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How long before it happens here?

sian | 17.12.2003 20:30

Below- the state of civil liberties in the USA.
What about OUR liberties? We've seen how they use the "anti terror" legislation, so what would they do with the "civil contingencies" bill?
Now is the time to act...

by The Associated Press

September 5, 2002, 11:44 AM EDT (original source at

Some of the fundamental changes to Americans' legal rights by the Bush administration and the USA Patriot Act following the terror attacks:

* FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigation.

* FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.

* FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

* RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.

* FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.

* RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.

* RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press



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17.12.2003 22:00


Herr Blair

Diversionary tactic

17.12.2003 23:03

Here's the real reason they finally "caught" Saddam: to (once again) divert our attention from their sinister activities...

Stealth Enactment of Patriot II

While Saddam was Captured: Stealth enactment of the "Patriot II"

Various Sources

While CNN and other media outlets are rejoicing because of the capture
of Saddam Hussein, Bush again introduced new legislation last Saturday
which increased the federal powers to investigate and reduces the
privacy rights of American citizens :


Whitehouse Statement on HR 2417 (December 13, 2003)

HR 2417 was cleared by the Congress on November 21, 2003

Comments of Ron Paul, Congressman for Texas on HR 2417 :
It appears we are witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously
unpopular "Patriot II" legislation that was first leaked several months
ago. Perhaps the national outcry when a draft of the Patriot II act was
leaked has led its supporters to enact it one piece at a time in secret.
Whatever the case, this is outrageous and unacceptable. I urge each of
my colleagues to join me in rejecting this bill and its incredibly
dangerous expansion of Federal police powers.

Bush signs bill extending FBI powers

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- President Bush has signed legislation making it easier for
FBI agents investigating terrorism to demand financial records from
casinos, car dealerships, and other businesses.

The changes were included in a bill authorizing 2004 intelligence
programs. Most of the details of the bill are secret, including the
total cost of the programs, which are estimated to be about $40 billion.
That would be slightly more than Bush had requested.

Bush signed the bill Saturday, the White House announced.

The bill expands the number of businesses from which the FBI and other
US authorities conducting intelligence work can demand financial records
without seeking court approval.

Under current law, "national security letters" can be issued to
traditional financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions, to
require them to turn over information. The bill expands the definition
of financial institution to include other businesses that deal with
large amounts of cash.

Supporters of the change say it will help authorities identify money
laundering and other activities that fund terrorism. But some lawmakers
and civil liberties advocates say the change does not provide enough
safeguards to ensure that authorities will not violate the privacy of
innocent people.

In other provisions, the bill:

Requires the CIA director to prepare a report as soon as possible on
what intelligence agencies have learned from their experiences in Iraq.

Creates a Treasury Department office to work with intelligence agencies
on fighting terrorist financing.

Creates pilot programs to share raw data between agencies.

Authorizes agencies to continue research on computerized terrorism
surveillance suspended by the Pentagon.

Iran says Bush met Saddam during Thanksgiving visit


Madeleine Albright has stated that Bush is hiding

OSAMA to drag him out right before election time. Thereby

increasing the SHEEPLE'S fondness of him.



Masters and slaves

18.12.2003 15:00

The future is:
Few masters as Bush and the people around him,
and many slaves as we ALL.


Nothing we can do to stop this mess,,,,

19.12.2003 21:08

All this has been planed for a long time , we can`t stop it , But we will not let them control our free thinking mind, and thats the weapon that they want to take away from us.

