protest against blunkett asylum evil - edinburgh - sunday 21st december
p | 16.12.2003 00:53
THE CHRISTMAS STORY - Edinburgh 2003
A young family fleeing from in terror have been riding all night on a donkey with a tiny baby, the mother forced to give birth in a stable. They are escaping from an oppressive regime in fear of soldiers tearing their child away from them.
A young family fleeing from in terror have been riding all night on a donkey with a tiny baby, the mother forced to give birth in a stable. They are escaping from an oppressive regime in fear of soldiers tearing their child away from them.
THE CHRISTMAS STORY - Edinburgh 2003
A young family fleeing from in terror have been riding all night on a donkey with a tiny baby, the mother forced to give birth in a stable. They are escaping from an oppressive regime in fear of soldiers tearing their child away from them.
Enter David Blunkett – the King Herod of The Labour Party. Under new legislation, their child is taken from them and they are kept without trial at Dungavel Detention Centre.
Matthew’s gospel tells us that an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and warns him to take Jesus and his mother to Egypt. They arise and flee that very night. The picture painted by Matthew is one of chaos, a terrifying scene where refugees flee across the border clutching their children and what few possessions they have managed to save. His world, like ours, was one in which tyrants and their soldiers can tear apart the lives of innocent civilians in random acts of cruelty.
Asylum-Seekers are Welcome Here!
Remove Blunkett’s Barbed Wire around Refugees
Assemble East End of Princes St Sun Dec 21st 1.00pm
March to Parliament Sq. to process asylum application
Followed by speakers from:
Artists against the War
Scotland Against Criminalising Communities
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
A young family fleeing from in terror have been riding all night on a donkey with a tiny baby, the mother forced to give birth in a stable. They are escaping from an oppressive regime in fear of soldiers tearing their child away from them.
Enter David Blunkett – the King Herod of The Labour Party. Under new legislation, their child is taken from them and they are kept without trial at Dungavel Detention Centre.
Matthew’s gospel tells us that an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and warns him to take Jesus and his mother to Egypt. They arise and flee that very night. The picture painted by Matthew is one of chaos, a terrifying scene where refugees flee across the border clutching their children and what few possessions they have managed to save. His world, like ours, was one in which tyrants and their soldiers can tear apart the lives of innocent civilians in random acts of cruelty.
Asylum-Seekers are Welcome Here!
Remove Blunkett’s Barbed Wire around Refugees
Assemble East End of Princes St Sun Dec 21st 1.00pm
March to Parliament Sq. to process asylum application
Followed by speakers from:
Artists against the War
Scotland Against Criminalising Communities
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign