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Anna Scher theatre fight

22.12.2003 11:06 | Education | London

Anna Scher first opened her theatre school in Islington 35 years ago. Since then, she has had a profound effect on the lives of thousands, with many going on to stage or TV stardom. However, in 2000 she became unwell and was subsequently removed from the board of directors.

Now that she is better, efforts have been made to block her return to the theatre and, currently, she requires permission to even teach! A campaign has been started in support of Anna Scher and a protest was held on Saturday, 20th December.

Background | Support from the stars and others | Protest call


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Anna Scher Theatre members in revolt against the Board of directors

24.12.2003 12:02

Most of those who attend the Anna Scher Theatre on Barnsbury Road are turning their backs on the board of directors due to their attitude towards Anna Scher, a new theatre which will be formed in the new year where at present there is no waiting list, for those of you who wish to join the new theatre send an e,mail to with your full name and mobile contact number, alternatively text your details to 0797 3536 682, this will be forwarded to Anna Scher as soon as the list is has loads of entries. All those on the lists of the original theatre can put their names down for the new one now.

Awaiting your responces

Patrick McCrudden (Friends of Anna Scher Campaign)

The Notorious Heckler

Board of Directors using Dirty Tricks campaign

24.12.2003 15:43

The Anna Scher Theatre Board of Directors have been using dirty tricks to prevent Anna Scher from teaching her refresher classes at the theatre she founded over 30 years ago.
On several occasions individuals from the theatre's office made telephone calls to members of the refreshers class, informing them that the class was cancelled or that Anna Scher had become unwell again, these are smear tactics being used by the board due to the amount of support Anna Scher is recieving from proffessional actors, current members and former members of the theatre, more and more members of the Anna Scher Theatre each day are walking out in support of Anna.
On Saturday evening 20/12/03 when a member supporting Anna in her struggle wanted to speak out, he was told that he must not make it political and was denied the time to tell those who were there at the festival of plays who didn't already know the situation with the board and Anna Scher and I say to Andy Smith don't you know what "FREEDOM OF SPEECH or "FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION means?" Before long you won't have anyone to teach at that theatre, they'll all be going along to Anna's new classes elsewhere, those that stay are either to thick to realise what discrimination is or are only out for themselves. I call on all members to stand up and speak out, walk out, and back Anna Scher, because shortly all of those who are currently patrons of that theatre will be withdrawing their support as will Michael Caine the film actor who is honourary president to the theatre.
All those interested in joining the new Anna Scher Theatre group please don't hesitate to contact Patrick on 0797 3536 682 or e,mail with your details so they can be passed on before the new year, that means all of you presently on the waiting lists, a new agency that is fair to all will be set up in due course to represent all members (Children and Adults) which at present the old theatre does not. The new theatre which will include all former members of the old place who take this open oppertunity and contact us in due course.

We look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Bill Dowling (Reclaim our Theatre Protest Group)

Bill Dowling

The Friends Of Anna Scher Official Comment

30.12.2003 00:17

Dear Readers

With Anna Schers permission the steering comittee which was set up with the aim to have her reinstated would like to make clear some points made in earlier messages posted on this site.

We would like it known that we do not endorse encourage or support any activity that would be illegal or that might cause offence to the Anna Scher Theatre, it's current staff, board of directors or members. Some messages posted on this and other sites have been abusive and insulting and as they have now been brought to our attention we would like to distance ourselves from this.

Our aim has always been to achieve our goal in responsible and business like fashion and any other activity is damaging to our aim. We would like as many of you as possible to register your support as friends or to make a donation by e-mailing us at We will periodically keep anyone who registers as afriend up to date with our progress.

Please remember all you have learned from Anna Scher herself when you are supporting her.

With thanks

The Friends Of Anna Scher Steering Committee

Catherine Clarke
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- Homepage: http://none


06.01.2004 19:49

After reading todays 06/01/04 late edition of The Evening Standard all I can say is I'M NOT SURPRISED, Steven Dawson (Foolish Man) was treading an extremely thin Line
There are literally Hundreds (who have taken a back seat) of us who would love to have Anna back.
Also I'm sorry to hear that Andy has Resigned...he is going to be a Great Loss to the Theatre
Having Andy Smith and Anna Scher teaching in the same Theatre would be Superb just like it was when Anna and Charles Verall were Teaching. THOSE WERE THE DAYS


