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The New America - Darth Vader or Frankenstein's Monster? ( Part 1 Of 2)

V.Smith | 26.12.2003 00:38 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London | World

Summoning a VAriety of experiences to illustrate the epidemic of corruption and social diseases destroying America and democracy everywhere at the bidding and benefit of New World Mafia bent on 21st century slavery, high-tech fascism..

Dear Senator;
I realize that as a individual of your stature, you
are privvy to insights and information well-beyond the
grasp of most working Americans, but I also realize as
in any elite fraternity you are part of a body that
has a natural bend to think of itself the knowing
leading the unaware, and who often demonstrate an
inclination towards unknowingness about what is
actually happening in the lives of the millions that
live beyond those protected domains.And I would like
to take this opportunity to tug-your- elbow and pull
your ear, to hear what I have to say about what what
is transpiring in American communities, as a result of
the "soft invasion" of American society,infiltration
of American economy,culture, by the domestically
assisted global mobs, who have effectively infiltrated
our culture at every level, and who it seems, are
succeeding in their endeavor to turnus into a Godless
society of slaves and commodities.
I'll begin my complaint, with pointing to the moral,
stripping of our youth, the re-shaping of the American
mind and character through media design and
pop-culture "programming". Children's television,
cartoons and film now routinely use vulgar
dialogue,profanity, sexual innuendo,and sexually
indicative "subliminal"graphics, and provacatively
costumed characters as in Disney movies as "The Lion
King", and daily televised cartoons. This sort of
brainwashing also seems to extend to children's
recreational facilities, that, as I've seen at
children parties, bombard toddlers at with ,thunderous
,screaming, heavy metal rock-n-roll,sexually-oriented
rap , with an occasional sexually-oriented country
tune.- It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
out what kind of psychological development that would
And invasive, mind-shaping,population behavior-control
methods are not merely relegated to the passive
illicitations of at-will, private entertainment
choices for people and unwitting children, but,also,
as again I"ve witnessed and withstood, this massive
attempt at immorally "programming" and "conditioning"
people is now commonly and more forcefully and
unabashedly inflicted in the midst of the swelling
ranks of the lower thanks Bush) and middle-class,from
shelters to residential areas, among the staff and
residents of shelters,urban streets, but also among
average working persons of every stripe, many of whom
through their off-the-cuff remarks,dialogue, behavior,
from grocery store, to library, to recreation
facilities, neighbors, fellow shoppers, store clerks,
teens, indicate their familiarity with black psy-ops
mind-control program mkUltra. How did that happen?
Many of whom also seem to feel that a woman's place (
and specifically mine it seems) is in bed or on her
knees, that sex, drugs, violent, aggressive, invasive,
social behavior,fighting for "turf" is the community
norm- middle-class communities- a community that also
seem to feel that churches and their pulpits, are to
in fact serve the devil's purpose, to actively
encourage an unofficial sexual "economy", network
support of establishing women's sexual relationships
with others, for the purposes of income, comfort,
protection, which is, as I might point out anything
but Biblically endorsed. And the consequences are NOT
good. I'm forty-four years of age, and I've worked in
many places here and abroad, in industries rather
unusual for women, and until the past decade, I'd
never experienced sexual harassment from colleague or
co-worker anywhere, and now, as for the past half a
dozen years, encounter it almost everywhere! They (
the mobs) are taking us backwards by leaps and bounds
at all levels! At this rate,combined with the effects
of Bush's budget -slashing, barefoot,
pregnant,submissive,enslaved, and impoverished, on
welfare, will be the new, modern, women's norm!
