THE OGRE CAPTURED + Baghdad Direct
ex indycymru | 14.12.2003 19:55
THE OGRE CAPTURED + Baghdad Direct
Posted by: ilyan, and a report from Helen and Kevin in Baghdad. I hope their hair is thick enough to protect against falling spent bullets.
Posted by: ilyan, and a report from Helen and Kevin in Baghdad. I hope their hair is thick enough to protect against falling spent bullets.
So the American Army can go home. But they have to stay to control the trial. An honest trial will expose the US influences and backing that enabled Saddam Hussein to take control of the Ba'ath Party and subvert it to US ends.
The American co-conspirators with Hussein will be hiding behind the Court and pulling the strings. Their new Iraqi poodles will happily skin the old poodle to establish their power.
The Coalition will be building up an Army of suitable thugs, and doing their best to disarm the Iraqi people so they will have to be obedient to the political thugs now approved by the foreign Moneymasters. Nothing has changed. Traitors will rule.
There is no real reason for Iraqis to complain, traitors are ruling in the West too. The Tory Blair has moled in to lead the Labour Party, and the vote rigging Bushes lead America.
And Fascists hired by CocaCola money murder Trade Unionists in Colombia, and Cardiff students are told that Coca Cola will punish them if they make a boycott in support of the murdered Trade Unionists. Coca Cola have financial holds on Cardiff Student Union.
"Beware of Capitalists bearing gifts" ... isn't that supposed to be Greeks? UK Students are learning the debt slavery tricks of the Capitalists. It is amazing how so many intelligent people are falling into that trap as the result of the indoctrination administered by teachers.
While an Ogre created by Capitalists has been captured, the far greater Ogre is ravaging the World and creating Saddam Husseins everywhere. And so long as they will continue to screw the interest on the artificial debts imposed on Nations by megalomaniac Dictators borrowing to maintain their Dictatorships, the new Ogres will be maintained in power. Nations should renounce the debts, and claim compensation from the lenders for the depredation of those Dictators.
The new Criminal Masters have bought the law, and manipulate it to their own ends to deliver a constant stream of wealth to the rich. They drive the poor deeper and deeper into debt, and hire Priests to indoctrinate people to have more and more children so there are more workers clamouring for a chance to work at ever lower wages, and more homeless begging for a chance to pay ever higher rents.
And God weeps as His Creation of Life is destroyed.
Take a look at our poll, have you no opinion in that selection? You might have to go through the resistration process to vote. Albert and Lucy Parsons had to flee from Texas for their lives for helping people to Register for The Vote. He had been a Confederate Cavalry Officer, was married to a part Cherokee part Negro Woman. And the South abolished slavery before the North, but lost the war, so the North wrote the History books. And hanged Albert for murder he certainly had nothing to do with.
repeat post of Capture, Direct from Shia Baghdad
Today we were minding our own business unpacking all our gear in our new appartment that we have just moved into when suddenly one of our group ran upstairs to say that Saddam had been captured. After watching a bit on the Tv we went outside as there were lots of 'happy bullets' going off - some were very loud - we looked out of our room and the man on the next roof was unloading his AK47 into the air. So we left and walked up Kerrada which is mainly Shia and most of the people were happy - we asked everyone - probably 1 in 5 were not so happy and keeping rather subdues about it and about i in 5 were not decided. We expected to see a big crowd on Al Fardos Square ( the one where Saddams statue was toppled) but it was not to be. In fact as we walked up Saduun Street the bullets were much less though we did here some close by, but mainly in the distance. We went to find our friend, Wejdy, thinking that he would be overjoyed but he was rather subdues and did not believe it. We took a trip around Bagdad and over the Tigris river where we came upon a group of very happy men singing and dancing for joy - Gordon joined in.
Then amongst the group, a 14 yr old boy emerged, Ala'a, saying that he was not happy. He did not like Saddam particularly, but he was unhappy because he did not want to see an Iraqi humiliated on the world stage. He was very aware of the problems that Iraq faces and accepted that in the future schools and hospitals would no longer be free and he realised that Iraq faced an uncertain future.
The Wejdy suggested that we should go to Sadr City (formerly Saddam City). Now, we had been ewarned by some people never to go there - that it was too dangerous - we would be shot orHelen would end up with acid in her face even if she wore a headscarf. Wejdy assured us that this would not be true and we set off.
When we arrived we were mobbed by loads of happy, lovely children singing songs about Saddam's demise and shouting "Kella Saddam" - No Saddam. It was fantastic - everyone was realy friendly and then this man came out of his house into the street with his Ak47 and fired it off into the airforages. It was so loud - we could see the spent bullets flying above his head and all of a sudden a sheep popped his head up on the balcony to see what was going on - it was the funniest sight. Then we had to get away and we made our escape chased by hordes of children and watched by lots of adults as we crossed the road to a taxi. It was a typical wonderful Iraqi welcome on a very special day. Sadr City is a poverty-stricken Shia area which was treated deplorably under Saddam's regime. It is this level of poverty that the main-stream media do not like to focus on.