mail e-mail: wonwaytraffic

Fair Play for All

09.01.2004 14:31

This is a comment and is not a view from the Friends of Anna Scher Campaign, this is my own personal view concerning the Anna Scher Theatre in Barnsbury Road, Islington N1.
There have been a number of comments on this site from individuals who obviously feel strongly and passionately about the way Anna Scher has been treated by the board of directors since her full recovery from a depressive illness, I fully understand the anger some individuals feel in the way they have expressed their opinions here, that is your right and I cannot stop you from making comments whatever they may be.
I cannot condone the verbal abuse or threats made against Mr Steven Dawson the former head of the board of directors at the Anna Scher Theatre, where he has resigned from the board due to comments made on this page.
from the very beginning of Anna's campaign, she asked this to be a peaceful protest and campaign, certain individuals have attempted to make it more extreme and I know that the real Patrick McCrudden (The Notorious Heckler) doesn't condone any violence or threats made against Mr Dawson in any way or form.
Members who turned up for classes on Thursday night have asked one member to speak on their behalf concerning who teaches at the theatre, and again this is a personal view and may not be held by everyone.
Andy Smith seems to have had a rough deal here, anyone who took part in the class he took last night couldn't complain that last nights class was a great one and gave some of us the feeling that Charles had returned, some of the members there last night also expressed the opinion that they believed that Andy should be asked if he'd like to work along side Anna should she be reinstated as princibal of the theatre.
There have been some dirty tricks played over several months with members being telephoned and told Anna's refresher classes were cancelled and maybe individuals held Mr Dawson responsible and this may be the reason why comments on this page insulted and abused him.
the friends of Anna Scher have condemmed the threatening behavior of those individuals who posted their comments in response to the original article posted up by Mr Patrick McCrudden entitled "Members in revolt against board of directors" Mr dawson has now resigned his post on the board of directors so could those of you who are still sending him hate mail or abuse please refrain from doing so in future.
The future of the Anna Scher Theatre is now in the hands of the Charity Commission who in the not to distant future will make a decision on the theatre's future and until that time members should keep going to the theatre for classes.
I know from last nights class that some of you asked Patrick to speak up in asking anna should she be reinstated to give Andy a go at teaching a number of classes due to him giving Anna the same chance when everyone else on the board didn't have the time of day for her.
You the members decide, I cannot speak out on your views here, you must make your own views known yourselves, so make a comment but please keep it nice please.

The Real Patrick McCrudden

Cyber Master

Independent View

19.01.2004 12:15

Congratulations "Not In My Name" Militant parisites only have their own agenda at heart and not Anna's, so well done for standing up and speaking out in truth. As for the rest of us A.S. members old and new I think it is quite shamefull that in a country of free speech (the hell it is) that no one from the A.S. has mentioned or discussed with us all what is going on. I was at class last week and it was obvious that many were anxious and wanting to talk openly about the current and future situation at A.S., but it was buisness as usual and no one spoke out, I find this a stange contrast to what is promoted at A.S., the keyword being RESPECT, but to be honest all I ever see at A.S. is a bunch of ego's with their own interests at heart, therefore its all a farce, even the festival of plays, for which the rewards are token. I have seen Real talent at A.S. over the years, sadly these talents go unoticed. Many plays have been written, some brilliant and worthy of further attention, but the system runs like a hamster wheel and good plays are trodden down.So the point is that A.S. has been stuck in a time warp, run down and as faded as the pictures of all the stars that attended there way back in the 70's that are proudly paraded at the entrance to the theatre. So I have opened my eyes and woke up and smelled the coffee and I think if any of you out there know what I'm talking about will agree that 75% of the people who attend A.S. think by joining its a mealticket to stardom, only to discover once their Ego's have deflated that A.S. is only interested in running itself to pay the bills. Anna Schers is meant to be a community theatre, yet is neither serves or benifits the community, as no shows are performed for the public ,in or out of the theatre. Anna Schers is not a acting school either as you are not taught any skills in acting, all lessons are based on improvisation only and as a result it has become a therapy theatre for people to express their true selves, which can be very straining when having to deal with people who like the sound of their own voice. I shall not be attending A.S. anymore, to be honest I knew Anna and she is a really nice person, but I dont think her return will change anything at the Theatre for the members,life will carry on as usual,because there never was any vision there to begin with. The likes of Linda Robson and Co were already talented the first day they all walked into Anna Schers and they were all just lucky enough to have a lucky break, it was not down to teaching, it was down to confidence and fate. And there have been thousands more since then, who have walked through A.Schers doors, only it shut on them a long time ago, due to lack of vision.

Anna Schers is now left to fate also.

Wise Owl

Wise Owl


20.01.2004 12:33

To the person or persons who keep phoning my mobile number 0797 3536 682 you really are pathetic fools even though don't show your number when calling, I can still trace you, its all about technology and by God I have a really good system running here so I'll have a word in your ear on Thursday night, and by the way be nice, cause if you ain't nice, they'll be hell to pay. Finally it doesn't bother me in the slightest, I find you amuse me and anyway my contract runs out next week so I'll have a new phone and new number, so enjoy yourself while you can. Have a nice day......


Who are these B.O.D'S anyway?

03.03.2004 19:00

ffs wots goin on at anna's, I passed the theatre a couple of weeks ago and bumped into a mate who's been goin 2 annas for a few years (he told me about this message page) he also told me that anna(bless her) has been turfed to one side, and if she wants her job bak then she has to apply.
how daft is that. these so called board of directors are pricks
how dare they even have a job is beyond me

Who are these B.O.D's they Obviously have no interest in what the people of the theatre want. sack the lot of em


anna scher in exile

20.03.2004 23:44

I have been attending Annas classes at The Blessed Sacrament Church in Copenhagen St for almost a month and I would just like to say ANNA SCHER does not need that Theatre opposite the park.
myself and the rest are having a wonderful time being taught by anna scher.
The atmosphere in her classes are adrennalingly exciting and friendly.
So wherever Anna teaches myself and my friends will be there.

