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Animal Liberation Front raid Wickham Laboratories

Thrash Silly | 17.12.2003 19:57 | Animal Liberation

Mice liberated from botox experiments early Sunday morning by the Animal Liberation Front.

The Animal Liberation Front today claimed responsibilty for a raid at the infamous Wickham Laboratories through internet site

The raid that occured in the early morning hours of Sunday saw hundreds of mice whisked away from the lab near Fareham to safe homes. The number of mice is not known at the moment with the BBC estimating 406 while the ALF themselves quoting over 700.

The press release from the ALF follows:

"In the early hours of Sunday morning, the ALF, cut through the razor wire surrounding Wickham Labs in Hampshire, and made their way over the fence. A hole was cut into the roof of the animal unit. The security cameras within the unit were put out of action, and the liberators jumped down amongst the cages. The rooms within the animal unit contained nearly 700 mice, all of which were passed back up through the roof, and spirited to freedom.

Documentation taken from the unit showed that these mice were liberated days before they were due to be experimented on. Instead of their last week before Christmas being one of pain, agony and death, for these mice it will be the best yule time ever. All of the animals found within Wickham have been placed in loving homes, where they are free to live out their natural lives free from pain, suffering and neglect.

The documents taken also contained details of hideous experiments for such useless items as Botox, carried out on mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. At the time of the raid the only animals on the premises were mice.

This is not an isolated incident, this is part of the a much wider war for total animal liberation. Until every animal is free we will continue to fight, whether it be Wickham, HLS, Cambridge University or anywhere else. This is a warning to you all!"

Thrash Silly


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Bring it on!

17.12.2003 22:40

No human will be free from 'Master/Slave guilt' until the last animal is liberated from within this stinking capitalist nightmare. Stand up and fight!

All for one!



18.12.2003 15:26

That's made my day. Brilliant news.



not so fantastic..

04.01.2004 01:57

The mice that were liberated from the Whickham labs have unfortunately been sussed out and taken back to the labs by the filth (probably to be destroyed) and the three people responsible for taking them have been nicked. These mice will no doubt be put down by whickham labs only to be replaced by the same amount of mice taken.

As soon as one lot die, they are replaced by the vivisecting scum with a fresh batch.

Real Direct Action:

Get the animal abusing bastards in their homes ... affect their personal lives ... Let their neighbours know ... Intimidation works ... make everyday existance a misery for them!

Be careful of liberating animals ... the abusers only replace them with another lot! Also homes that are needed for strays and other needy animals are taken up with the homes needed for liberated animals! THINK B4 U ACT.


a.l.f are the killers

06.05.2004 16:03

the a.l.f are sick. they're only out to cause havoc and get their names in the papers.
i find it hilarious that they dont gloat about their pointless actions of trashing the workers cars, obviously not helping the animals in any way. not to mention nearly killing a member of public by scaring them to death.
they are all sick and need to stop what the're doing. there actions are pointless, and the fact the police have stopped them from going near the place proves they are in the wrong. i bet if a member of your family had a dying illness that could help to be cured by vivisection, you'd have no hesitations. remember- the law and government is on their side. quit your childish acts before people realise you're all idiots.


response to 'me'

01.09.2004 13:54

In response to 'ME':

*The ALF are not sick, if anything you are... what makes you such a superior being that its ok to torture animals for your benefit? Why are you so special? What have you contributed to this planet?
*There has been far more press coverage about trashing cars than liberating mice from wickham.
* For the ALF to be killers, they will have had to actually kill someone - who have they killed?!
*Their actions are not pointless - they are clearly working... a few people are changing the world.
*Just because the law and government is not on the side of animal rights activists doesn't mean that they are right? Just look at Hitler!
*That raid has also been a success in revealing what Wickhams 'sensitive research' is... Testing Botox using the LD50 test. Why wouldn't wickham want that out in the public? Probably because they have found a legal loophole to allow Botox to be tested for cosmetic treatments and because the LD50 test was supposed to be partially banned after the government acknowledge the severity of the test. The revelations from this raid have gained much public support ... and support from MP's who want the use of botox banned.

How can you justify poisoning thousands of mice every week with increasing doses of botox while the mice lose their sight and have seizures leading to a paralysed diaphragm which eventually suffocates them? How can that be justified to cure wrinkles?

