Fuck the Fear - Merry Christmas
dh | 25.12.2003 00:03
A Word From Tom
I care not if you are an American, Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian or whose
flag you live under. I care not that you worship a God, or what his
name may be. I care not that you like or dislike me. I care not whose head
adorns the money that buys your comfort.
I care that you should be treated with the same dignity and respect I
demand for myself and for my family. In fact I demand it!
I demand that the rights of each person regardless of place of birth is
respected, not because of their wealth or achievements but for the
dignity that is the birthright of all who are born to this earth.
Life demands not that we prosper at the expense of another but that we
share our humanity and call a crime a crime, regardless of who the
victim is, or who the villain.
Let us not walk in arrogance across the globe speaking of freedom while
our hands are stained in centuries of blood.
Let us not preach to the world as victims and use the crushed bodies of
the two thousand seven hundred and fifty nine of our country men who
perished on 9/11 as a weapon to plunder a world that has long experienced
the same devastation at our hands.
Our tears and screams for justice are bitter taunts to a world that has
been bombed and bullied by a nation to sure of it's own goodness.
A man that has lived his life without looking at his past and
identifying those sections of his character that have brought pain to others is
a tyrant. A nation and its people who refuse to acknowledge its crimes
and the suffering of its victims is an evil to the world and should
expect only evil as its reward.
How poor we are when we consider our own pain more worthy than the
suffering of others.
"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the
comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is
violating all his laws." -John Adams
Peace and Joy: Tom
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This is a free service and an unpaid volunteer effort to allow
alternative viewpoints to reach the public.
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24 December 2003, Christmas Eve in Baghdad, Explosions Abound:
Our taxi driver says, "I never liked Saddam, but he gave us protection
and what we needed to live. Saddam was honey compared to the
American's. The Americans are like hell. I'm happy for this gas crisis. I just
want to see the Americans fail here."
A Christmas Carol 2003:
It seems the Scrooges of this earth, led by our own U.S. government,
have joined in an unholy alliance to gain dominion over our planet home
and its inhabitants. Considering the atrocities that they have initiated
against the weak of the world, one would imagine that it would take
more than a few ghosts to bring that uncaring lot to their knees.
A Must Read
Fully 63% of our countrypersons are now certain that the war in Iraq
was a necessity and that the existence or not of weapons of mass
destruction did not and does not matter. Face it. We got him! That’s what
matters to America..
A Must Read
US opts for a failed Israeli strategy:
With the Iraqi insurgency intensifying and United States casualties
mounting by the day, the US is turning to its good friend Israel for
inspiration and lessons. Increasingly, the tactics being adopted by the US
occupation forces in Iraq appear to be modeled on those used by Israel
in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank.
Robert Fisk: Gadahafi as courageous statesman? Please:
The problem I have with the whole Gadhafi saga is that the Libya I know
can scarcely repair a drain or install a working lavatory in a hotel.
Yet this same Libya, after years of sanctions, was apparently making a
nuclear bomb.
Blair and Bush set to visit Libya:
A leading Arab newspaper has quoted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son
as saying Prime Minister Tony Blair and U.S. President George W. Bush
will visit the North African country early next year.
U.S. oil companies longing to return to Libya :
Palestinian killed after Israeli raid:
A PALESTINIAN died in hospital overnight raising the death toll from a
major Israeli army incursion in the southern Gaza Strip to nine,
medical sources said today.
Troubling Report from the Pentagon:
The DoD status report once again demonstrates the stark contrast
between the Administration's rosy public statements and the realities on the
ground in Iraq.
Iraq’s “Path to Freedom”:
If this is what the path to freedom looks like, we’re all doomed. Every
single Iraqi I’ve interviewed holds a drastically different view of
this so-called, “path to freedom.”
Who's Keeping Saddam's Secret Safe?:
Most Americans don't know the hidden history of Saddam's relations with
America, because it has been kept from them by administrations of both
parties and their cronies in the press.
Cartoon: God Bless Us.
Balance Sheets, Death and Silence
The death toll in those six months to between 21,700 and 55,000. There
are no reliable figures for the number of wounded, but it is estimated
to be around three times the number of deaths, giving a total number
that may well exceed 150,000 individuals.
Global Impact: The Rise of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide: :
While America would certainly like to win every war it fights, there
are good reasons for thinking that in America's three current wars, our
powers-that-be care less about winning, losing or drawing so long as we
get military bases. Their rationale is that America can only keep up
its global political power and assure its people's prosperous lifestyle
by peppering the entire globe with American military bases.
Ahmad Chalabi : Jordan 'sheltering Saddam cronies':
Jordan is sheltering "Saddam Hussein's daughters, the son of (former
