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The New Antisemitism

Natan Sharansky | 14.12.2003 08:14

One of the major difficulties in grappling with the New Antisemitism is the ease with which it can be denied. Unlike in the past, post-modern antisemitism no longer exclusively involves such phenomena as violence against the Jews, sporting swastikas and burning synagogues. While these phenomena do indeed exist and are even increasing, especially in Europe, today they form only part of the problem.

The New Antisemitism with which we have been dealing in recent years hides behind the cloak of "political criticism of Israel" in which the State of Israel is discriminated against, is held to a double standard and has doubts cast on its right to existence and security. As absurd as this may be, antisemitism even appears under the banner of "human rights" and "humanism". Hiding in the shadow of these banners was the Durban Conference which was to have dealt with racism and in practice became a festival of antisemitism, with Israel being pilloried as the world's main problem and as a racist state guilty of crimes against humanity. At the United Nations Conference on Human Rights (conducted this year by Libya, that paragon of human rights practices) Israel "earned" 30% of the condemnations, far more than the Arab "democracies" or African states. Even at the Conference of the Signatories to the Geneva Convention, Israel was the first state in 52 years to be singled out for condemnation. This "achievement" was especially impressive given the fact that Cambodia, Sudan, Rwanda and other countries that had "hosted" huge killing fields did not suffer such condemnation.

Basic to these events and to countless others reflecting a double standard and hypocrisy vis-à-vis Israel, is the questioning of the right of the Jewish People to exist as a sovereign People on its own soil. Equating Zionism with imperialism, comparing Zionism to Nazism, doubting the right of the Jewish People, unlike other Peoples, to a national state cannot be considered "political criticism" or "opposition to the occupation". They must be called by their proper name - antisemitism.

For many years, I thought that antisemitism flourished only in totalitarian societies. That is how I explained Soviet antisemitism to myself. I believed that after the experience of the Holocaust antisemitism could not exist in a country imbued with democratic values. Today, I understand that realities are far more complex.

Antisemitism, that in the past had been the province of the radical nationalist right, is gaining more and more ground among organizations and societies which had in the past symbolized the forces of enlightenment, progress and democracy: the left-wing political parties, human rights organizations, academic communities and anti-globalization movements. Those that had been the leaders of the struggle against racism in its various forms now lead the boycotting of Israel, its ostracism from the family of nations and accusations of crimes against humanity. The absurdity shouts to the skies, but they do not hear it. Most horrendously, antisemitism has become "politically correct".

The first phase in finding a solution is recognition of the problem. It must be made very clear that incitement against Israel rooted in falsehood and the discriminatory attitude towards it are acts of racism. The mask of enlightenment must be torn off anti-Israel propaganda to expose its true face - antisemitism. Antisemitism must be returned to its natural place as a venal and dangerous emotion, and expunged from the "right thinking" of certain sectors.

In the past, when coal miners went down into the mines, they took canaries with them. These birds served as a system of early warning about the presence of a gas leak. When the birds began to sing, the miners knew that they had to escape. Hatred of the Jews is the world's canary. When this hatred erupts, this is a clear sign that danger is near. The antisemitic world carries a cancerous disease within it. At first, only the Jews are harmed, but it never stops with them. I believe that it is possible to fight this disease even though at times it seems incurable. I believe that we must fight against it before it is too late.

Natan Sharansky


Hide the following 11 comments

yes, anti semitism is occuring

14.12.2003 12:08

The real new anti-semitism is the torture and murder of Palestinians semites by zionist fanatics originating from Brooklyn, Moscow and London, who claim to be the "chosen race" and who have over the last 55 years stolen more and more land from Palestinians, driving them into ghettos surrounded by barbed wire walls," checkpoints", and sniper towers. Zionism is a racist fascist ideology that has brought death and destruction to the Middle East, and the sooner "israel" is dismantled, the better.


