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The Guardian fingers Redwatch

Auntie Fash | 18.12.2003 00:11 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

The Guardian newspaper today has finally got around to exposing those far right-wing sites that we all love to hate...,3604,1108495,00.html

"The home secretary, David Blunkett, is coming under increasing pressure to shut down an extreme rightwing website following the discovery of a secret hitlist of targets - including social workers, journalists and politicians."

Yadda, yadda, yadda...

As it was pointed out to me by a friend and a known anarchist sympathiser, Blunkett did diddly squat about the recent bonehead rally in his constituency and it was only grass roots action that managed to get the event called off.

Anyway, if these sites get shut down by whatever means then it's a job well done, innit.

Auntie Fash


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Doing Blunketts job

18.12.2003 01:00

Well, my own daughter features on numerous Redwatch photos
Bless her!
Of course, the Hational Front/Combat18 thugs are so well infiltrated at their leadership level by MI6 agents that they are little more than Blunkett's foils in his 'let;s enact fascist legislation to counter the rise of the right' bluff
The fash are just a tool of this genuinely Nazi government


that point again???

18.12.2003 13:34

>>>When we are allowed free speech, when the media itself isn't owned by the enemies of free speech, when our rights to free speech are unrestricted by very tangible threats of violence, then the issue of free speech for fascists becomes valid<<<

I don't know whether it has slipped your mind but the article posted is from the guardian.
you know, "owned by the enemies of free speech" as you have just stated.

reality calling

free speech?

18.12.2003 14:28

So why don't you forward your name address and phone number to redwatch. Then see where your "free speech" gets you.


good news?

18.12.2003 15:37

myself i also feature on redwatch and though freeked when it first happened.. now speaking to others i feel safeish? of course we need to understand the nature of the new bnp like new labour the bnp are the same scum as they have always been.. from the days of Tyndal and the like they have moved on into community issues and this means they will not desire to be seen using force.. redwatch is intimidation that's all.. this said it needs closing down.. because each time we defeat the bnp and their supporters we make them retreat back into the holes where they come from (we also need to use education in this fight back)..

here in sheffield the fight back is well organised well disciplined and no sectarian bullshit (ie. your a member of this group therefor i can not work with you etc.) does not happen, from what i have seen, and this is a move forward because it means we are organised to defeat them as we did at wincobank a few weeks back.. been organised and understanding that if the bnp was to win a seat or seats (wich is very possible) there are far wider implications for the diverse community of sheffield just as we have seen in burnley and so forth.. therefor this article is welcome in my thoughts.. we can and must not be complacent we need to keep organised and make sure this scum do not rear their heads again in this city or any city across the uk.. it will take time and yes compromise from those who oppose the bnp.. i'd sooner compromise (i welcome this article) than let the bnp win any seats here in sheffield.. i will use any means i have to do so..

m m wallis

mark mozaz wallis
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Pissed off with lack of security

19.12.2003 12:50

Can i suggest that if any more photos of lefty demos are taken then plase do not publish them on their websites so letting the fash download them We in Chesterfield are very pissed off that some of our faces are on the Redwatch site. Mory commonsense required!!

Mr angry

Mr angry

Mr angry is a fash?

19.12.2003 21:48

'photos of lefty demos'
'plase do not publish them on their websites'

own up, you're one of them aren't you.


A serious point by Mr angry

24.12.2003 15:56

No, Mr angry is not a fascist and you must not assume that because there were lots of spelling mistakes in that original posting that he is a fascist. As a matter of fact I know Mr angry very well and i can safely say that he is not in any way a fascist and is in fact quite an intelligent guy who is most decidedly anti-fascist. I assume he was pissed or in a hurry when he posted that article which i think makes a very serious point about leftists taking photos and then being stupid enough to put them on their web sites only for the fash to download them and put them on theirs. Wake up mr lefty and all the stupid trots and naive fools out there. THINK BEFORE YOU PUBLISH PHOTOS OF PEOPLE ON LEFTY/RADICAL DEMOS ON YOUR WEBSITES BECAUSE STATE FRONTS LIKE REDWATCH WILL PUBLISH THEM.

Che Guevara's ghost

more thought..

28.12.2003 14:07

so bad spelling means your a meber of the bnp? oh please next you will be telling us is that all working class people are likewise.. come on said befor and said againe the far right the far left and bits in between are a joke.. i desire change as much as the next person but lets be honest here for a moment shall we.. politics in the uk is a joke and a sad one at that.. there aint a need to visit my crass actions.. neterless it has done us all a favour exposed red watch and the far right.. just perhaps the shit that has happend might have been an act of fate ie karma.. what comes around gose around etc.. under that pavement you walk lies the earth someting we all have lost contact with..

m m wallis

m m wallis..
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Mechanic Needed

16.07.2004 09:44

How many people actually get involved in the democratic process ? ... phone and bug m.p.'s and councillors, write letters, get petitions going ?? The more you believe democracy to be rotting, the more you get involved. That's all. Thanks for reading. P.S. The name calling is childish. Stick to points of view ?