deputy prime minister) Tareq Aziz and several figures associated with the
old regime"
Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy :
Ahmed Chalabi's long and winding road from (and to?) Baghdad
Rumsfeld: 'Bet Your Life' Threat to U.S. Is Serious :
The Defense Department conducted an exercise in which some Pentagon
officials were moved to remote locations to practice maintaining
leadership continuity over the U.S. military in the event of an attack, defense
officials said.
Uncle Sam Wants You, Eh?:
Our Military Tries to Recruit Canada's Inuit
The Martial Plan:
The U.S. looks more like a police state. Every day, Ashcroft and Bush
work the country toward something like martial law
Secret Service airbrushes aerial photos:
Call it the case of the missing White House. Users of Mapquest's free
aerial photo database recently noticed that details of several
Washington D.C. government buildings were no longer discernable in overhead
images of the U.S. capital.
This web site represents the effort of one person.
I need your help to offset the costs associated with site hosting and
bandwidth usage. If you find this site informative please help by
clicking here
Three US Soldiers Killed in Iraq Bomb Blast:
A roadside bomb ripped through a U.S. military convoy north of Baghdad
Wednesday, killing three soldiers, the U.S. military said.
4 killed in Iraq suicide bombing:
At least four people were killed and 20 wounded when a suicide car bomb
exploded outside the Interior Ministry building in the Kurdish city of
Wartime carnage upsets Baghdad brass:
U.S. soldiers are still damaging property and killing people in the
course of their duties, especially when they conduct their neighborhood
Retired Air Force Col. Reveals How The U.S. Orchestrated A Media and
PSYOPS Campaign Following Saddam's Capture:
Audio. This is a must listen.
Iraqi guerrillas take pride in pounding U.S. troops:
Abu Jassem said weapons left over from the former government's
stockpiles and black market mortar bombs are plentiful enough to keep the
insurgents going for years to come.
For Vietnam Vet Anthony Zinni, Another War on Shaky Territory :
Over the past year, the retired Marine Corps general has become one of
the most prominent opponents of Bush administration policy on Iraq,
which he now fears is drifting toward disaster.
Who's Who In The Neocon Mafia:
When the history of the occupation of Iraq is written, historians will
consider the lack of experience and abundant political connections of
the hundreds of American bureaucrats sent to Baghdad to run Iraq
White House Faulted on Uranium Claim:
The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board has concluded that
the White House made a questionable claim in January's State of the
Union address about Saddam Hussein's efforts to obtain nuclear materials.
Fighting terrorism:
Far from protecting the American people, the very size and complexity
of the federal bureaucracies charged to do so left them defenseless.
Counting our blessings :
For more than a century, going back at least to John Stuart Mill,
people who tried to learn the truth and make sense of it all proudly called
themselves liberals. But today, the term has been demonized virtually
out of useful existence.
America deploys missiles around airports :
Officials fear al-Qaida may hijack planes again to target US interests
Here We Go Again:
The next dictator that the US will build up, then chop the knees out
from under while denying all responsibility. The actors are named Bush,
Powell, Rumsfeld, Tommy Franks, Condoleeza Rice, and a man named Islam
Mad Cow Disease Found in Wash. State :
At least one confirmed case of the deadly mad cow disease was found in
an animal in Washington state, a U.S. Agriculture Department official
said on Tuesday.
McDonald's stock sinks on mad cow news :
Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people."
(August 1765) John Adams
I care not if you are an American, Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian or whose
flag you live under. I care not that you worship a God, or what his
name may be. I care not that you like or dislike me. I care not whose head
adorns the money that buys your comfort.
I care that you should be treated with the same dignity and respect I
demand for myself and for my family. In fact I demand it!
I demand that the rights of each person regardless of place of birth is
respected, not because of their wealth or achievements but for the
dignity that is the birthright of all who are born to this earth.
Life demands not that we prosper at the expense of another but that we
share our humanity and call a crime a crime, regardless of who the
victim is, or who the villain.
Let us not walk in arrogance across the globe speaking of freedom while
our hands are stained in centuries of blood.
Let us not preach to the world as victims and use the crushed bodies of
the two thousand seven hundred and fifty nine of our country men who
perished on 9/11 as a weapon to plunder a world that has long experienced
the same devastation at our hands.
Our tears and screams for justice are bitter taunts to a world that has
been bombed and bullied by a nation to sure of it's own goodness.
A man that has lived his life without looking at his past and
identifying those sections of his character that have brought pain to others is
a tyrant. A nation and its people who refuse to acknowledge its crimes
and the suffering of its victims is an evil to the world and should
expect only evil as its reward.
How poor we are when we consider our own pain more worthy than the
suffering of others.
"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the
comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is
violating all his laws." -John Adams
Peace and Joy: Tom




