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Media Hacklab at Freedom Press

asa | 23.12.2003 01:26 | Education | Free Spaces | Technology | London

A new Media Hacklab is getting started in the east end of London. Based at the Freedom Press bookshop and social centre, it aims to be an open political space for alternative media, free software, training courses (e.g. GNU/Linux for activists, GNU/Linux for computer virgins, web design), community projects and various other great stuff. The projects that happen there will depend on the commitment of those involved. There is an open meeting planned to discuss both the practical work that needs doing and the political foundations of the lab:

SATURDAY JANUARY the 10th 2004

This will be followed (fri 16th to sun 18th jan 2004) with a work weekend. Much has been done so far but we need a solid few days of work to get the lab into a state where it can start to be used.

Anyone interested please come along: this is a very exciting project!

A web site is currently being worked on, in the meantime we have a wiki page:

and there is a mailing list too:



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related events

23.12.2003 09:33


On Friday 30th Jan (evening) there will be a report back and discussion following on from the UN World Summit on the Information Society - see
- covering the developments inside and activities outside (polymedia lab etc) and looking at state of campaign around the wsis and related issues. It will be at the Limehouse Town Hall - times tbc

The following day there will be an Indymedia London all day event at the same venue followed by music and projections - more details soon.


what is a hacklab?

23.12.2003 23:01

and why is it exciting?


Re: What is Hacklab?

24.12.2003 00:24

At the risk of being self referential, follow this link and all will be revealed later on in the article - I recommend you print it out, as it's a biggie (but definitely worth a read)!

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