Anti-semitism (hyphen included)

14.12.2003 12:45

You say "Basic to these events and to countless others reflecting a double standard and hypocrisy vis-a-vis Israel, is the questioning of the right of the Jewish People to exist as a sovereign People on its own soil. Equating Zionism with imperialism, comparing Zionism to Nazism, doubting the right of the Jewish People, unlike other Peoples, to a national state cannot be considered "political criticism" or "opposition to the occupation". They must be called by their proper name - antisemitism." I certainly don't think the Jewish would be the only People not to have their own nation state. What about the Kurds, American Indians, Inuit People in Canada and Greenland, and the probably hundreds of other indigenous people around the world including in Africa, North and South America, Indonesia, India, Siberia (probably all of whom believe they have a right to live in the areas where they have existed in for at least hundreds of years and all have their own spiritual beliefs).

I am not an expert on the history of Israel, but this text from the BBC website suggests that settlement was being used as a political weapon to justify continuing occupation of Palestinian areas that were captured and not previously occupied by Israelis.
"The new government, led by former Irgun leader Menachem Begin, intensified Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and Gaza with a view to creating "facts on the ground" to prevent any future territorial compromise over the areas captured in 1967."

Brian B


14.12.2003 21:03

Am i or am i not allowed to critise israel just like i critise russia, china, pakistan, india, USA, britain etc... (basicly every government)


single standard

15.12.2003 13:06

Israel is an apartheid state. Not quite as bad as the old South Africa, in that some Arab Israelis can at least vote; but it has laws restricting where non-Jewish citizens can live and what property they can own. Only Jewish citizens have full rights.

This makes Israel unique among 'democracies' where normally all citizens have the same rights regardless of race. In fact even under dictatorships all citizens usually have the same lack of rights regardless of race!

It's one thing to demand national self-determination. It's quite another to demand a state which belongs to one race alone. In fact it sounds all too familiar...


Fromt the Mouth of the Horses

15.12.2003 21:53


The Palestinian Authority – An Antisemitic Sermon of Palestinian Television
Date: 12 December
Country: PA

On Friday, 12th December 2003, a virulently antisemitic sermon was broadcast over Palestinian Television. The sermon was delivered by the preacher Ibrahim Badris at the Zayed Bin Sultan Aal Nahyan Mosque in Gaza. It called, among other things, for the annihilation of the Jews in Israel. The preachers' epithets included: "The curse of Allah is upon the Jews. The Jews, and this is a hisotrical fact, are not satisfied unless they can create civil wars all over the world. We warn the Arabs and the Muslims against this cancer which has already spread in Palestine, not to let it spread to Arab and Muslim states … Our batttle is against World Zionism which controls the decision making in the Security Council, the United States Government, Arab states and many other states in the world. The Jews are behind every civil war, wreaking havoc in the world… Hasn't the time yet come when the Arabs and the Muslims should cleanse their country and their soil of this Jewish filth"?

Iraq – Jews Blamed for the Attacks Against the Sunni and Shi'ite Mosques in Baghdad
Date: 12 December
Country: Iraq

The Imam of the Abd al-Qadr al-Kilani Mosque in Baghdad, Sheikh Mahmud Al-'Isawi, accused the United States and the Jews of being responsible for the terrorist attacks against Sunni and Shi'ite mosques in Baghdad. According to the Imam, the ones who tend to gain from these attacks and who were behind them are the Americans and the Jews.

Belgium – Bottles of Wine with Hitler's Picture on their Labels Discovered in Belgium
Date: 12 December
Country: Belgium

Bottles of wine with labels featuring Hitler's picture were discovered in early December in Belgium. Several months ago a similar phenomenon was discovered in Italy.


'Is antisemitic violence really a problem in Europe in 2003?'

15.12.2003 22:04

According to the Financial Times of November 22, the European Union (EU) has suppressed a report it had commissioned on the epidemic of antisemitic violence in Europe.

If you are wondering, 'Is antisemitic violence really a problem in Europe in 2003?' the answer is unfortunately 'yes'. As Leah Vitale wrote in the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) student newspaper, regarding the situation in France:

"My flat mate described having to turn her 'Steve's Packs' (Israeli bag/luggage company) bag around, label against her body, so as to safeguard herself from assault. She also recounted that Jewish boys are unable to wear kippahs [headpiece worn by religious Jews] openly on the street without being attacked. Jews have been stabbed, and elderly women are now frisked upon entering synagogues, as a precaution. Despite nearly 400 incidents against Jews just last April alone, French President Chirac denied there is antisemitism in France." [1]

Given the widespread evidence of rampant antisemitism in Europe, why did the EU suppress its own report on this problem?