To Unsubscribe see information at the base of this newsletter
This is a free service and an unpaid volunteer effort to allow
alternative viewpoints to reach the public.

To change your email address.

24 December 2003, Christmas Eve in Baghdad, Explosions Abound:
Our taxi driver says, "I never liked Saddam, but he gave us protection
and what we needed to live. Saddam was honey compared to the
American's. The Americans are like hell. I'm happy for this gas crisis. I just
want to see the Americans fail here."

A Christmas Carol 2003:
It seems the Scrooges of this earth, led by our own U.S. government,
have joined in an unholy alliance to gain dominion over our planet home
and its inhabitants. Considering the atrocities that they have initiated
against the weak of the world, one would imagine that it would take
more than a few ghosts to bring that uncaring lot to their knees.
A Must Read

Fully 63% of our countrypersons are now certain that the war in Iraq
was a necessity and that the existence or not of weapons of mass
destruction did not and does not matter. Face it. We got him! That’s what
matters to America..
A Must Read

US opts for a failed Israeli strategy:
With the Iraqi insurgency intensifying and United States casualties
mounting by the day, the US is turning to its good friend Israel for
inspiration and lessons. Increasingly, the tactics being adopted by the US
occupation forces in Iraq appear to be modeled on those used by Israel
in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank.

Robert Fisk: Gadahafi as courageous statesman? Please:
The problem I have with the whole Gadhafi saga is that the Libya I know
can scarcely repair a drain or install a working lavatory in a hotel.
Yet this same Libya, after years of sanctions, was apparently making a
nuclear bomb.

Blair and Bush set to visit Libya:
A leading Arab newspaper has quoted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son
as saying Prime Minister Tony Blair and U.S. President George W. Bush
will visit the North African country early next year.

U.S. oil companies longing to return to Libya :

Palestinian killed after Israeli raid:
A PALESTINIAN died in hospital overnight raising the death toll from a
major Israeli army incursion in the southern Gaza Strip to nine,
medical sources said today.

Troubling Report from the Pentagon:
The DoD status report once again demonstrates the stark contrast
between the Administration's rosy public statements and the realities on the
ground in Iraq.

Iraq’s “Path to Freedom”:
If this is what the path to freedom looks like, we’re all doomed. Every
single Iraqi I’ve interviewed holds a drastically different view of
this so-called, “path to freedom.”

Who's Keeping Saddam's Secret Safe?:
Most Americans don't know the hidden history of Saddam's relations with
America, because it has been kept from them by administrations of both
parties and their cronies in the press.

Cartoon: God Bless Us.