So now we are emailing you - but tonight we hope to see more happy Iraqis and hear more happy bullets.
All for now
Helen and Kevin Williams and Wejdy
So the American Army can go home. But they have to stay to control the trial. An honest trial will expose the US influences and backing that enabled Saddam Hussein to take control of the Ba'ath Party and subvert it to US ends.
The American co-conspirators with Hussein will be hiding behind the Court and pulling the strings. Their new Iraqi poodles will happily skin the old poodle to establish their power.
The Coalition will be building up an Army of suitable thugs, and doing their best to disarm the Iraqi people so they will have to be obedient to the political thugs now approved by the foreign Moneymasters. Nothing has changed. Traitors will rule.
There is no real reason for Iraqis to complain, traitors are ruling in the West too. The Tory Blair has moled in to lead the Labour Party, and the vote rigging Bushes lead America.
And Fascists hired by CocaCola money murder Trade Unionists in Colombia, and Cardiff students are told that Coca Cola will punish them if they make a boycott in support of the murdered Trade Unionists. Coca Cola have financial holds on Cardiff Student Union.
"Beware of Capitalists bearing gifts" ... isn't that supposed to be Greeks? UK Students are learning the debt slavery tricks of the Capitalists. It is amazing how so many intelligent people are falling into that trap as the result of the indoctrination administered by teachers.
While an Ogre created by Capitalists has been captured, the far greater Ogre is ravaging the World and creating Saddam Husseins everywhere. And so long as they will continue to screw the interest on the artificial debts imposed on Nations by megalomaniac Dictators borrowing to maintain their Dictatorships, the new Ogres will be maintained in power. Nations should renounce the debts, and claim compensation from the lenders for the depredation of those Dictators.
The new Criminal Masters have bought the law, and manipulate it to their own ends to deliver a constant stream of wealth to the rich. They drive the poor deeper and deeper into debt, and hire Priests to indoctrinate people to have more and more children so there are more workers clamouring for a chance to work at ever lower wages, and more homeless begging for a chance to pay ever higher rents.
And God weeps as His Creation of Life is destroyed.
Take a look at our poll, have you no opinion in that selection? You might have to go through the resistration process to vote. Albert and Lucy Parsons had to flee from Texas for their lives for helping people to Register for The Vote. He had been a Confederate Cavalry Officer, was married to a part Cherokee part Negro Woman. And the South abolished slavery before the North, but lost the war, so the North wrote the History books. And hanged Albert for murder he certainly had nothing to do with.
repeat post of Capture, Direct from Shia Baghdad
Today we were minding our own business unpacking all our gear in our new appartment that we have just moved into when suddenly one of our group ran upstairs to say that Saddam had been captured. After watching a bit on the Tv we went outside as there were lots of 'happy bullets' going off - some were very loud - we looked out of our room and the man on the next roof was unloading his AK47 into the air. So we left and walked up Kerrada which is mainly Shia and most of the people were happy - we asked everyone - probably 1 in 5 were not so happy and keeping rather subdues about it and about i in 5 were not decided. We expected to see a big crowd on Al Fardos Square ( the one where Saddams statue was toppled) but it was not to be. In fact as we walked up Saduun Street the bullets were much less though we did here some close by, but mainly in the distance. We went to find our friend, Wejdy, thinking that he would be overjoyed but he was rather subdues and did not believe it. We took a trip around Bagdad and over the Tigris river where we came upon a group of very happy men singing and dancing for joy - Gordon joined in.
Then amongst the group, a 14 yr old boy emerged, Ala'a, saying that he was not happy. He did not like Saddam particularly, but he was unhappy because he did not want to see an Iraqi humiliated on the world stage. He was very aware of the problems that Iraq faces and accepted that in the future schools and hospitals would no longer be free and he realised that Iraq faced an uncertain future.
The Wejdy suggested that we should go to Sadr City (formerly Saddam City). Now, we had been ewarned by some people never to go there - that it was too dangerous - we would be shot orHelen would end up with acid in her face even if she wore a headscarf. Wejdy assured us that this would not be true and we set off.
When we arrived we were mobbed by loads of happy, lovely children singing songs about Saddam's demise and shouting "Kella Saddam" - No Saddam. It was fantastic - everyone was realy friendly and then this man came out of his house into the street with his Ak47 and fired it off into the airforages. It was so loud - we could see the spent bullets flying above his head and all of a sudden a sheep popped his head up on the balcony to see what was going on - it was the funniest sight. Then we had to get away and we made our escape chased by hordes of children and watched by lots of adults as we crossed the road to a taxi. It was a typical wonderful Iraqi welcome on a very special day. Sadr City is a poverty-stricken Shia area which was treated deplorably under Saddam's regime. It is this level of poverty that the main-stream media do not like to focus on.
So now we are emailing you - but tonight we hope to see more happy Iraqis and hear more happy bullets.
All for now
Helen and Kevin Williams and Wejdy
ex indycymru
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