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Hunt Sabbing from London on Boxing Day - update

North & East London Sabs | 25.12.2003 12:18 | Animal Liberation | London

Updated collection times, and full contact details. Also benefit gig in the evening in Brixton.

The collection times and places for sabbing on Boxing Day....
York Way side of Kings Cross 9.15am
Westbury Avenue off Green Lanes by Turnpike Lane tube 9.40am
A10 - Enfield by UCG Cinema 9.50am
Contact number on the morning
07747 165196
Check out the hunt sab web site for info regarding sabbing tactics.
Get involved in the new year, out in the field every Saturday and some weekdays.

And in the evening.....
Boxing Day benefit for N + E London Sabs and SPEAC - Stop Primate Experiments at Cambridge.
Active Slaughter, Flatpig, Pledge Alliance, Spanner, Pockets of Resistance.
At The Windmill, 22 Bleinham Gardens, Brixton, SW2, (off Brixton Hill)
Bleinham Gardens is 3 stops from Brixton tube/BR
Buses 45,59,109,118,159,250,333
£3 on the door

North & East London Sabs
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The Truth about Hunting

29.12.2003 13:18

Public vote with their feet at biggest Boxing Day meets in history

Record crowds of over 275,000 people have attended 350 hunt meets across the country in a huge show of support and solidarity for hunting.

Hunts up and down the country have extended an open invitation for everyone to join them at their Boxing Day meets. Early indications show attendances well up on last year despite wet weather in many areas.

The record attendances mirror an increase in the number of new followers, particularly young people, who have been hunting this year. Over 3000 people started hunting during 'National Newcomers Week' - a special week of promotional activity in October.

Counts from 36 meets across the country show an average increase of over 10% on last Boxing Day. Amongst the biggest crowds were 6000 at Cirencester Park at the meet of the Vale of the White Horse, 5000 with the Beaufort Hunt at Worcester Lodge, Badminton and 3000 at Pershore, nr. Evesham to support the Croome and west Warwickshire. Monitoring has revealed less than 400 anti-hunt protestors across the country. The League Against Cruel Sports main demonstration at Cholesbury Common, where the Vale of Aylesbury with Garth and South Bucks met, attracted just 40 people.

** NOP found 2% of people consider that hunting should be the Government's priority. ICM recorded 56% who thought that the Government should allow hunting to continue in some form if a ban was found to infringe human rights.
