed to the war. Peddling nasty statements like this is really BAD news on Indymedia, and BAD news for our movement. This story needs to be deleted from the newswire.


Get Real Bud !

28.12.2003 19:18

"We should be in solidarity with our british troops, even if we are vehemently opposed to the war. Peddling nasty statements like this is really BAD news on Indymedia, and BAD news for our movement. This story needs to be deleted from the newswire."

Are you serious ? Last week US Forces used high explosives to blow up a steel reinforced door of residential dwelling in Northern Iraq. Behind that door was a 60 year old woman cowhering in fear who was promptly blow to Kingdom Come ! This is the crap you support with your "Our Troops Right or Wrong" mentality.

I'm from the states and old enough to remember the horrors of the Vietnam War and I can tell you these types of horror stories will only become more frequent as the occupation continues. The Iraqi people are demonstrating their will to fight. In a courageous act they came damn close to wacking US Viceroy L Paul Bremmer a few weeks agos. It's pretty clear given time they will get their man.

It's a shame the British People have been dragged into this quagmire by a government whose singular ambition is to prove its allegiance as Washington's Pooodle, or Bloodhound, whatever the case may be !

British forces have been fortunate to be stationed in area where the fighting has been relatively low. But the lead article in this thread gives solid information that this reality will be changing in a fundamental way in the near future. The Iraqi People have clearly demonstrated their will to fight even if it means using their bare hands. Stop deluding yourself with these foolish notions that people can be the "loyal opposition". The fight is on the question is what side are you on !

So go tell Tony the Phoney to ask permission of Mrs. Blair to go to the cabinet shelf and take down the jar. He needs to take out his testicles and re-attach them so he can tell Bush that the UK is pulling out of this tawdry affair.

As to military in this writer's opinion the only support the British People should show is for soldiers that defy orders ! The mission of the military in the occupation is to destroy the economy of Iraq and break the will of the people. Bush and Blair talk about freedom but what they are referring to is the freedom of a few very powerful interests to exploit Iraq and its people for vast profits.

The grim reality is the war is on.Its now a matter of determining which side you are on. War is polarizing, there is no middle ground. It's abundantly clear that Bush and Blair are unproked aggressors, there is no way to "marginally support" this madness. Military forces have casted their lot with these despots if they want undo their mistake consideration of the people should be given. If they carry out any orders from Washington or Downing Street they are not owed a lick of support !



29.12.2003 17:02

In Iraq the troops are not conscripts. However, bad it is, there was choice involved. And I know that soldiers are suffering and dying but they are responsible for the choice they made and the acts they commit. One slogan (as so often) does not fit all.


Unfortunate item

01.01.2004 10:37

The contributor and the USUK troops are victims of violence too.
Many have an upbringing and conditioning of violent reaction which is at the basis of their abuse by the Bush cartel. Others may feel they are already being placed in an impossible situation by being given impossible tasks.
As Kurt Vonnegut has asked.."How many Tim Mcveaghs will come home this time ?" He also called each Patriot missile fired a "Tim Mcveagh".
There will be suicides and other mental damages on both sides which go beyond the type of reaction shown by this item.
As for the theme that one leader will organise a liberation struggle from USUK occupation.. this may be imitating the thinking and method of the belligerent states. (USUK)
The native peoples will quite naturally continue to react spontaneously to their oppression and humiliation by foreign occupiers who do not speak their language and do not understand their culture and is seen as non-believers. Opposition does need to be "organized" to react with violence. There are caches of small arms all over Iraq, already seen and reported by Scott Ritter prior to the USUK attack, for use in a planned guerilla war. As the US forces become more desperate, the opposition grows. Fisk mentions 25 groups that are active in opposing the occupation.
There are several hundred thousand individuals who will help one or more of these groups for as many different reasons. Bush and Blair have successfully created numbers of terrorists for generations to come, beyond the wildest dreams of the USUK arms suppliers and in addition a civil war of some complexity.
This outcome was envisioned by many of the millions who marched to show opposition to the mindless USUK attack.And here we have the "leaders" saying they are to impose democracy by invasion, while the majority at home opposed the insane bombing, "shock and awe" and "decapitation".

Verite Sparks

death to US/UK invaders

01.01.2004 21:42

yes, it is right that UK/US troops die. They are the invaders. The US/UK troops deserve no more mercy than they show to Iraqi combatants, and after all, the US/UK government is in the wrong and should lose, just like the Americans lost in Vietnam. I am not sure why some activists are so shocked when people are glad that US/UK troops are being killed. After all, in WW2, if the French resistance kill a few Nazis, you do not say, "oh, you poor German soldier!!" I think there is a kind of racism among some sections of the liberal left that only like the 3rd world or blacks if they are victims. If they fight back, then you are shocked. How dare they fight back and how dare you celebrate the death of US/UK soldiers? No, "you must depend on your liberation by some middle class whites who read the guardian and go to peace marches". Fuck the troops!


While you were busy frothing at the mouth, you may have missed the point...

02.01.2004 09:41

I think what you'll find is that most of the people here don't want ANYBODY to be killed in this spurious 'war'. They support the idea of Iraqi freedom from being killed and by supporting our troops that usually means we want them brought home out of harm's way. It's not based on hatred for someone else, it's not based on any value judgement of differing peoples' lives. It's just a genuine an unhypocritical desire to see and end to these pointless deaths, whoever's deaths they are.

Which makes your vicious opinion look a bit stupid.
