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Dear Mom - From Qalqilya, Palestine

Ken Nichols O'Keefe | 27.12.2003 16:08 | Social Struggles

Why I choose to be in Palestine & Iraq for Christmas & the New Year

Dec. 27, 2003 - Qalqilya, Palestine
Aloha Mom,
I am still doing great and I tell you what, I would love to come here with you someday. You would be amazed by the spirit and strength of the Palestinian people. I am constantly humbled and ashamed and overjoyed.

Today was a demonstration at the Israeli Apartheid Wall that surrounds the town of Qalqilya (where I am right now). There was a march through the towns streets with thousands of Palestinian's and only a handful of Westerners. And we are all treated like brothers/sisters and saviors by these largely forgotten people. When I first came to the children's school which was a staging point before the march I was mobbed by the kids; all of them extending their hands to shake mine and asking my name while telling me theirs. The adults had to pull them away so I could move forward. They undoubtedly feel a lift by our presence and you can see that glimmer of hope burn that much brighter when you look into their eyes. Later this morning these same kids were by the hundreds throwing rocks at the wall and the Israeli soldiers with there jeeps and armored vehicle. The Israeli's in turn respond with a constant barrage of tear gas with the kids in turn picking up the burning hot tear gas cannisters with their bare hands and attempting to throw them over the wall into Israel (sometimes but not always successful - this is 25 ft. wall). I got one good dose of the gas and it incapacitated me for a minute or two, these kids are picking the fucking cannisters up while it spews the obnoxious gas. After an hour or two of the rock throwing, tear gassing, burning fires, chanting, etc. I could not help but spontaneously spray paint 'Free Palestine' on the wall itself; felt fucking great. Was extremely well received as well.

Took perhaps 150 pictures and will be sending some of the best soon. The Israeli's were in comparatively good behavior today; but many Palestinian's personally told me that this was because we were here. I did see more than one soldier put his M-16 at the ready as if he was going to shoot; once in my exact direction, but thankfully and obviously they did not do so. All in all it was a perfect illustration of the obvious, there is no way these people will ever give up, they have no quitting in them. And if rocks are all they have against tanks and M-16's than that is what they will use. The human spirit in full bloom if you ask me.

I am so happy to be here, I honestly do not want to be anywhere else on Earth. Right here right now Palestine is the place for me. Merry fucking Christmas consumerland. I have decided that I will definitely learn Arabic and I will be back. I could even see living in Palestine part of the year, the people are just so damn inspiring. It is impossible to wallow in any self-pity Western crap when you are here. The place is pure energy for me and put to good use I see no end to the possibilities.

When I think of the selfishness and self-indulgence that I myself and so many Westerners are involved in and compare it to what I witness right now I feel the positive spiritual growth within me accelerate. I know that I am right now inadequate at putting into words what this spiritual process is like but I can say this, it is so terribly wonderful. I do not feel sorry for Rachael Corrie (American girl run over by an Israeli bulldozer); I see her positive energy and love all around this land.

I am happy you had a good Christmas and that things are busy. I am not out of money although I am a little concerned about running out. But I think I will be OK. The $50 will be great.

Take care, I love you and grandma so much and talk about you both to my growing Palestinian family... all the time. I attribute every good deed I do especially to you Mom; by virtue of the infinite unconditional love you have always given me; and that is the truth, you are the true source of any good I bring to this world. Only the mistakes have been mine.

Many people love me here too mom; and some of them think I am a great spirit deserving of great praise; I know otherwise. I am simply a truly fortunate and blessed man, who is rich in the most real and meaningful of ways. Thank you for everything Mom, your love is being channeled through me to people half way around the world and this is no small thing; either to me or those who are receiving it. Love conquers all!

Truth Justice Peace & Love Always,

Ken Nichols O'Keefe

Ken Nichols O'Keefe
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