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Protest Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Workers Action (US) | 23.12.2003 00:24 | Globalisation | Social Struggles

On December 20, at a packed demonstration of 60,000 a bomb went off to stop the commemoration of the Argentine Peoples Rebellion. This bomb injured 23. We urge you to protest this atrocity today by sending an email to the Argentine Embassy and Consulates in the US.

Condemn the Bomb Attack on a Political Demonstration in Argentina
Send Messages to Condemn the Action to Argentine Embassies and Consulates

Workers' Action condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the bombing at a major political demonstration in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 12/20/03. The target was a 60,000 strong protest commemorating the anniversary of the upsurge of 2001, which resulted in the resignation of four consecutive presidents.

23 people were injured, including a pregnant woman and several children. Four were seriously hurt and had to undergo surgery. One victim had burns over 30 percent of his body.

According to various sources, other bombs were discovered that failed to detonate.

It is no secret who bears the political responsibility for this atrocity. It is the Argentine government lead by President Kirchner. Unable to contain the just popular struggle that emerged out of 2001, Kirchner and company have been threatening repression against the people's organizations for months. Saturday's terror attack was the fruit of this. It was an attempt to silence an indomitable mass movement, lead by workers, that threatens the interests of Kirchner's higher ups - the IMF and US imperialism.

But the bloody attempt to intimidate the protestors has silenced nothing. Instead it has sparked more demonstrations to express defiance of the state encouraged violence.

Workers' Action stands with the injured and outraged over this event in Argentina. Given the repression dished out at November's anti-FTAA protests in Miami, we too are learning that the government will stop at nothing to defend the greed of big business. Saturday's bombing is one more extreme example.

We are proud to be in solidarity with our besieged Argentine brothers and sisters. Their fighting example is a model for our battles to come in the US.

Send a Protest to the Embassy of Argentina and its Consulates.
We urge all workers organizations, participants of the anti-FTAA and anti-globalization movements to send protests to the Embassy and Consulates of the Republic of Argentina. The crackdown on democratic rights in Argentina cannot go unchallenged. The "liberal" Kirchner government has been calling for the repression of street demonstrators for months. Now the demonstration marking the power of the people to remove the president two years ago has been bombed. Below are the street addresses, fax numbers and email addresses for the diplomatic offices of Kirchner's government in the United States. Send a copy to the Argentina Solidarity Committee.

Send a Statement of Solidarity with Argentina's Struggle
Send it to Argentina Solidarity Committee and we'll post it on the web here in the U.S. and on Indymedia in Argentina, and forward these to the Polo Obrero and Partido Obrero in Argentina.

For more information check out Argentina Indymedia "Bombing in the Plaza de Mayo" at Workers Action will also post news stories and related material on the Argentina Solidarity Committee listserv at

Send copies of the protests and statements of solidarity to the Argentina Solidarity Committee. We will post the statements of solidarity onto Argentina Indymedia and forward these to the Partido Obrero in Argentina.

Argentina Solidarity Committee:

Argentine Republic
1600 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20009
Telephone: (202) 238-6400
Fax: (202) 332-3171


Chicago Consulate
205 N. Michigan Ave.
Suite 4208/09
Chicago, IL 60601

Ph: (312) 819-2610
Fax: (312) 819-2612

Atlanta Consulate
Consulate General in Atlanta
245 Peachtree Center Ave.
Suite 2101
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Tel.: (404) 880-0805
Fax: (404) 880-0806
Georgia, Carolina del Sur, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky y Missisippi

Consulate General in Houston
3050 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 1625
Houston, Texas 77.056
Tel.: (713) 993-0315
Fax: (713) 871-0635
E-mail: //
Texas, Colorado, Nuevo México, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas.
Consulate General and Promotion Center in Los Angeles
5055 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel.: (323) 954-9155
Fax: (323) 934-9076
California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii e Islas del Pacífico.
Consulate General in Miami
800 Brickell Ave.
Suite PH-1
Miami, Florida 33131
Tel.: (305) 358-0530
Fax: (305) 371-7108
Florida, Islas Bahamas, Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, Islas Vírgenes (Estadounidenses), Anguilla, Monserrat (U.K.), Islas Caymán y Guadalupe y Martinica (Francia).
Consulate General and Promotion Center in New York
12 W 56th Street
New York, New York 10019
Tel: (212) 603-0445
Fax: (212) 541-7746
Nueva York, Connecticut, Nueva Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, Nueva Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont.

Workers Action (US)
- e-mail:


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UK Embassy

23.12.2003 15:45

Here's the details of the embassy in the UK:

Argentine Embassy
27 Three Kings Yard
London W1K 4DF
United Kingdom

Tel.: 020 7318-1340
Fax: 020 7318-1349


Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There's almost certainly smaller Consulates in London and around the coutry. Have a looks at or .com or or whatever it is, or in the paper yellow pages.

Solidarity is our weapon!


More info on Argentina Embassy in London

23.12.2003 20:22

Sorry to all for not including the London addresses of the Argentina Embassy. I consulted the embassy's official website ( It shows the embassy address and a consular address in London, but no other consulates in other UK cities.--Adam

65 Brook Street
London W1Y 4AH
Tel. 0207 318 1300
Fax. 020 7 318 1301

H.E The Ambassador D. Federico MIRRÉ
Minister Counsellor D. Pablo TETTAMANTI
Counsellor Dña. María Fernanda CAÑAS
Counsellor D. Estanislao ZAWELS
First Secretary D. Enrique FERRER VIEYRA
First Secretary Dña. Alessandra VIGGIANO MARRA
First Secretary D. Javier FIGUEROA
First Secretary D. Bernardo CASSERLY

27 Three Kings Yard
London W1Y 1FL
Tel. 0207 318 1340
Fax. 0207 318 1349

Adam, Workers Action