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Surrey Anarchist Group meeting/social

S@G | 18.12.2003 02:01 | Social Struggles | London

Surrey Anarchist Group meeting/social

8pm, Royal Oak, Guildford

Tuesday 23rd December 2003

The Royal Oak is behind the church at the top of the High St.

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Cognitive Dissonance

19.12.2003 00:45

Talk about a blast of cognitive dissonance.
An Anarchist "Social"???

Imagine, all those valiant and meaningful anarchists, swirling around all in a flurry of meeting, chatting, eating delicate little watercress and cucumber finger sandwiches and sipping tea out of delicate bone china cups?

Hoo Haw.


Twin set and pearls

20.12.2003 14:07

There are anarchists in SURREY!

The world truly has gone mad!

Good luck with your dinner party.
