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unvarnished, honest, in truth, psychopaths in pure culture
The fatal policy of appeasement was and is the wrong answer now
Wehret den Anfängen!
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death to all oppressors!!
22.12.2003 22:06
a lover of liberty
a lover of liberty
22.12.2003 23:10
ah, yes, the middle east. full of freedom loving states and countries. wouldn't it be wonderful to have the liberties that are enjoyed in Syria, in Iran, in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia. what a lot we in the US and UK have to learn from them!
The only people who threaten your "liberty" are your zionist rulers
23.12.2003 12:21
"Liberated" Iraqi child - Thanks "people of the year"
To HELL with the babykilling troops!
Bring the babykillers home — to face war-crimes trials.
On March 21, 2003, the day after American and British forces began their invasion and occupation of Iraq, a CNN correspondent “embedded” (in bed with) the U.S. military interviewed an American soldier, referred to as “Private AJ”. The teenage soldier was eager to spill somebody’s blood, saying:
"I wanna get in there and get my nose dirty! I wanna take revenge for 9-11!"
Despite being in-bed-with the U.S. military, the correspondent managed to timidly inform the ignorant, brainwashed soldier that there was no evidence linking the Iraqi government to the September 11 attacks.
"Yeah well that stuff’s way over my head," said Private AJ, sticking his tongue out all the way down to the end of his chin.
The U.S. Army has given tanks, attack helicopters and assault rifles to over 100,000 brain-dead creeps like that, and turned them loose on Iraqi women and children.
And YOU are paying for this dirty evil — if you pay taxes to the U.S. government.
American "freedom" and "liberty" is BULLSHIT. You are just zionist slaves living in a corporate media matrix. NAZI BASTARDS. Stick your twisted "morals"(!) and "values"(!) up your obese mothers' pussies - UNcivilised trailer trash KKK scum.
Angry Manc