And,Ultra, the once top-secret methods of
brainwashing,combined psychological, physical attack,
and torture( of which I can personally attest, as it
was inflicted in extreme measures by jail staff in a
rural Maine county jail), once the secret property of
the CIA, military black psy-ops programs that
developed them are now tactics commonly used by local
police, jailers, shelter administrators, resident
gangsters, and street moles, and many at large in the
white-collar community in efforts to "re-program" and
re-shape, the evil- unwilling, and create essentially,
network slaves, whenever , wherever they might. These
mkUltra mind and behavior control tactics,of ceaseless
profanity,sexually-oriented public utterances,
gestures, and/or interactive assaults on people
intended to create fear, anger. ( These are the usual
doorways the devil tries to use to access and dominate
the human psyche, soul, create and channel negative
energy, break your peace and ties with God. And there
is, so much power, in our human-not animal- energy,
and tremendously much more power,more, good and Godly,
Holy -Spirit -of- Christ power energy, and innocence,
faith, which is why they are so threatened by actual
Christians, with growing spiritual awareness,
knowledge,(despite the ,ignorance of actual Christian
power and abandonment of Christian rules of conduct by
organized religion, majority of modern churches. And
the actual , huge, Godly power of faith and innocence
is also why they have increased their attacks on
children.) Anyway, these disturbing attempts at
emotional imprinting, psychological "twisting" of an
individuals mind and character by members of the
public, have become so common they near becoming a new
community behavior default standard. And many of these
evil, invasive, incidious,and may I remind you, in
regards to an individuals right to interact publicly
sans harassments, threats - fundamentally,
Constitutionally illegal methods-once only excercised
within the exclusive and secret domains of the CIA and
the miltary, has it seems, been dangerously
disseminated from them to the masses,and now street
people, gangsters, drug and vice dealers,or simply
"the wicked", who have readily embraced the same
techniques as effective in quelling most of their
dissenters, eventually,through pedantic repetition,
overriding any initial moral objection,and the
individual's right to live in peace apart from those
illicit networks,"economies",ideologies,( as I
experience everyday from grocery store trips to
library visits), and using their increasing numbers
and new knowledge, are widening their pool of mob
slaves, addicts, sexual providers, informants,
runners, dealers etc., in sync it seems, and with the
blessing of the military, CIA, who it seems, at the
top of the black market pyrimad, directly benefit from
the control and profts they indirectly reap. And many
of these people who are "ultra aware",who often
designate themselves "family", "Fed", "company", are
not only among shelter staff, residents,street
people,but also middle-class neighbors, fellow grocery
shoppers or the store clerks, teens at skating
rinks,church goers, who have often openly, publicly,
and vocalized their awareness and apparently,approval
of mkUltra harassment and invasive social assault
And these attempts, coordinated efforts to attack and
"imprint", "condition" individuals for unanted
servitutude is not merely reserved for attacking those
unindoctrinated, non-"family" members. Nor is it
always affected in secret, hidden places. In fact I
have seen it many times without shame,quite publicly,(
in sheleters where they'd forced me) that housed as
many as eighty women and children,many of whom were
openly physically and/or psychologically abusive of
their children. And often, although one could see that
these mothers were not "out-of-control", over-the-edge
with stress, but were purposeful in their abuse as if
they intended to vanquish any good spirit, innocence,
the child had-toughen them or train them, as part of
their mob community as "guards", "security",gang
"soldiers",and through routine sexual gestures,
references, bring them into the community
understanding of viewing themselves as sexual
commodoities, and that it was expected of them to
exploit themselves and others for sexual, economic
purpose and was an elementary focus of their personal
power. And when I'd brought this abuse to the
attention of other residents or staff, nothing was
ever said to the mother who'd wailed her three-year
old daughter in the face with a stick using every
ounce of force her 300 pounds could muster,and no one
comforted the child who was screaming with as much
power as her tiny lungs could, her face awash in
tears, and swollen. As was the same with the the mom
who would daily, whack her little children's backs
with adult-force for any child-like deviation in
following her commands,would yank her children across
a crowded gymanasium floor like rag-dolls, ignored by
all her peers and facility supervisors, as if such
violent abuse were normal child-training. This again,
plainly demonstrated in another small shelter, where
I'd discovered a ten-year old girl,at night, lying
