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"Bad Santa Saddam" - short video

synchrondeity | 16.12.2003 19:33 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Indymedia

Using the Centcom's press conference footage of Saddam Hussein's capture, the fictitious Santa News Network breaks the story of Bad Santa being captured.

Bad Santa Caught!

After months of searching the North Pole for the evil Kris Kringle. He was found hiding on December 13th, 2003 in a small igloo.

Head Elf to Make an announcement:

"We Got Him"

.....And so begins the short "Bad Santa Saddam"
With a full grey beard, I could see an ironic resemblance to Santa Claus in the recently captured Saddam Hussein. So I created this short video to be a critique on the entire Iraq war as well as on the consumer-driven holiday season. By using statements like "Bad Santa said to know where toys are hidden" & "Gas used to kill reindeer was given to Bad Santa by the USA in the 1980s" this short video makes fun of both cable news and the reasons used to go to war in Iraq.

80 seconds
13.5 MPEG-1 Video

Source Material:
Centcom's "We Got Him" Press Conference 9/14/03
"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" remixed by Charles Afton

Graphics from around the Internet & created by myself. Sequenced in Final Cut Pro 4.

- e-mail: synchrondeity at yahoo dot com
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we believe in Santa

17.12.2003 00:20