AND if wickham had even a sense of decency they would have allowed the returned mice to be re-homed instead of gassing them. In fact they declined the offer from a well known animal welfare group!


nice try

20.09.2004 15:33

* to 'in response to 'me', its funny how you didn't make a comment on 'if a member of your family had a dying illness that could be helped or cured by vivisection you would like them treated by drugs used by vivisection?'..........
* and a quick question to all ALF members; are you all strict vegetarians? i bet not.
* i never said the mice raid was pointless, its all the other personal attacks. what are the animals gaining from them?...the question is, what are you gaining from them?
the fact is, its all very well airing your opinions in protests and demo's, but the animals gain nothing by you vandalising workplaces vehicles and cars, THAT is what is pointless.

humans are the superior race in this world. if rabbits and rodents were meant to rule this world, then they would be. im sure they'd test on us if they could!

me again

direct action works

18.10.2004 22:25

* People are not helped or cured by vivisection, scientists have been trying to find these cures for decades and yet, cancer, stroke and heart disease are all increasing. If vivisection is helping where are these miracle cures? I think the point you need to make is: if a family member needed a drug to help or cure them, would you take a drug tested on animals, or a drug tested by an alternative method? I think you would find that most people would choose the humane option. There are millions of people taking drugs for all kinds of illnesses everyday, and I'm sure a lot of them, would prefer they were tested differently!

* ALF activists are VEGAN. Hence why actions are carried out against the meat, dairy, egg, fur, vivisection industry... do you think the alf is a band of loony meat eaters with mad cows disease?

* The animals are gaining so much. All these attacks amount to a bigger thing. Why do you think cambridge halted building its lab, why do you think Oxford can't find anyone to finish of its lab... every single action is having a knock on effect. Why have so many places already been closed! Why are HLS losing suppliers daily! It are these kinds of actions which will inevitably halt the vivisection industry, because they aren't going to stop until we get a public inquiry into vivisection as promised by Tony Blair. Its such a small demand!

So anyway, you say vandalising peoples cars is pointless because it doesn't gain anything, well I think you are wrong. People carrying out these kinds of actions are really intelligent, they are effective and chosing tactics which are getting results. If it was random vandalism you might have a point, but it is focused targeting. People wouldn't be risking their freedom doing what they are doing if it wasn't working! They aren't doing it for fun! Direct Action works, even if you dont agree with it, you should accept that it works. Thats why the alf are being labelled as terrorists by the governement... because they are being effective and they are scared that they are going to lose billions of pounds from the pharmaceutical industry. All the government have to do is have this inquiry... but they wont... the pharmaceutical giants dont want this inquiry either... surely they should be welcoming it so that they can show the public that their experiments 'work' and 'dont cause suffering'

I accept you don't agree with what i'm saying, which is fair enough, but please explain, how these actions aren't helping? And how they aren't effective? and why they are pointless. Maybe I just can't see the reasons... please inform me?!


fuck you

04.02.2005 10:32

weel you twats is a shame that they found all the mice dead in the new forest you bunch of spastics, get a life and leave wicham lads alone.

fuck you

oh dear

09.05.2006 16:21

well that sums up who we are fighting against!!!!!!!!!!!!! long live the A.L.F

rob marriott

ALF rocks!

27.07.2006 17:59

Hi, I'd just like to say what a shame it is that these rednecks (above) feel they have to go and spread their profoundly inane and stupid rantings about how the ALF is evil, wrong, stupid or whatever.

To me, the ALF represent the vast minority of people with superior intellect, passion and caring, who find it utterly unacceptable that vivisectionists are allowed to carry out the most depraved, torturous experiments on poor animals bred for one purpose: human greed. That's why the ALF liberate animals, that's why they target the owners, employees, suppliers and protectors of vivisection labs. To affect their personal lives to the extent that they will have to stop contributing to the torture and pointless murder of millions of animals every year.

It's pure idiocy to disagree with the fact that there are plenty of alternatives which are humane, but perhaps more importantly, will actually progress medical research many times faster and more efficiently than animal research ever will! Remember the human guinea-pigs? The drugs that mutated those men were considered safe for humans because the animal testing phase of the drug said it was safe! Why has that been swept under the rug?

Remember who's running the country people, remember the close friendship with our USA buddies and BELIEVE, our government is just as fucked-up and corrupt. They're in it for the money, pure and simple. And money is more important to these people than anything, even life. Human or animal. Not to get too deep in political debate here, don't be under the illusion that they're doing animal experiments for your benefit. They're doing it because it's cheaper than doing it ethically and humanely, and it makes them more money.

By the way, to all the slightly less stupid anti-ALF people out there, be aware that your kin are only making you look more stupid by coming on here and saying "fucking fuck you" or whatever it was. Sucks to be you.

And for the rest of us (the clever ones), we can only hope these so-called people who think this way, who are unable to understand even the most basic and simple of facts don't reproduce and bog down the gene pool any more than it already is!

In years to come humans will look back at this particular subject at this particular time with a similar milaise and guilt felt about burning witches, heads on pikes and public hangings!

There's so much more to say about this but i have to stop somewhere. Come on people, wise up and evolve! Fuck!

Long Live ALF!

N the ALF supporter