supine on the floor of the entryway, clothed, but legs
spread-eagle, "fingering" herself, as her older,
(pregnant) teenage sister was on the phone, and their
young nine-year old brother looking on. And when I'd
complained to staff, who was playing cards with the
mother, the mother having been signalled to me as
being a "dealer", she laughed, then chastised ME! And
in the dimmest months of my life spent in these
places, I saw these children, who were at first aloft
in innocence and life, form into dim-eyed, morose, and
also wicked people. These are more extreme incidents,
but by no means were viewed as uncommon by the scores
of onlookers off other mothers, grandmothers,
supervisors there. And, I can tell you from
experience, it was evidence of a larger, darker,
intent, design to quench any goodness in the children,
form them to accept evil as the norm, to view
themselves as animals, mere commodities with
animalistic needs, to void any sense of higher human,
moral purpose or or Godly consciousness. And are
definitely, and openly understood to serve satan,via
the mobs. And I can tell you from having witnessed
this,and open lesbian sexual displays,demonstrated for
my "conditioning",-sorry- women who were parading
their fifteen year-old daughters as prostitutes and
proud of it, and having observed several among the
groups who seemed to watch young children, talk to
their parents, inquiries that did not seem to be of
sincere friendly interest, but as if to assess the
childrens market value ,find out more about them, how
they might access them later. And many of these same
people carried Bibles,often quoted scripture (as
satanists have also adopted the Bible, but prefer to
turn the quotations inside-out or of reverse
meanings),sang gospel songs, but who were actually
Anti-Christ in every word, deed, intent," and who were
in fact, actively and unabashedly serving satan,
indicated by their frequent pained exclamations of
"She keeps blowin' satan!", "She keeps blowin'
devils!". It didn't take a university study to realize
what they were about. And I thank God I was able to
get out of those places.However, although I may be
gone, they're still there and their ranks are growing.
I'm afraid to say that as many of these people are
procreating prostitutes,drug dealers, users, network
providers, and often use child-birth to obtain housing
and government income, have children they don't
properly care for, and frequently, children they don't
even like.
It seems the mobs are having quite a laugh at having
the government pay to raise their armies. And were you
aware that nearly one-third of all children in the US
are now born to unwed mothers? This costs the American
taxpayer several billion dollars a year, yet, with all
available contraceptive choices,why should that burden
even exist? In the meantime, if you're competent,
clean,honest, drug-free and jobless, in need of
housing, one is left out in the cold, (sometimes
literally), as the system often only provides for
single mothers, criminally- connected recovering
addicts, or a "crazy", ( often who merely play the
role to receive subsidy checks, while they serve their
networks as moles, informants, smugglers.) Something
wrong with this design?
And many of these poor, are many times not only
related to gangs, but also related to the miltary
either through their service or seemed to have been
indoctrinated to a militarily behaviors, vocabulary
systems by relatives,routinely imitate military-style
living,dialogue, and accept regimentation, cultural
impoverishment, primitive communal living, and moral
sacrifice to be de rigeur in their daily lives, as
necessary components of network service and consider
immoral and deviate sexual behaviors,thievery,
smuggling, dealing, hustling,lying, as normal parts of
"family". So, I'd like to ask just what is going on
within the ranks of the miltary in terms of its social
processes, underground economy, attitude towards drug
abuse, dealing, prostutition, moral attitudes towards
child-sex, the expected behaviors of its members. Just
what exactly, are they being taught?
And as mentioned, many of these people,have adopted
and are quite effectively, actively, employing overt
and subliminal abusive psychological and physically
abusive behavior-shaping methods in training their own
offspring from infancy, as prostitutes, drug dealers,
gang or network "service" support people.
It seems that many in the military have melded links
with the mobs in the past generation , since smuggling
drugs in the cavities of dead soldiers in Vietnam to
reported drug-smuggling from air force bases in
Arkansas,the CIA's and activity in Columbia,
Haiti,Japan, and who knows where else, and have
succeeded in expanding their influence to epidemic
levels, on every level of American,and Afghan and
Iraq, where the Heroin is reported to be, since our
"liberation", once again flowing freely there after
years of its absence, how convenient that
coincidentally, in Afghan,we now have control over
their prolifific poppy fields) having been enabled
with concurrent, media-fostered demise of American
conscience, values, and morality that have widened
their pools of network servants and consumers.
