Mad Cow USA
Brent Herbert | 24.12.2003 12:42 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | World
Links to some Mad Cow stories over the past few years
the pages also contain links to other sources of information, including the excellent PRWatch site, interviews with them on their book Mad Cow USA which makes fascinating listening, as well as links to news stories that have been lurking behind the scenes for the last several years...
the pages also contain links to other sources of information, including the excellent PRWatch site, interviews with them on their book Mad Cow USA which makes fascinating listening, as well as links to news stories that have been lurking behind the scenes for the last several years...

Common practice for Ranchers to hide Mad Cow disease ... Alberta's Ralph Klein summarized the official position on Mad Cow Disease as being 'shoot, shovel, and shut up' (in otherwords the saying 'we haven't had any mad cow disease' is meaningless, since the mad cows are shot and then buried secretly on the ranch...the official policy of the American government is that Mad Cow disease is not one of the disease which has mandatory reporting requirements which makes the practice Klein described perfectly legal, and also explains why 'we have no mad cow disease reported here' (which means nothing by the way, given the way things work)...

Mad Cow USA? ... links and commentary on the distortions which actually make up the official 'mad cow policy'...for example it is a distortion to state that 'we don't feed dead cows to other cows' when actually it is legal to feed a dead cow to a deer and then feed the road killed deer to a cow, which is probably how the disease escaped into the wild resutling in a continent wide epidemic of deer, elk, and bison with mad cow well calves are weaned on cows blood from the slaughter houses and various other practices (treating vegetarian animals as carnivores) continue to be legal)...hats off to the PRWatch site and their excellent work on this issue over many, many years...

First report of a Canadian death of Mad Cow disease...mad cow disease in humans can masquerade as 'Alzheimers' or even 'Early Onset Alzheimers' in the case of young people...since only a brain autopsy after death can really diagnose the difference between the two the new policy of the Alzheimer's association is to encourage families to have autopsies done after death to determine the difference...

Mad Deer Disease - Wisconsin to 'kill every deer' in South Western part of the state
... after years of baiting deer with ground up dead cow waste from slaughter houses, the mad deer now require shooting since the prions persist in the environment...the practice of feeding deer dead cows as well as ground up road killed deer, was started as states battled for the reputation as having deer with the largest antlers, thus winning the hunter's dollar...

First American death of mad cow reported ... posted on the Portland site in September, 2003, not so long ago...
Brent Herbert
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