Sylvia Young and the rest. Eat your heart out!


Another Stitch Up

01.04.2004 11:09

Who are these members on the board?
Let's have all their names?
Can someone in the know put up a list of all those on the board?
Are any of them teachers?
Are any of them actors?
Are any of them doctors?
If there none of the above, then who the bloody hell do they think they are?
Are these members of the board going to be allowed to continue to to use discrimination?
If this were any other job you'd be sacked on the spot.
Theres a law against discrimination and these shower of shite are being allowed to get away with it. WHY?
These load of old rubbish on the board need to be tackled head on and every member should somehow protest during classes or even at the festival of plays on the 3rd April (THIS WEEKEND) it starts at 7pm so let's be there at 6.30pm.
We want the board sacked so lets shout at the tops of our voices so we're heard loud and clear.
This protest has nothing whatsoever to do with the friends of Anna Scher Campaign..

Let's reclaim the street on Barnsbury Road and have a large street party and stuff the discriminating theatre........

Freddie Mays

Freddie Mays

Mind in Tower Hamlets Start Campaign in Support of Anna Scher

23.12.2004 17:13

We the members of Mind in Tower Hamlets Out of Hours group are herewith offer our full support to Anna Scher over the way she has been treated by both the board of trustees and office staff at the Anna Scher theatre 70/72 Barnsbury Road, Islington, London N1 0ES.

We are demanding to know why someone who previously had a depressive illness and had been given a clean bill of health in 2001 is still being subjected to discrimination by those board of trustees at the theatre that she had founded over 30 years ago?

We demand that heads must roll as we live in the 21st century where supposedly discrimination of any type is not tolerated, yet so many still in charge of the Anna Scher theatre remain on the board of trustees, management and employees still discriminate on the grounds of another persons health.

We demand to know why these staff and trustees are still making decisions in refusing to allow the founder of the theatre (Anna Scher) to return to her rightful position and also where the current staff, management and trustees trained and obtained their degrees in being in a position to provide a diagnoses of Anna's state of mental health, which they purport to be experts in.

This now begs the question that if there is a campaign or vendetta against Anna Scher, then the said perpetrators should be subjected to legal action and media scrutiny as well as a charities commission investigation.

Judith Edwards - Director of Mind in Tower Hamlets
Steve Armistead - Team Leader at Mind Open House
Val Harding - Engagement Team Leader - Mind Open House
Ade Atibere - Finance Officer Open House - Mind in Tower Hamlets
Diana Birkett - Counselling Service Co-ordinator - Mind Open House
Emma King - Administration Manager - Mind in Tower Hamlets
Gita Solanki - Benefits advisor - Mind Open House
Paul Addae Anderson Finance & Resource Manager
Marcia Mcleod - Project Worker
Jahera Ali - Health in mind
Hushnara Ahmed - Health in Mind
George Espuet - Staff at Mind Open House/Drop in Worker
Mr. B. Dowling - Board of Trustees Mind in Tower Hamlets
Mr. A. Khan - Chair (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)
Mr. Z. Noon (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)
Ms. G. Barnes (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)
Ms. A. Batt (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)
Mr. P. McCrudden - Vice Chair (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)
Ms. Cathy Trainin - (Open House Members Forum - Mind in Tower Hamlets)

Judith Edwards - Director
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08.01.2005 14:05






Stop using my name in postings or I'll heckle all Anna's supporters big time!

11.01.2005 12:14

Anna Scher theatre fight
Anna Scher theatre fight

To all Anna's supporters,

This is the last and final time I will say this so I want each and everyone of you to understand and take notice of what I will do if my name is used again on the indymedia site by supporters of Anna Scher in her campaign or those just wanting to stir things up.

Firstly Anna will be suspended from the board of trustees on Friday 1th January and not even the largest demonstration in the history of the world will change that so how will any of you attending her class change it?

In various circles I'm considered a professional activist and have many protests under my belt, but I'll not be attending this one unless my name is used by those wanting to stir up further trouble using my name which will result in my heckling all of you over how stupid your protest is going to be, you'll achieve nothing and you'll change nothing.

Did not one of you listen to a word said by my friend Bill Dowling last Friday night in Anna's class, she would have none of it, but here's one thing for all of you supporting Anna to think about and maybe ask her yourselves? QUESTION "What was Gandhi's profession?"

Stop using my name in your articles and comments to this subject or you'll regret it, I heckle loudly.



25.01.2005 19:08

Sick of all the same ramblings every Friday night and want a change? Had enough of all the religious clap trap? Then maybe its time for you all to wise up and get your names down for some proper drama classes, one's where you'll have the oppertunity to be taken on by a real agency that'll do all it can to find you work.


Then email and we'll give you details on how to get yourselves trained up to work in films/television and theatre, so stop wasting you time at both Barnsbury Road and Copenhagen Street and come on board with actors who are able to follow their first line given for an impro.


The Whistleblower
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