According to the Times, the report came to a conclusion that was deemed politically incorrect: that attacks on European Jews are mainly carried out by Muslims.

Does anyone ever want to know what happened to the supressed reports of modern day Isreali hatred? Check this out...

"The focus on Muslim and pro-Palestinian perpetrators… was judged inflammatory."

Notice that the word they use is 'inflammatory', not 'false'.

Such things as murdering innocent people in the street or in their places of worship because they are Jews constitute racist gangsterism. Like every political force, racist gangsters are sensitive to public opinion. If the media and official bodies suppress the information that it is Muslims who are carrying out violent attacks on Jews in Europe, then the gangsters don’t pay a political price for their terror. Thus by suppressing the report, the European Union empowered murderers.

Based on everything I have heard and read, the upsurge in hatred towards Jews in Europe goes far beyond the Muslim population. Moreover it is escalating rapidly, and not only in Europe. It reminds me of the situation in the 1930s.


The Israeli state teror by sarg. maj. A.Rosen -family in palestine since 1812 !

15.12.2003 23:33

Dear Mr. Sheranskey please read my comment as I belive that you have been misled about the extent of humen rights abuse in Israel not only towards our cusons but also twards the jewish population.

I remember collecting money for you while you were in Siberia prison during the early 1980s and was trully happy when you were released and arrived in Israel but unfortunatly the over all humen rights situation in Israel was bad for years and only getting worse!

Aviad Rosen son of I.Rosen son of Eva Rosen (widow for 44 years following the King-David Hotel explosion by Irgun)daughter of Golda Shazkes daughter of Yochanan David Salomon son of Yoel Moshe Salomon (founder of Petach-Tikva) son of Mordechai Salomon son of Salomon Zalman Zoref (arrived in Palestine in 1812 from Kidan-Lithunia russia among the first ashkenaz jews in Jerusalem ,rebuilder of the Hachorva senagogue after had to pay ashkenaz jews debts to the Turks in Egypt).

Am I the result of a sinister Israeli Intelligence mach-making during the 1950s'?
I believe that it was by NO chance that an alcoholic car dealer was to introduce the son of a Barrister from the British Colony Legal department in Palestine killed in King David Hotel 1946 that now can be disclosed that was actually a Hagana mole and was killed by its own operatives (Ben-Gurion agreed...) and the daughter of a Hagana member that is one of the participants of the Altalena sinister operation (June-1948). I am in the opinion that this was a calculated policy of the ruthless Israeli Shin-Bet pre-emptive subversion branch that produced this sick thought to create a family of Jews Vs Jews survivors in order to even the odds and to limit the dubious membership of this ‘State within a state’ club… For reasons of privacy I will not disclose all details of the surprising misfortunes of the Rosens’ as this will heart too much but over all I can detect a ‘mysterious’ hand that pulls the family as low as possible in the last 50 years. God Bless Israel!!!
Sergeant Major Aviad Rosen 5044037.

Pre-emptive counter subversion in Israel goes long way back in history, the methods that Shin-Bet have been using in order to suppress designated population especially within the so-called main stream Israeli citizens will become public knowledge in years to come. In my opinion, the viciousness of the methods deployed are the outcome of a state that has been in an ‘emergency situation’ since its creation. Due to my private knowledge I can assert that the free rain/hand that was allowed to the prime ministers of Israel during the years resulted in private escalation in the treatment of selected citizens that were targeted for historical reasons. During the years of Mr.Begin as prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983 the gloves went off as far as the King-David Hotel victims families goes and among them also mine. In years to come we will observe and find out that Israel is a leading force in the past and present in designing and formulating poisons/chemicals that can do wonders to the human brain. The use of these materials to my opinion shaped my family and eventually destroyed it. It is well established that when a new regime come to power selected personnel within its armed forces will be promoted and on the other hand others will be forced to quit!!!…

‘In all his years in opposition- as head of an underground movement denounced by the established Jewish leadership, for nearly three decades as leader of a party that lost eight Knesset elections- Menachem Begin never lost sight of the goal he moved to realize once he finally came to power as Israel’s sixth prime minister: a proud Jewish people, secure within their own state.’