Balance Sheets, Death and Silence
The death toll in those six months to between 21,700 and 55,000. There
are no reliable figures for the number of wounded, but it is estimated
to be around three times the number of deaths, giving a total number
that may well exceed 150,000 individuals.

Global Impact: The Rise of U.S. Military Bases Worldwide: :
While America would certainly like to win every war it fights, there
are good reasons for thinking that in America's three current wars, our
powers-that-be care less about winning, losing or drawing so long as we
get military bases. Their rationale is that America can only keep up
its global political power and assure its people's prosperous lifestyle
by peppering the entire globe with American military bases.

Ahmad Chalabi : Jordan 'sheltering Saddam cronies':
Jordan is sheltering "Saddam Hussein's daughters, the son of (former
deputy prime minister) Tareq Aziz and several figures associated with the
old regime"

Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy :
Ahmed Chalabi's long and winding road from (and to?) Baghdad

Rumsfeld: 'Bet Your Life' Threat to U.S. Is Serious :
The Defense Department conducted an exercise in which some Pentagon
officials were moved to remote locations to practice maintaining
leadership continuity over the U.S. military in the event of an attack, defense
officials said.

Uncle Sam Wants You, Eh?:
Our Military Tries to Recruit Canada's Inuit

The Martial Plan:
The U.S. looks more like a police state. Every day, Ashcroft and Bush
work the country toward something like martial law

Secret Service airbrushes aerial photos:
Call it the case of the missing White House. Users of Mapquest's free
aerial photo database recently noticed that details of several
Washington D.C. government buildings were no longer discernable in overhead
images of the U.S. capital.

This web site represents the effort of one person.
I need your help to offset the costs associated with site hosting and
bandwidth usage. If you find this site informative please help by
clicking here

Three US Soldiers Killed in Iraq Bomb Blast:
A roadside bomb ripped through a U.S. military convoy north of Baghdad
Wednesday, killing three soldiers, the U.S. military said.

4 killed in Iraq suicide bombing:
At least four people were killed and 20 wounded when a suicide car bomb
exploded outside the Interior Ministry building in the Kurdish city of

Wartime carnage upsets Baghdad brass:
U.S. soldiers are still damaging property and killing people in the
course of their duties, especially when they conduct their neighborhood

Retired Air Force Col. Reveals How The U.S. Orchestrated A Media and
PSYOPS Campaign Following Saddam's Capture:
Audio. This is a must listen.

Iraqi guerrillas take pride in pounding U.S. troops:
Abu Jassem said weapons left over from the former government's
stockpiles and black market mortar bombs are plentiful enough to keep the
insurgents going for years to come.

For Vietnam Vet Anthony Zinni, Another War on Shaky Territory :
Over the past year, the retired Marine Corps general has become one of
the most prominent opponents of Bush administration policy on Iraq,
which he now fears is drifting toward disaster.

Who's Who In The Neocon Mafia:
When the history of the occupation of Iraq is written, historians will
consider the lack of experience and abundant political connections of
the hundreds of American bureaucrats sent to Baghdad to run Iraq

White House Faulted on Uranium Claim:
The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board has concluded that
the White House made a questionable claim in January's State of the
Union address about Saddam Hussein's efforts to obtain nuclear materials.

Fighting terrorism:
Far from protecting the American people, the very size and complexity
of the federal bureaucracies charged to do so left them defenseless.

Counting our blessings :
For more than a century, going back at least to John Stuart Mill,
people who tried to learn the truth and make sense of it all proudly called
themselves liberals. But today, the term has been demonized virtually
out of useful existence.

America deploys missiles around airports :
Officials fear al-Qaida may hijack planes again to target US interests

Here We Go Again:
The next dictator that the US will build up, then chop the knees out
from under while denying all responsibility. The actors are named Bush,
Powell, Rumsfeld, Tommy Franks, Condoleeza Rice, and a man named Islam

Mad Cow Disease Found in Wash. State :
At least one confirmed case of the deadly mad cow disease was found in
an animal in Washington state, a U.S. Agriculture Department official
said on Tuesday.

McDonald's stock sinks on mad cow news :

Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people."
(August 1765) John Adams