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Shaheedah in Nablus, Palestine

jolifanto | 24.12.2003 11:52 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Cambridge

Mika is a Cambridge activist who has been based in Nablus, Palestine since the summer. What follows is an account of the killing of a young woman by the Israeli army as she tried to visit her husband near Ramallah. `Shaheedah' means female martyr.

The roads from Asira Shamaliya to Nablus city, the regional capital, have been closed for some time. Those trying to brave the mountain trails or skirt around settlements risk military aggression. Kamleh Mohamed Asa'd Sawalha was a recent victim.

Tank in Palestine
Tank in Palestine

Kamleh was a beautiful 21-year-old woman from Asira As-shamaliya. Having married soon after finishing high school, Kamleh already had two little children, a two-year-old and a seven-month baby, with a third on its way. Yet despite high Palestinian expectations of wifely duties, she had successfully combined taking care of her children with studying towards a law degree in the Nablus An-Najah University. With travel between Asira and Nablus long, arduous and frequently impossible, Kamleh had taken a break to nurse her recent baby. Returning to her studies she was in the process of catching up on missed work when she took a break to visit her husband working near Ramallah.

Kamleh and the two-year-old left her home in Asira at 2am last Saturday morning after feeding the baby. Yet she returned twice more to feed the child, asking her mother to promise to take care of her children. Palestinians from Asira are often forced to leave their homes at such early hours, in the hope of bypassing checkpoints without problems. With the Saba'tash route extremely difficult and risky, Kamleh opted to join a taxi taking roads to the west of Nablus. Apart from Shave Shomrom checkpoint, which is generally closed to cars but easily bypassed through fields and olive groves, access to the Yitzar highway south-west of Nablus is open. The onward journey to Kalandiya would involve speeding down forbidden settler roads, taking detours around established 'check/stoppoints' and hoping for good luck with ad hoc 'jeep' blocks, but should have been possible.

Yet as the taxi sped through the fields west of and away from Shave Shomron settlement, an Israeli soldier in a military watch-tower decided to 'stop' the taxi. Rather than issue warning shots, he tried to shoot the driver. Yet the soldier's bad aim or the speed of the taxi meant the two bullets broke the window just behind the driver, entering Kamleh's chest and killing her instantly. With the sound of hitting bullets, the driver stopped. The passengers climbed out and realised that Kamleh had been murdered, as she slumped across the seats relaxing her grip on her child.

The funeral took place in Asira the same day, with Kamleh's body carried through the village. Carried by relatives, the two-year-old wailed for his mother. He hasn't stopped calling for her and asking where she is.

Rather than apologising, the Israeli Army is swapping between claiming that the driver rammed through a checkpoint despite warnings, and claiming that they had information that Kamleh was on her way to do a suicide mission inside the borders of Israel/1948. This is clearly a sick lie to justify the murder. It was dark and there was no way of knowing where Kamleh was sitting. If the Israeli military actually had such evidence, they would have stopped the vehicle when it reached the road, rather than shooting randomly at it from a distance. Furthermore, the Kamleh's co-passengers were very lucky. If the driver had been hit, the resulting car crash might well have killed all ten passengers.

I met Kamleh several times, arguing with soldiers in Saba'tash to allow her to pass. Today I visited the male mourning hall to pay my respects to her family. Men tend to hold back their emotions during such occasions; only the husband's eyes clearly betrayed recent crying. Her 15-year-old brother preferred to speak to me about school. Mahmud, a good friend of mine from the village, and her cousin, also preferred to speak about other matters. Kelly in her visit to the women's mourning hall faced an outpouring of grief and demands that she do something. Bush and Sharon were her responsibility.

I'd like to pass those demands on to people reading this in the US and Britain. How are you dealing with your responsibility in Kamleh's children losing their mother?

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of the roadblockers

25.12.2003 17:41

do you believ it or not,
the roadblockers have a road map now.
(and a secret atom reactor....guess for what)

in israel
at the same time
they very agressively
race houses and build new ones.

can you imagine what kind of thing an army is doing
when their soldiers refuse to follow the commands.

it s army is called defense army,
but normally they attack, and destroy others subsistence.

once their soldiers were allowed to break bones
of captured ones,
maybe till today.




24.10.2004 23:03

What is so called a democratic state with a unique defence army is not what so ever ashammed kiling innocent women or a young school girl with twenty bullits with such a cold blood, such acts of a nation of criminals who is welcoming young jews into thier military training camps to join the unique defence army or to fight beside Israel whenever they are needed, despite that those young jewish boys and girls are americans or canadians, the question now is : why an american or canadian citizin join a military camp to fight a war for another country in the name of religeon there is no questioning but where this exactly what Taliban and Alqaida where doing in Afghanistan and they are called extremist and terorists ........ iam realy confused.

Dr Q Al Jabry