This quote is important when one bare in mind what has happened to Yitzhak Rabin and so the Shin-Bet head of that time pinpointed the citizens that may have any thing ‘personal’ against Begin and ousted them! Making sure that they will be taken care of.

To be continued with my own misfortunes...

Sincerely yours,


Aviad Rosen
mail e-mail:

discontent and protest by an Israeli sarg.maj.Res.

16.12.2003 00:03

Dear Mr. Sheranskey please read my comment as I belive that you have been misled about the extent of humen rights abuse in Israel not only towards our cusons but also twards the jewish population.

I remember collecting money for you while you were in Siberia prison during the early 1980s and was trully happy when you were released and arrived in Israel but unfortunatly the over all humen rights situation in Israel was bad for years and only getting worse!

Aviad Rosen son of I.Rosen son of Eva Rosen (widow for 44 years following the King-David Hotel explosion by Irgun)daughter of Golda Shazkes daughter of Yochanan David Salomon son of Yoel Moshe Salomon (founder of Petach-Tikva) son of Mordechai Salomon son of Salomon Zalman Zoref (arrived in Palestine in 1812 from Kidan-Lithunia russia among the first ashkenaz jews in Jerusalem ,rebuilder of the Hachorva senagogue after had to pay ashkenaz jews debts to the Turks in Egypt).

Am I the result of a sinister Israeli Intelligence mach-making during the 1950s'?
I believe that it was by NO chance that an alcoholic car dealer was to introduce the son of a Barrister from the British Colony Legal department in Palestine killed in King David Hotel 1946 that now can be disclosed that was actually a Hagana mole and was killed by its own operatives (Ben-Gurion agreed...) and the daughter of a Hagana member that is one of the participants of the Altalena sinister operation (June-1948). I am in the opinion that this was a calculated policy of the ruthless Israeli Shin-Bet pre-emptive subversion branch that produced this sick thought to create a family of Jews Vs Jews survivors in order to even the odds and to limit the dubious membership of this ‘State within a state’ club… For reasons of privacy I will not disclose all details of the surprising misfortunes of the Rosens’ as this will heart too much but over all I can detect a ‘mysterious’ hand that pulls the family as low as possible in the last 50 years. God Bless Israel!!!
Sergeant Major Aviad Rosen 5044037.

Pre-emptive counter subversion in Israel goes long way back in history, the methods that Shin-Bet have been using in order to suppress designated population especially within the so-called main stream Israeli citizens will become public knowledge in years to come. In my opinion, the viciousness of the methods deployed are the outcome of a state that has been in an ‘emergency situation’ since its creation. Due to my private knowledge I can assert that the free rain/hand that was allowed to the prime ministers of Israel during the years resulted in private escalation in the treatment of selected citizens that were targeted for historical reasons. During the years of Mr.Begin as prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983 the gloves went off as far as the King-David Hotel victims families goes and among them also mine. In years to come we will observe and find out that Israel is a leading force in the past and present in designing and formulating poisons/chemicals that can do wonders to the human brain. The use of these materials to my opinion shaped my family and eventually destroyed it. It is well established that when a new regime come to power selected personnel within its armed forces will be promoted and on the other hand others will be forced to quit!!!…

‘In all his years in opposition- as head of an underground movement denounced by the established Jewish leadership, for nearly three decades as leader of a party that lost eight Knesset elections- Menachem Begin never lost sight of the goal he moved to realize once he finally came to power as Israel’s sixth prime minister: a proud Jewish people, secure within their own state.’

This quote is important when one bare in mind what has happened to Yitzhak Rabin and so the Shin-Bet head of that time pinpointed the citizens that may have any thing ‘personal’ against Begin and ousted them! Making sure that they will be taken care of.