As you might perceive, I am showing you,
toe-to-head,skin to innards, what kind of damage has
been done to our behavior,culture,communities,national
mind and character from our having allowed ourselves
to get comfortable with a drug economy, prostitution,
"family" business practices, and having allowed
ourselves, to absorb without protest, everything
Madison Avenue pushed into our faces that has served
to propel the erosion of moral objection,
self-respect,and cultivate a "sex, drugs, rock, rap,
socially consciousless consciousness, of "do-it, do it
now" gravitiation for instant, unthinking,
gratification, to seek and embrace anything that
offers the prospect of "feelings" in an unfeeling
world. From the thousands of TV murders viewed by the
time one reaches teen-age, to primal, pulsating, music
driven into young minds with coordinate
stimuli-response programs in video-writhing, pop-stars
wearing less than strippers,teen clothing stores whose
mannequins are bedecked in plunge-necklines, halter
tops-our sane, sober, future , democracy,American
independence,based on sober, thoughtful, socially-
morally conscience,free-minded,
uncorrupted,independent,intelligent, stand-up
offspring, is in serious trouble.
And just who is in control of all this? At whose
bidding, at whose benefit, and for what purpose does
it serve? ( Other than the most obvious satan.)
It could be and often is justified, that these
industries and their concurrent casualties are the
unavoidable result of free choice and free enterprise,
and those that fall by the wayside, well,they're
simply the unavoidable tragedy of
survival-of-the-fittest. But with the rise of
sophisticated media- executed, and now, socially
agressive mind and behavior control methods, even the
well and strong haven't much of a chance to survive
intact, unmolested,unimpressed, from birth to
adulthood. They've nearly ripped away all other
choices in any publicly accessible domains of
entertainment or economy. And anyway, "weak" or
"strong", everyone has a right to live without
ostracization from jobs ( and that is happening, as
again, I can attest) or recreation, harassment,because
they are honest, moral, people, and to be able to turn
on a cartoon for your children without their being
bombarded by overt and subliminal programming to
accept viewing naked people, vulgar language,
violence, as normal, even fun!
And I would like to you to consider, what can be
done,besides using the conventional avenues of
activism of "clean- media" lobbies to challenge
standards of programs, films, but to take it a step
further and address how to interrupt this new,
unconventional, societal invasion,new kind of personal
and psychological attacks on people, using
under-the-legal radar, "ultra" methods, now used by
the mobs who've metastisized to commandeer every level
of governmment, social service agencies, and any
public place they can, to attack, condition, and
program, "direct" as many as they can. Apparently
asssisted, with their colleagues in the military and
CIA pipelines, who have for years been dealing in
drugs to finance their operations and have now
branched out and built, "legitimate" businesses,
melded with and have infiltrated the mainstream mind,
and economy,and may I point out, have long been Bush
comrades.) Better yet, how can the citizens once again
regain control of the CIA and military, who have gone
so awry in attacking, trying to enslave and control
our own citizens,abolish their Consttutional rights,
to fill their "roles",suit their designs and fill
their pockets?
I'd like to point out that issues underlying all of
this increasing evil, seems to be the simple fact,
that our reliance on military-industrial
industries,economy, can no longer, in this day-and-age
of plant modernization, streamlining, and increasing
population can no longer legitimately and humanely
sustain us as it has in the past. And the dinosauric
dynasties,withering construction, industrial,
manufacturing corporations( and Federal government )
have increasingly sought reliance on black-market
profits to maintain their power, which in turn, has
caused them to intensify their efforts to cultivate a
popululation of mindless, Godless, slaves, "service"
providers, vice consumers. And rather than face the
facts downsize,modernize, create NEW legitimate,
humane, sane, and environmentally friendly 21st
century industries, and lead us into a sane, humane
future, they prefer to not only expand domestic
underground control, but also fabricate unecessary and
very avoidable wars in foreign lands, at the expense
of many, many, human lives, while inflicting more
injury to an increasingly fragile planet.- Bomb the
hell out of them, destroy their cities, then make
billions from no-bid re-construction and DOD delegated
contracts,( and sales of Heroin) while robbing the US
treasury, illegally employing the US military to do
it. In the meantime so severely damaging government
budgets , funds for schools, education, job-training,
health care for the majority vanish, which of course,
helps to keep people enslaved in ignorance, violent
cultures,which makes them that more accessible to
corrupt governance,gang-reliance,( gangs that the
corporations ultimately govern) and adoption of evil,
violent, dehumanizing practices and
mindsets. ---My apologies. Not enough space. Will
present completing text in Part II, as soon as able to