International cover-up to hide the false accusations against a Sargent-Major from the Israeli Naval communication centre in relation to the failed operation of 5/9/1997 in which 13 Israeli commandos have died in Lebanon.

The tragedy that left thousands of Israelis in a state of shock back in September 1997 sparked serious suspensions that a mole was working within the ranks at the most sensitive installations of the Israeli Navy. It emerges now that a serious suspicion was brought up against Sargent Major (Res.) Aviad Rosen that has since been residing in London UK (31/8/1998). Mr. Rosen (31) of no permanent address (is residing in a camper van) has terminated his service in the Israeli Naval Control Unit – Tel Aviv after going through the ‘wringer’ and ending up in a state of nervous breakdown. Mr. Aviad Rosen a grandson of the late Moses Rosen – Barrister that held the position of Ass. To the Attorney General of the British colony administration of Palestine was killed at the King-David Hotel explosion in 22/7/1946 in Jerusalem. Aviad, son of (Ret. Lt. Gen.) Ithamar Rosen of Kibbutz Hazorea – Israel the only son of the late Moses Rosen have suffered continuous harassment by Israeli Mossad that has reached its peak on the 29/6/2001 when he has met with attorney Ram Horwitz (Tel-Aviv, Israel) at Totnham Court Road in London after he has tried to instruct him over the phone to withdraw an old personal injury claim that Israeli Intelligence have pushed to keep open since 1996 in order to try and bring Aviad back to Israel. Mr. Horwitz that has clearly betrayed Aviad’s trust was actually acting on behalf of Israeli Intelligence. During the meetings held over a weekend it emerges that first Aviad faced ‘gentle’ persuading that his mental state necessitate him to go back to Israel immediately. Mr. Rosen claims that in the run-up to this meeting he was subject to poisoning by relative and also taken blood tests at the London Independent Hospital in Stepney Green – East London. After Aviad had refused to go back to Israel and explained to Mr. Horwitz what has happened back in 1997 they have agreed to meet the following day. During the meeting on Sunday 29/6/2001 Mr. Horwitz was instructed by Mossad to try and bring Aviad to his Hotel room (Hotel Jury) and it is not very hard to guess what was about to happened their (see Vanunu case)...!!! Towards the end of the meeting Mr. Horwitz has tried to make Aviad sign a statement in which he is declaring that he will never seek legal actions against the Israeli Navy and/or I.D.F. but Aviad has refused following Mr. Horwitz refusal to sign a document instructing him to withdraw the case. Following continuing refusal of Aviad to escort Mr. Horwitz, Aviad has fled the seen and tried to commit suicide on the Taxi he was traveling in. At Croydon Aviad has alerted the Taxi driver that he has taken an overdose and that he better call an ambulance. Aviad was then taken to May-Day Hospital A&E Dept. in Croydon – South London and the next day was transferred to Goodmays Mental Hospital in Essex. Following his discharge Aviad has written a full account of the above events to his solicitor Mr. Ogunbusola of E.K.E. solicitors Stratford (Mr. Ogunbusola confronted Aviad with accusations of belonging to Israeli Intelligence when was approached to sort out Aviad’s Housing benefit) –that has sparked an investigation by Police – Special Branch. This investigation has raised very disturbing picture that backed all of Aviad’s claims that meanwhile has been branded delusional in order to protect all parties involved. It is now clear that British Intelligence were actually aware of all Israeli Mossad actions against Aviad. Aviad upon his arrival to Britain has worked for Gray Security Services as a security officer around London and then moved to work for Chesham Place Limited in W1 London as a security controller where Baroness Thatcher had her office in 1999-2000. Israeli sources that have kept close look at Aviad’s day-to-day activities that included Mr. & Mrs. Miron relatives of Aviad that were especially sent from Israel (Mr. Eial Miron was a communication Officer in the I.D.F. during his service and later on worked for Shin Bet). Israeli Intelligence that were worried that Aviad is employed at a sensitive position tried to persuade Aviad to give up his job and work for Jewish community synagogue security but following bad experience that Aviad had as a warden in Benei-Brit Hillel House (Stepney) he turned down their request. Frustrated, Israeli Intelligence passed information regarding Aviad’s service and regarding the conduct of his grant father to their colleagues in England and about a month later Aviad was dismissed. (Mr. Moses Rosen as mentioned earlier the Ass. To the Attorney General of Palestine was actually an informer to Jewish Hagana during the 1940’s and passed information to Mr. Ben-Nahom regarding weapons searches and new laws that were about to come to power (among the searches was the Black Sabbath a big operation to confiscate arms from the Jewish settlement in Palestine)) Prior to his dismissal with growing discontent to the treatment he received Aviad has tried to find alternative employment at Hereon Corp. opposite Madam Tusso, London, During the interview Aviad claims that Tony the interviewer claiming he had served in the British armed forces tried to extract information regarding Aviad’s service. Aviad claims that in particular he asked him about Missiles and communication equipment in use by the Israeli Navy. During all that time Aviad saying that it was absolutely clear to him the reason Israeli Intelligence were constantly pursuing his return to Israel, he claims that on the 13/5/1998 he was led into an informal questioning by Israeli Counter Intelligence in a women’s house in Armon Ha’Naziv – Jerusalem where he was shown restricted photos and was exposed to certain claims regarding the degree of his British nationalism hence to try an ascertain whether it is possible that he was seeking revenge for his grant father death by Irgon in 1946. Following that informal questioning by a female officer, Aviad was offered employment and was shone to a back flat where he will be residing. Disillusioned and dismayed, Aviad reported what has happened to his superior at the following morning and was taken to a formal debrief by Israeli Naval counter Intelligence in which he was asked not to expose where he met that women. During the years that passed since that so-called questioning Israeli Intelligence were convinced that Mr. Rosen doesn’t know the importance of this information and so allowed him ‘monitored freedom’ with the clear knowledge that they can ‘pull the plug’ (i.e. call him to court whenever it will suite them!) but that was about to change and Mr. Rosen growing frustration knowing what Mossad is doing to him grew indifferent. On the 28/6/2001 the same day that Aviad was suppose to meet with Mr. Horwitz Israeli Intelligence arranged him a job interview at a Croydon based Dental Laboratory (Mr. Rosen by now a Qualified Dental Technician and Working at Dental Hospital) arranged through his College Teacher by mounting pressure on a friend in Israel and by placing Mr. J. under cover together with him at the same course they prepared an alternative to Mr. Horwitz setup in a manner known at the I.D.F.

Prior to the departure of Mr. A. (an Israeli/Canadian citizen that escaped his military service in Israel and that was sent to London on studies to monitor Aviad) Aviad has meet Ms.H of Brighton East Sussex through a Yahoo chat room and started dating her, it is now clear that this so called innocent encounter was actually arranged by Israeli Intelligence. Ms. H that was 3 months pregnant and devastated from her son (N.) suicide at her home in Brighton. N. (18) was serving in the British Army and was severely depressed by what seams to be bullying in his unit.

It is now quite clear that Ms. H. was employed by Israeli Intelligence and was part of the set-up to allow the return and prosecution of Aviad over false allegation in Israel. Following the investigation it is now clear that Marinas’ second son, Mr. K. H. has played a crucial role in the ‘softening’ of the ‘target’ – i.e. Aviad Rosen and this while he was employed by Virgin music in Brighton – employment that has ended abruptly following Aviads’ letter of complaint. Mr. Rosen that following his discharge from Goodmays Hospital understood that he will receive no protection from British security services had no alternative but to use Goodmays as a ‘sanctuary’ from Israeli fierce full campaign and so admitted himself again upon 3 years anniversary of his arrival to Britain (31/8/01). At the start of his second academic year at Lambeth College Mr. Rosen applied to continue his studies at a Dental Hospital and was accepted together with Ms. R. that by now it is clear has been reporting to British Intelligence. Ms R. assignment was to finally discover what made Israeli Intelligence go beyond their way to try and bring Aviad to Israel in such a relentlessness manner. After continuous and repeated attempts to extract this info’ from Aviad in every way using other work colleagues it is understood they have given up and began a vendetta campaign in order to fail Aviad in his course of studies. This vendetta included individuals at Lambeth College. The overall ‘attack’ included forcing Aviad out of his address in Stratford. Without much hope Aviad applied again for council rehousing and approached Newham social services trying to highlight his situation but with no success.

Aviad decided to move into a camper-van as a solution to repeated intrusions into his privacy that included sabotage – interfering with his possessions (two Roberts short-wave radios were destroyed in app. Cost of £150) and several items went missing.

Meanwhile, Aviad was subject to number of terrorist searches and attempts to convince him to abandon his new way of life either by moving to live in with Ms. H or to a bed & breakfast.

Aviad is due to attend court for ‘no-insurance’ shortly and maybe the authorities will finally have their own way in burying this ‘fiasco’ once and for all.

A few important questions are raised from Aviads period in England since 1998 and these issues are very much relevant now-days as the Hatton enquiry is finalizing its conclusions.

1. Will the authorities finally wake-up in relation to the balance of human rights in the post 9/11 and now in the post Kelley period?
2. How much freedom is being allowed to Israeli Mossad in its roaming the streets of Britain and persecuting Israeli targets?
3. What kind of filtering mechanism exist in verifying the real motives and truth of malicious information spread by Israel on its targets, specifically on its own service man when they are holding sensitive information that Israel is dreading will reach the media/fall to the wrong hands.
4. What kind of supervision exist to verify that labeling an individual/British citizen as foreign agent will not be done a) in order to victimize him for historical vendetta reasons and b) in order to extract military/other information.
5. How to achieve integrity in cases where foreign intelligence services operated illegally on British soil and investigation was berried for political reasons.
6. What kind of preference is given to one citizen’s illegal conduct harming another and goes unnoticed.
7. How will the legal system can make sure that it has all the information in prosecuting individuals and that political motives do not interfere with the decision making process.
8. How the interface between the medical professions especially the mental health system and the security services is being supervised.
9. How will the state make sure that people in similar situations to that of Dr. Kelly will have good reason to live in the U.K. knowing that they will be protected against degrading treatment?
10. How far does the right of the public to know goes – i.e. are requests from the security/political establishment to newspapers not to publish story legitimate? And for what reasons?

Finally, the above report is only a small part of what I have been through in the past five years. One of the big issues to my opinion is the degrading treatment that I have received in Goodmays Mental Hospital during my second admition. Furthermore, I was approached by women that works for social services in Brighton (2001) and was asked about rape that had occurred in Israel in 1991 of a British tourist close to my parents’ home kibbutz. From that meeting at my girlfriend house I understand that the type of defamatory material/information that was past from Israel is of a sexual type. As a result of my second voluntary admition to Goodmays I have observed several changes in my physiology and according to the symptoms and my research I can only point to Chemical castration or some other degrading treatment reserved to sex offenders.

You are free to contact me regarding more info. And/or authentic documents such as: Discharge papers (translated by notary) BTEC certificate, dismissal letters and many other documents please do not hesitate

Sincerely yours,

Aviad Rosen

Aviad Rosen
mail e-mail:

Aviad Rosen

17.12.2003 17:26

Aviad - if you are Aviad Rosen - I understand you've had a severe mental breakdown. I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

John K

John K

18.12.2003 23:21

Thank you john.
I have recovered long time ago alltough some very powerfull people tryed with all their dark ways to prevent it!

However living in the conditions that I live in making it a bit hard but not impossible!

I am very sorry that the British police did not act on my detailed complaint one that was about to unfold a very dark picture and to support the above said.

I do hope that the truth will come out in due course and that the public will benefit from it.

As far as a legal case that due to be in court of appeal next month - I hope that some if not all of the above said will be confirmed.

If any person knows a good human rights solicitor that will be willing to assist I would like to hear from them because at the moment I am representing myself.

I have contacted various legal firms but was turned down and was told to approach 'Liberty' that refused to take the case!

Tel. 07952 381 487.


Aviad Rosen

is this the way forward?

18.06.2004 20:29







from a respected sarg.maj. in the israeli naval control unit to a homeless psychotic in london

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